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Dire Dad

Medium Humanoid, Neutral/Evil

Armour Class - 17 (Natural Armour)

Hit Points - 58 (9D8 + 18)
Speed - 30 ft.

STR - 14 +2
DEX - 13 +1
CON - 14 +2
INT - 10 +0
WIS - 12+1
CHA - 10 +0

Senses - Standard
Languages - Common
Challenge - 4 (1,100 XP)
Treasure - Standard, more likely to have obscure adventuring gear “because you never
Passive Perception - 14
Proficiencies - Perception +6, Athletics +2, Persuasion +2

Punishment- the Dire Dad is a creature that feeds on the mental energy of people who
make puns. Any pun made within 200ft. of the Dire dad feeds his power, and adds 1d4 to his
“pun pool”. The Dire Dad may have up to 10 d4s in his pun pool, and may choose to expend
any one of these d4s at the beginning of his turn, when he makes a damage roll, or when he
makes an attack roll. If the Dire Dad expends a dice at the beginning of his turn, he may roll
a d4 and add the result to his HP as temporary hit points. If he expends a dice on his attack
roll, he may roll a d4 and add the result to his attack. If he expends a dice on his damage
roll, he may roll a d4 and add the result to his damage. The Dire Dad can roll up to 3 d4s per
turn, but only 1 d4 per action.

Temperature Savvy- A Dire Dad knows immediately if the temperature in it’s lair is
changed. If the temperature in the lair is changed, wether is be by magical means, or
because someone has touched his temperature control rune stone, the Dire Dad goes on a
rampage and seeks to find the perpetrator as soon as possible.
Innate Spell-casting - The Dire Dad can cast Commanding shout 3/day as a standard


Multi-attack. The Dire Dad can make two slam attacks.

Slam Melee Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 +2 ) bludgeoning damage.

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