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From FB group:

Humanities True Journey

You are currently residing in the 3rd Dimension of a 15 Dimensional Time Matrx
called the Gaia Time Matrix, which is approximately 950 billion years old.
There are currently about 20,980,900 Time Matrixes in existence which are all
different and are used as playing fields to give sentient particles of God Source
different experiences.Time Matrixes are created so non physical beings in the Deity
Planes(Your true Heaven and Home, which is out of all Time Matrixes) can experience
physicality, to be able to feel, taste, smell, hear, see etc, to experience all of
your senses and Time(which doesn't exist in the Deity Planes).You enter into Time
Matrixes from the Deity Planes and in the case of the Angelic Human Krisos(Your
Species) which has a 12 Strand DNA template you manifest with 1728 Avatars(144
for each strand of DNA) which are all spread out throughout all of the 15
dimensions,(in the 15th dimension you manifest as your sun selves, in the 14th
dimension you
manifest as you host planet selves, in the 13th dimension you manifest as your
planet selves,which do not host life, in the 12th,11th and 10th dimensions, you
manifest as
your Avatar selves, in the 9th,8th and 7th, you manifest as your over soul selves,
in the 6th,5th and 4th dimensions you manifest as your soul selves and in the 3rd,
2nd and 1st dimensions, you manifest as your identity selves) in different times
and places. In a Time Matrix like the one you are in now it is supposed to only
33 years to work your way from all the way at the bottom(the 1st dimension) to the
top(15 dimension) and then exit the Time Matrix with all of the Avatars you
and all of your experiences encoded within your light body. You can only ascend out
of a Time Matrix with all of your Avatars so if one gets stuck or is some how
prevented from ascending, all of your Avatars get stuck as well. Your Higher Self
always remains in the Deity Planes in stasis whatching out over all of your
Time Matrixes are really just very advanced games that are created for sentient
particles of God Source to experience physicality, so they can grow and learn and
become more rich in spirit.
This Time Matrix was created by Yanas, eternal collectives of consciousness
projected by Source God who are also the Beings to create the first ever
eternal Avatars, the Elohei-Elohim 950 billion years ago. The Elohim were the first
eternal Avatars to ever be created which meant they could go into any Time Matrix
their eternal Avatar and live forever, without having to eat, drink or sleep and
they would never get old, they were the most advanced Avatars of their time and
powered by the standing energy of God Source. The Elohim were considered God Like
amongst all of the other billions of species of sentient particles of God Source
had to power their Avatars with food, water or auric energy from other beings and
even then their physical Avatars would eventually get old break down and die. The
Elohim really enjoyed their God Like status in the Time Matrixes and as far as they
were concerned they would like to keep it that way.
About 1 billion years ago, Oraphim Angels(also created with the same eternal
template as the Elohei-Elohim about 450 billion years ago) decided to create
a new super species called the Angelic Human Kristos set up to be Guardians of this
Time Matrix and it's Star Gates. It had 5 races each with their own unique
abilities, each of the five races were amazing and equal in their value to the
Angelic Human Kristos species. Each of the 5 races had a 12 strand DNA template and
it was
supposed to be eternal just like their creators the Oraphim Angels(currently
incarnated on your planet now as type 1,2 and 3 Indigo children and adults, about
who are all here under contract to do specific jobs, but are all more or less here
to help all of humanity, including all of the invader races to ascend). One of the
5 races had red skin and had extraordinary intuition and tracking abilities, one
had brown skin and had superhuman abilities to survive in hot conditions, one had
yellow skin and had a deep respect for nature and were positioned for
enlightenment, one had white skin with a hardy physique and could survive in cold
conditions and
had increased clairvoyance and artistic abilities and the final one had black skin
and were physically strong with beautiful angelic voices, they each also had
heightened sensitivity and emotions and the Oraphim Angels were very happy with
their creation. The 5 different Angelic Human races were purified for 430 million
years in another Time Matrix and then were seeded in this Time Matrix, which is a
special, very holy Time Matrix, used to Krist(become eternal free energy systems,
by God Source that can eternaly regenerate)certain Avatars with the kristos gene.
Once the 5 different races interbred with each other and ascended out of this Time
with all of their 1728 perfected Avatars they would posses a super species Avatar
encoded into their light body with the power of the Krist and all of the abilities
of the
5 races, they could then enter into any Time Matrix with their Super Avatar and
