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Gratitude Write Up

Your Name: Daniela Dursch-Smith Date: 11/1/23

1. At the close of participating with four weeks of gratitude assignments on D2L, what have you

After participating in four week of gratitude assignments I have learned how to develop a
positive habit. This assignment allowed me to establish a positive habit of acknowledging and
expressing gratitude every week. I will now be able to continue some of these habits moving
forward. This includes telling people what I am grateful for and noticing daily things that have
positively impacted me like a good meal or the sun being out.

2. At the close of participating with four weeks of gratitude assignments on D2L, what activities
did you find most meaningful and why?

I found the letter to someone I am thankful for the most meaningful. The letter I wrote brought
up a lot of good memories from times with my sister. I then shared the letter with my sister, and
I know it made her feel good about herself which in turn made me happy. I also enjoyed doing
the gratitude walks. It was meaningful to walk the same routes I do almost every week and point
out aspects I had not noticed before.

3. Have you noticed any common themes after reviewing your gratitude posts? Please

Like one of the articles mentioned, I constantly felt grateful for people and experiences rather
than materialistic things. I wrote about being thankful of my friends, family, and the activities we
do together rather than a new outfit I bought. This emphasizes to me the importance of
spending my money on experience and adventure rather than materialistic items.

4. What have you learned from reviewing and responding to other’s posts?

I learned that reading what other people are grateful for helps me realize how thankful for I am
for the everyday, mundane things. People pointed out things I had not even thought of like
waking up in a warm blanket or drinking cold water from the fridge. When other people pointed
out small things in their day they were thankful for, I realized how many small things in my day I
also had to be thankful for.

Sp 18 MOC

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