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Music creates social cohesion, it speaks to all

when words can fail, and wherever you go in
the world, it is understood. Music is a
universal gift and its power to connect people
is without question. It is an art form with
human interaction at its center. Music can
bring people together by the instruments they
play, a shared interest in a particular style of
music. Music stimulates the brain which in
turn helps with pain relief, reducing stress and
memory. A study from Harvard has shown
that relaxing music may lower blood pressure
and heart rate after physical exertion.


I choose this subject because I’m very passionate about music, in general. I can take you on the
journey of my becoming a musician if you like. Music was the first thing I wanted to pursue
when I was a kid. My mother was not at all supportive, to put it mildly. Once I was able to afford
my own instruments and lessons, I started playing music. So, I guess it was partly desired to
play, partly desire to show up my mother. This subject relates to my life journey It brings me
closer to myself and others in that it creates an avenue for empathy and understanding. It can
often communicate something that cannot be put into words, a resonance of the spirit and a
recognition that another feels what you feel and understands. Music is a gift; it is a universal
emotional language that allows us to feel. It brings us closer to ourselves and others in that it
creates an avenue for empathy and understanding. It can often communicate something that
cannot be put into words, a resonance of the spirit and a recognition that another feels what you
feel and understands.


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