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tri, quad, quint, pent


1.trident-a spear or weapon with three prongs

2. trilogy- a series of three related things (novels,
3. pentagon- a polygon with five angles and five
4. tricycle- a three wheeled cycle
5. triad- a group of three closely related things
6. triangle- a shape with three sides and three angles
7. quadrant- one of four parts of a shape or area
8. quartet- a group of four people
9. quintet- a group of five people
10. triathlon- a race that includes three different
sporting events

© Hello Learning
tri, quad, quint, pent

1. triplicate- three identical copies

2. quadruped- an animal having four feet
3. quadruple- four times as great as another
4. quintuplet- five children born at the same time to the
same mother
5. quintessence-the most nearly perfect embodiment of
6. triage- a medical process where patients are sorted
by priority for treatment
7. pentameter-unrhymed verse of five musical feet
8. quadriceps- the large, four part, muscle in the front of
the thigh
9. quinate- arranged in groups of five
10. triceps- the large muscle in the back of the upper
arm, it has three points of attachment to the bone

© Hello Learning
Words for the Week of

Focus Word Roots

tri- two, three
quad- four
quint- five, fifth
pent- five

Word List

1. trident
2. trilogy
3. pentagon
4. tricycle
5. triad
6. triangle
7. quadrant
8. quartet
9. quintet
10. triathlon

© Hello Learning
Words for the Week of

Focus Word Roots

tri- two, three
quad- four
quint- five, fifth
pent- five

Word List

1. triplicate
2. quadruped
3. quadruple
4. quintuplet
5. quintessence
6. triage
7. pentameter
8. quadriceps
9. quinate
10. triceps

© Hello Learning

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