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1. Where do most people in your country get their news?

Most adults in my country rely on newspapers and television channels for
news. However, a good number of office-goers also visit online news portals to
find out the news updates and recent events. Young people heavily rely on
online newspapers and their preferred social networking platform to get such
2. Does the media in your country report the whole truth, mostly truth, or
mostly lies?
I think for the most part it tries to only one side of the entire story the truth to
the citizens but the problem is that the media also does not knows the entire
truth and they show portray making it look like lie. But, then there are even
times when in my opinion, media tend to make up stories just to gain rating and
earn money.
3. How has the internet changed the news in your country?
In my country, Internet is an excellent tool that connects people and let us share
updates, news and information with the people we care. It has made it possible
not only to read the news but also to raise our voice and concern. Thus it has
made a common platform for ordinary citizens to express themselves and their
opinions about the world. Getting and sharing interesting news is easier than
ever before.

However, people’s tendency to share news without verifying authenticity has

also made it chaotic. For instance, half of the news found on such social media
is either fake or fabricated.
4. Who has the most control over the media in your country?
In my country, I think the Government has the most control over the media.
Governments can regulate media content in two ways: explicitly and implicitly.
For example, in the obvious case, the spread of a message depends solely on
people's willingness to see the news. Therefore, the Government considers
citizen viewership as a means of earning advertising revenue.
5. How does the media help create a healthy society?
Well, I think it helps people in quite a lot of ways, for instance to get
information , or to book air tickets, it helps people to study and to do research
for their homework and their studies or even to get advice about how to study.
In addition, I use the Internet for downloading films. I enjoy watching films in
my free time, and it's cheaper than going to the cinema. For some things, it
saves time.
6. Should the media just report the facts or should the media interpret the
In my opinion, objectivity in journalism aims to help the audience make up
their own mind about a story, providing the facts alone and then letting
audiences interpret those on their own. To maintain objectivity in journalism,
journalists should present the facts whether or not they like or agree with those
7. Can you think of a politician who used the media in a successful way? How
about a politician who was destroyed by the media?
In a very real sense, any politician that has been elected to public office has
successfully used the media to accomplish that feat. Likewise, to paraphrase an
adage, those who live by the media will die by the media, eventually. Except
for the very lowest level local elective offices, no politician can succeed with
using the media. Consequently, most of us will never know the people for
whom we vote (for or against) except as mediated images. As for being
destroyed by the media, I would suggest that “the media” are not the culprits,
although they may sometimes abet the real culprits. The real culprits are either
the politicians themselves or their opponents.
8. Should the media show graphic violence? Why or why not?
I think the media should not present violent images. Because many studies
confirm a link between exposure to violence in the media and thoughts,
feelings, aggressive or violent behavior in viewers. Young people can be
negatively affected, increasing aggression even when their family background
is not prone to violence.
9. How has the media changed in your country during the last 20 years?
In my country, about 20 years ago, people used to hear the news by talking to
tourists who came to their town or village. People also listen to the speaker,
radio or radio of the village head read. Today, we hear news from all over the
world everyday through the mass media, and it is often associated with
shocking scary images that affect the way we think and behave.
10. What is the fairest and most balanced media outlet in your country?

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