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Name: Arce Perez Oscar Alejandro Mater: Ingles

Tuiton: Al03055911 Curse name: Ingles I l

Module: I Date: 3/2/23
Teacher´s name: Fatima Rocio Bibliographic: my course TecMilenio. (s. f.). Mi curso
Romero Serrano Tecmilenio. Recuperado 22–08-27, de

Activity 2: A Trip to Remember

Write a 3-paragraph story about a memorable vacation, real or fiction. Include as much detail
as possible about the places, the visits, dates, weather and all the things you can describe to
make the reading realistic. Don’t forget to use past tenses (past simple, past continuous).

EXAMPLE: Notice how the answer is not just a city or a place, it contains additional information.

Once, I went to… visit South Dakota with my uncle, my cousins, and my grandma during the
summer of 2015.

1. My most memorable vacations are the ones in

Cancun .
2. The year was 2018 and I was 14 years old.
3. The places I visited were Tulum and xcaret park
4. But the one that I liked the most was Tulum and have been with my family
5. The weather was Good it was summer .
6. The food was Good
7. My favorite thing / place to eat was the beach buffet
8. Trips can sometimes be exhausting. A stressful experience was having waited extra hours
for the plane
9. One thing I would have liked to know before my trip was that the flights could be
10. A funny memory from that vacation was i kissed a canadian girl

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