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Age Poem

I am in the middle of my nineteenth year of life.

This year was a lot of things.

A year of decisions.

A year of discovery.

A year of figuring out who I am.

Many mistakes made.

Many lessons learned.

Many problems worked out.

Looking at the past but needing to figure out the future.

Nineteen has been a year of saying goodbye to childhood and trying to make sense of adulthood.

Age Poem Directions

1.) Write the first line of your poem stating what age you are in some way. For example, I am in

the middle of my nineteenth year of life.

2.) Think of things that have impacted your life up to this point. This can be hobbies, life lessons,

discoveries, decisions, or any other thing that has helped you become who you are.

3.) Turn these impactful things into lines of your poem. You can expand on the things or just

plainly state them. Your poem can be based on just one event and the things that have impacted

you from it or you can include multiple things.

4.) If your poem is just one event, one line is one point in your story. If your poem includes

multiple events, one line is one event.

5.) Wrap up your poem in some way. A good way to do this would be to write a takeaway from

this year of your life.


Donovan, L., & Pascale, L. (2013). Integrating the arts across the content areas. Shell

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