just live forever, if they so chose, without ever having to eat, drink, sleep or
get old,
all while possesing all of the abilities of their 5 races and being powered by the
standing energy of God Source. This was to be the most advanced and powerful Avatar
This potential Super Avatar was far more advanced and powerful than the previous
Gods of the Time Matrixes, the Elohim and for this reason and since they
didn't want to lose their standing as the Gods of the Time Matrixes, a small group
of Elohim decided to break away from the collective and stop the evolution of the
Angelic Human Kristos, they called themselves the Anu-Elohim, fallen angels. Their
excuse to do this was that they truly beleived that the Angelic Humans would or
could be too dangerous to handle such a powerful Avatar.
10 million years before the angelic humans were to be seeded in this Time Matrix
the Anu-Elohim created the Nephelim, a giant, winged, human like species,
who were seeded on Tara,(4th dimensional earth) which is were the Anu Elohim
focused all of their attention since they knew they only had to stop one of the
Humans Avatars to prevent the rest from ascending, remember you can only ascend out
of a Time Matrix with all of your 1728 Avatars(in the case of the 12 Strand DNA
Angelic Humans) and if one of your Avatars get stuck, they all get stuck. The
Nephelim were coded to war and to stop the evolution of the Angelic Humans when
they were
to arrive on Tara 10 million years later. Once the Angelic Humans arrived on Tara
the males were killed, the females were raped and then when they gave birth to the
Nephelim, Human hybrids, were also killed. This suppression of the Angelic Humans
went on for 10 million years on Tara by the Nephelim and other invading species the
Anu-Elohim had sent down to Tara to further digress the Angelic Humans and insure
they never reached higher than the 4th Dimension. This is when the Emerald Order
sent down it's protectorate fleet to Tara to stop the suppression, which led to a
great war, which ended in Tara being blown into about 12 pieces(they are currently
residing in your Solar System). All life on Tara was lost in that war and the
destroyed pieces of Tara were sucked into the Taran real sun and repositioned on
other side of that sun, the black sun(your sun which is just a reflector sun in the
3rd dimension). About 500 million years later, after earth,(which was the largest
and most appropriate piece to support life with this sun) now nursery earth had
healed enough for it to support life again the second seeding of the Angelic Humans
took place. Soon after that seeding the Anu-Elohim again bio-formed many invading
species, now called the Annunaki who were coded to stop the evolution
of the Angelic Humans.This time the Guardian Alliance was sent down to stop the
Annunaki and this led to a 1000 years Electric war, which again destroyed almost
human life. 13,000 years ago the 3rd seeding of the Angelic Humans took place(the
seeding you are in now) and shortly after that seeding, Annunaki Dracos set up the
Recycle Zone,(which is set up by the moon, which is actually an invaders satellite)
where human spirits would be mind wiped and then recycled back into a human body
and the Frequency Fence, set up by the Annunaki Zetas to drastically lower the
frequency of the angelic humans and to harvest their lush energy and to put a force
around earth, this was to be your electric prison for the next 13,000 years. All
humans on earth have also been given alien, un-natural harmful implants and seals,
can be removed by Type1 Indigo energy healers, some can't.
Life on earth has been made a deliberate hell to keep the angelic humans from
ascending, since to ascend out of this Time Matrix you must vibrate in
Unconditional Love, and be at harmony with all life.This is why the Annunaki hve
deliberately engineered everything in this world to stop us from vibrating in
Unconditional Love and Harmony with all things.You know this by the Recycle and
Mind Wipe Zone, the Frequency-Fence which keeps Angelic Humans vibrating at a low
possible frequency, all of the un-natural and harmful energetic seals and implants
which stop you from evolving and keep you in confusion, the fraud Political System
and Judicial System, the fraud Monetary\Financial System, the fraudulent medical
system, the fraudulent military industrial complex, the threat of Nuclear Gloom,
poisoning of you water,air(via chemtrails and un-necessary pollution)and
food(genetically modified foods and pesticides), the Mainstreem Media and
mind control system, dangerous radiation in WIFI,microwave ovens,smart
meteres,smartphones,cell-towers and the soon to come 5G which will destroy DNA, the
threat unleashed in your food,medicine, air and your water supply(chemical and
biological), the fraudulent brainwashing Education System, even music is broadcast
at an
un-harmonious frequency of 440hz which is dis-harmonious to your DNA, the
fraudulent Energy System which uses poisonous coal,oil and nuclear power plants
even though
clean free energy is available(solar,wind,H.E.P,wave,geothermal,zero point
technology etc) and far safer and easier to use. Every aspect of this world is
designed to keep
humans vibrating as low as possible.

