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Tariq and Salah Ahmadi, who were twin brothers, Tariq likes to play
soccer and Salah likes to write, they are happy young people and
their parents are very loving, but everything changes when the
revolution arrives in their country. There are enemy tanks in the
street, rebel soldiers firing guns and bombs, one of which falls on his
house. Suddenly, the twins' lives are turned upside down, as
everything is in chaos. Tariq and his father are separated from Salah
and his mother. They must escape immediately.
Rima was in an airless lorry when she hugged her son in the back of
the lorry, suddenly Rash got separated from Rima, she said she had
the money but she’ll gave him if he released her son ‘’ Rash’ ’After
that they went into a boat and started sailing , some minutes later
the boat started to sink, and everyone started to panic.. they all
started to jump onto the water, and a lot of dead bodies were
floating into the water but Rima and rash, woke up and some Italian
guy started speaking in their language saying that they were in Italy.
After that they catched up a train and continued riding to Germany,
all of them said that Germany was a place to meet again. Tariq was
thinking if he had to wait if his father came at the station. Nobody
knew where to go, so he started walking through the crowned cafes.
After that they met again and have had a new plan, that was going
to Australia ‘’ that was not very far from there’’.

An active child that loves playing football (he was the best of the
neighbourhood) He doesn’t like to study. He prefers staying with his
mother unfortunately he has to be with his father.

He’s a peaceful child that loves reading, play videogames and watch
Tariq while he is playing football. He prefers staying with his father
but he doesn’t mind.
She’s mother of both children. She likes to be practical and neat.
She is married with Hassan.

He’s father of both children. He works a lot and he isn’t disagrees
with the type of government and the war.. He is married with Rima.

Alley: Small side street.

She walked quickly down the alley.

Banged: hit noisily.

I banged my head off the concrete.

Bust in: entered suddenly.

Must be pretty important for you to bust in here like this.

Dust: particles of dirt.

I could dust the case for prints.

Shade: area protected from the sun.

She left the shades down and the lights off.

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