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Design Phase Project 2

Dr. Will Kurlinkus

What’s Coming
1. Today: Empathize and Define
2. No Class the Rest of the Week
3. We will have class the Monday we
get back
4. Monday 11.27: Everything in Ideate
5. Wednesday In Class-Office Hours
6. Friday In-Class Office Hours
7. Monday 12.4: Your Design Phase is
Due (This is what you’ll be
presenting on)
8. Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 12.6
& 12.8: Brief Final Presentations
Create a Goal

• One or two sentences that describe the product

and its benefits for your users:
1. Name of product & type of app (e.g., our
coffee app CoffeezUp)
2. Will let users (perform what specific actions)
3. Which will affect (describe who it will affect)
4. By (describe how the product will positively
impact the users).
5. We will measure its effectiveness by
(describe how you will measure impact aka
KPIs-–key performance indicator)

Art Gallery App easily learn more about local artists in galleries
Our will let users
product (what) perform specific actions (what)

which will affect users interested in local art

describe who the action will affect (who)

making it easier to listen to personal stories of creation and motivation behind the art in local galleries
by .
describe how the action will positively affect users (why)

counting number of users who listen, galleries who purchase,

We will measure effectiveness by
and/or artists who benefit through purchases.
describe how you will measure the impact
User Flows
• A flow chart that illustrates the path a typical user will take
through your app to achieve their goals—from opening page to
goal achieved.

Action Screen Decision

1. Think of the main user tasks
of your app.
2. Think of the start and end
points of those main user tasks.
3. Think of the different decision
points, choices, and key
interactions that occur along the
way to achieve that user task
4. Think about ways you might
avoid user painpoints and cause
user delight along the way
3 Key Meaningful
Written in a single-spaced paragraph (3-5
sentences) a piece, choose three interactions
from your flowchart and describe how each is an
example of meaningful UX. How will you make
them interesting, interactive, etc., remember to
take a look at our two powerpoint on meaningful
interaction as well as our readings (of course,
you may go beyond our readings as well). In
doing so, for each interaction, cite a UX readings
from our course or elsewhere on the web. Also
give me an example of what you're trying to
achieve from elsewhere (a link or image is fine).
1. Check PowerPoints from Project 1 On
2. Show how your user gets from start to
3. Demonstrate the key interactions in as
great of detail as possible
4. Have clear value added
5. Make sure key things are labeled &
explained to your client

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