How To Ascend

We are presently in a Stellar Activation Cycle, a time when the earth aligns with
other planets in this Time Matrix and they all boost each other with
frequency to help the planets and their inhabitants to get enough frequency so they
can ascend. This Stellar Activation Cycle lasts for 10 years and during this time
the Star Gates of the planet are open and Ascension to higher Dimensions is
possible. Our current Stellar Activation began on 12/21/2012 and will end on
12/21/2022 so
we are already halfway in this process. However it's not just frequency from
Stellar Activations that will make humans Ascend, they also have to have a desire
to Ascend,
know,live and believe in The Law Of One,(which is basically the acknowledgment of
the value and interconnection of all components of reality and the living God
Source or
Spirit alive within all things, love and respect all life just like you love and
respect yourself) and learn the 12 Attitudes Of Mastery: 1)Love 2)Grace 3)Gratitude
Respect 5)Responsibility 6)Trust 7)Accountability 8)Impeccability 9)Mindfulness
10)Fearlessness 11)Engaged Detachment 12)Joy and The 12 Responsibilities Of
1)Self Actualization 2)Self Sovereignty 3)Self Containment 4)Self Discipline 5)Self
Love 6)Spiritual Integrity 7)Appreciation 8)Patience 9)Kindness 10)Conservation
11)Cooperation/Diplomacy 12)Sense. Learn how to activate and utilize your Maharic
Sheild, to help heal and protect your physical and plasma bodies. You can simply do
by throwing(using your outbreath) the double, six pointed equalateral star in your
pineal gland,(in the centre of your brain)one white and one dark silver down into
centre of the earth,(the centre of the earth grids) and see them spinning in
opposite directions, the white star spinning clockwise and the dark silver star
anti-clockwise, forming a pale silver disc in the centre of the earth,(which by the
way is not a sphere but a disc shape which does not move but instead, the sun and
rotate around it, research the flat earth it's true and quite obvious if you think
about it) see the pale silver disc spinning faster and faster, until it takes a
life of
it's own and pops, releasing a 12 Dimensional Maharic current throughout the Earth
grids, draw this Maharic current up(using your inbreath) and see and feel it
and filling your whole body with a pale silver, cool, 12 Dimensional, all knowing,
all loving Maharic current and then see the pillar of Maharic current shoot up all
the way
up to your Highest Self in the Deity Planes(your true home and heaven) and then
back down and encompassing, healing, protecting and filling your whole body, the
circuit is
complete and you are now protected from any outside interfearence and your body is
being healed. Use the Maharic Sheild at least twice a day, once before you go to
sleep and
again when you wake up, it lasts for about 12 hours before you need to recharge it
again so this way you will be protected 24hrs a day. Love, respect and beleive in
It would also be advisable to seek healing from a Spiritual, Energy Healer, due to
all of the un-natural implants and seals placed in all humans, they
currently only have 3 of their 12 Strands of DNA activated, there are Type 1
Indigos(Oraphim Angels with a minimum template of 48 Strands of DNA) who can help
you remove
entities and fix energy distortions, and remove certain un-natural and harmful
seals and implants but beware, there are many fake healers out there who can do you
harm than good, organizations like Archangel Michael, the Ashtar Command, The
Galactic Federation Of Light are not your friends, they are set up by the Anu-
Elohim to
lead you astray, as well as many other fake illuminati groups be very careful with
who you choose to heal you, if you are not 100% sure about a healer don't risk
them out. Be authentic, be your unique, true self and love your sovereignity and
Try to be as health conscious as possible, go vegan(raw if possible) if you can't
live without meat definately don't eat pork, it is a sentient animal and
eating sentient meat is very bad for a humans vibration, meditate, connect to your
Higher Selves and the Earth, respect all living Beings, always be at peace, try to
be as
self sufficient as possible, grow your own food, collect your own water, drink your
own urine(it is a very clean distilled water and has enzymes and organic minerals
and carries information about your body), cut down your screen time, internet, T.V,
video games etc. 2hrs a day is more than enough, use
The Alkaline Water Protocol if you wish to remove nanites from your body and boost
your immune system(1 gallon per day)
- 1 gallon reverse osmosis water or distilled water
- 3 crushed and zested whole lemons (drink the seeds)
- 1.5 TBS Hawaiian Black Lava Sea Salt or if that's not available, Himalayan Pink
Sea Salt or whole un-processed Sea Salt
- 3-5 drops of Lugols 2% Iodine (The Fukushima Radiation from the nuclear meltdown
is still freely poisoning the world)
- 12,000 MG(not 1200) of Vitamin C
- 1.5 ounces of organic Apple Cider Vinegar

