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Speaking | UNIT 1-2

I. Part 1: Interview (3 minutes)
Hello. Could you tell me your full name, please?
Let's talk about animals.
- What types of work can animals do?
- Do you think it is important to look after animals? Why (not)?
- What can people do to take better care of animals?
Let's talk about animals.
- Have you ever had a pet? Why or why not?
- Are there any animals that you are afraid of? Why?
- Do you think animals should be kept in zoos? Why or why not?

II. Part 2: Individual long turn (3 minutes)

You are going to talk about a topic for 1 or 2 minutes. Before you start, you can have
60 seconds to think about what you are going to say. If you want to, you can make
some notes.
Describe an interesting animal that you have seen
You should say:
 What the animal was
 When you saw the animal
 Where you saw the animal
And explain why you found the animal interesting.


I. Part 1: Interview (3 minutes)
Hello. Could you tell me your full name, please?
Let's talk about gifts.
- When do you give gifts?
- When was the last time you received a gift?
- Have you ever received a gift you didn’t like?
Let's talk about festivals.
- Which festivals are popular in your country?
- Which festivals did you enjoy celebrating most when you were a child?
- Do you think this festival will still be as important in the future?

II. Part 2: Individual long turn (3 minutes)

You are going to talk about a topic for 1 or 2 minutes. Before you start, you can have
60 seconds to think about what you are going to say. If you want to, you can make
some notes.
Talk about an interesting tradition that you have in your country
You should say:
 what it is
 where it came from
 when it occurs
and say why you think it is interesting.

Ms. Ngọc ULIS’s CLASS 1

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