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My name is Fiorela Johani Durand Clemente. I'm 21 years old. I'm Peruvian.

I was born on December 10, 2001. I was born in the city of Huánuco. I have always

lived in the same place. I studied at Nuestra Señora de Lourdes - Acomayo school.

I am currently studying Economics at the Hermilio Valdizan National University.

Family and friends

My parents are Miguel Angel Durand and Elva Clemente. My father is a

driver and my mother is a chef. I have only one brother, his name is Yorvi, he is 19

years old, he is a system engineering student. I have few friends, Zoila and Dina. I

think they are fun and friendly.

Hobbies and free time

I usually sleep and read in my free time. My hobbies are knitting and crafts. I

like to recycle and make crafts with it. I prefer to stay at home doing any activity

than going out, it gives me peace. My favorite food is ceviche because I like fish. I

like to watch series, especially thrillers because it creates intrigue. Sometimes I

play volleyball. College is fun and exhausting but it is very important to my life.

Important events in my life

The most important experiences in my life are: I fell off a bridge and got a

scar on my face when I was 5 years old. My parents moved to Madre de Dios

when I was 7 years old and since then I live alone with my brother. I finished

school at the age of 16. Yes, I have met an important person. She is my mother, a

great woman. The most important thing in my life is God and my family. Because
they give me a lot of love and peace. I hope to be a professional woman and have

a good family.

Life goals and objectives

In the future I see myself as a good economist and master in finance. I

would like to work at Sunat. Personally, I would like to improve my mood and

mental state. I want a quiet life. Socially, I would like to make more friends. And

finally, I would like to always have a job and save to buy a house, a car and the

necessary things. Being independent is the goal.

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