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Capstone Update #3

To meet the requirements, It is ESSENTIAL THAT YOU INCLUDE DETAILS in your updates along
with MULTIPLE pictures or video of your progress.

What I have accomplished so far

I keep following online videos to draw some different art to develop my drawing skills, and I asked my
friend who graduated from university with an art degree to help me with my own project design and

I set up my NFT range title ‘Are we friends in other universe? and I designed and created my title
cover. The cover is two kids sitting down with their backs to the audience and watching the sunset,
my other NFTs will have the same style with it but change the characters and landscapes.

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

I will use some simple objects to change my characters for other NFTs and I will try to use different
styles to create them.

I downloaded some pictures of anime (Rick and Morty), (Gravity falls), and I will use the characters of
the anime to create my NFTs for practice.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

I need to find more pictures of other anime and try to practice drawing the characters and styles.

I think that I still need to have more time to improve my skills on adding details in my art word.

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

Since I will try to draw many different anime characters in my NFT cover, different styles and designs
may make it hard to create or fit to my NFTs. Therefore, I need to make a lot of drafts and to ask
suggestions from my friends to figure out the good ones which can be used to create my NFTs.

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

My cover design:

I made simple drafts for my two characters.

Then I used a different paintbrush to fix the draft and added some details.
I painted the sunset for the background.

Then I added the color for grass and some details as the shade of characters.
I added colors to the characters and some details.

Eventually, I drew some shapes of grass and fixed some details as the hands of characters and highlight
on the clothes and background.

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