Killers Of Your Vibration:

Alchohol, Pharmaceutical Drugs, Meats, Microwaved Foods, Lack Of Sleep, Sodium
Fluoride(toothpaste), Vaccines, Smoking, especially cigarettes

Boosters Of Your Vibration:

Maharic Sheild/Seal, Sun Gazing(stare into the sun for at least 30 min per day),
grounding( connect to the earth physically and mentally, it is a sentient living
Being), spending time in nature, raw veganism, food and water cleansing( clean all
water(water records memories of events it witnessed from billions of years ago
and those sometimes bad memories from wars etc lower the vibration of the water,
the water cannot clear these distortions and reset itself because it is not here by
will but you are and can clear the distortions and reset the water)and food you
consume of all of it's distortions by seeing a pale silver light from your heart go
into the
food or water see it slowly swirling clockwise while upside down black raindrops
are rising from the water or food and then pop and are neutralised by the
Aether( which
is the energy matrix that spans all and insures real justice is always inacted it
is the real and true judge,jury and executioner, God), then picture a pale silver 6
equalateral star encompassing all of the water or food, see it make a full rotation
clockwise, then anti-clockwise and then lovingly smile into it giving your
return the pale silver light back into your heart, the water or food is now clean
and ready to drink or eat(you can also clean salt,crystals and your body in this
consume raw organic salt, it is the only receiver and storer of energy in this
Dimension(not fine processed table salt which has been tainted with aluminium,ferro
and bleach and is heated at 600 degrees celcius which strips away its minerals and
traumatizes its crystals), forgive others and forgive yourself for your mistakes,
opologize and right all your wrongs(this life and all of your previous lives,(you
can do this by truly having the intent to go back in time and change all of the bad
you did to good things) have unconditional,unconditioned love for all things,
activate your pineal gland(its situated in the centre of your brain and is your
connection to
your higherself, just have the intent to awaken and heal it, intent and your sub-
conscious are very powerful so don't underestimate yourself, consume alkaline
foods, have
productive sleep(have the intent to heal yourself and the world while you are
falling asleep), listen to high frequency harmonic music(432hz,444hz,528hz,222hz),
(aerobics,yoga,tai-chi, strength training etc) about 30 min per day, keeping your
body parts curled will charge them with energy

Our sun is set to expire in 200 years as its core was destroyed by a scalar weapon
used by the invader species to try and lower it's frequency and when that
happens this whole Time Matrix will shut down. This is the humans last chance to
Ascend and on 12/21/2022 when the Stellar Activation Cycle ends and just before the
Star Gates close the earth will ascend to the fourth Dimension of a new Time Matrix
called the Aqeous Sun as he has raised his frequency to harmonise with the fourth
Dimension.All humans who are also in harmony with the fourth Dimension will ascend
with the earth and those who are not will be relocated to anti-particle earth in
Weasadrek Time Matrix where they will have 900 years to harmonise with the fourth
Dimension and Ascend before anti-particle earth which is in fall(which means it is
and will never ascend, the same Draco Recycle Zone and Zeta Frequency Fence will be
in place there and it will be quarantined, to contain the nanite threat of both
worlds so you will no longer have a connection to your higher self, so it will be a
much more difficult place than you are in now) will explode and return to God
because it is currently just being used for its quanta energy which is feeding a
Metatron black hole system. All humans on Earth at that time will be permanently
from sentient existence, their soul essence will then disconnect from that sentient
energy group forever.

The message here is that no one is "going to die". No one can actually die, but
your sentient awareness, the Signature Spirit Essence group of personality
traits that make up who "you" are (one "face"of God), can. At that moment you would
go through the process all over again, forming your own opinions and preferances
until they made up a collective "spectrum" of personality traits that qualify once
again to go down inside of a 15 Dimensional Time Matrix, and experience physical
manifestation again. So while you will never ACTUALLY die, you may resist the idea
that the last trilions of years of your personal memories and experiences will
be lost to you, although God Source will retain them, so they wont completely be
gone. You will choose this destiny all by yourself, because you will choose to
accept or
reject The Law Of One under your own free will, and natural selection will once
again correct the collective body of God Source into perfect natural harmony which
the only way anything can continue to survive.
Either way you choose to go, all love in your journey.

Avalon Sol

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