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Social media is a computer-based technology that makes it easier for people to

share information, ideas, and thoughts by creating online communities and

networks. It is now ingrained in everyone and is essentially the language of this
generation. Social media is not only for millennials—people of all ages may use it
to post content, share memories from their lives on Facebook or Instagram, or
express their opinions on sites like Twitter. Public awareness of cell phone and
internet usage has increased significantly.Social media is currently spreading
quickly in all spheres of society.It had a favourable effect and a favourable
influence on the users. With the advancement of technology and corporate
digitalization, it has turned into a vital instrument for communication. In the
current situation, social media users evaluate the organisation based on its online
offerings and ability to address public requirements and concerns. By contrasting
marketing strategies before and after the introduction of social media with the
kinds of technology employed in social media, one may assess the significance of
social media. People have adopted new media technology, such as smartphones,
to such a degree that marketers may now contact people around-the-clock via a
range of media. A culture of active participation, quick access to anybody and
anything, and continuous contact has been facilitated by social media. Social
media has evolved from being a "want" to a "need" in modern times. This essay
examines how social media marketing affects society, looking at both its
advantages and disadvantages.

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