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Q1: Get a grip, dude!

Warren Moon made the Hall of Fame despite an NFL record 161 of
these; Len Dawson had 7 in one game?

The crrect Answer is: fumbles

Q2: Antigens designated by these 2 letters determine blood types?

The crrect Answer is: A & B

Q3: This dazzling rock is so hard it can only be scratched by another one?

The crrect Answer is: Diamond

Q4: In his high school yearbook this ex-Jersey governor noted his special friendship with Jill
was special & shouted out someone named Fat Jack?

The crrect Answer is: Christie

Q5: 1996: Bill Clinton 379, this cudgeled Kansan 159?

The crrect Answer is: Dole

Q6: (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents from the Wicklein Gingerbread Shop in Nuremberg,
Germany.) In the 1800s, gingerbread houses became especially popular in Germany,
inspired by the witch's house in this fairy tale?

The crrect Answer is: <i>Hansel and Gretel</i>

Q7: Rome was built (not in a day) on this many hills?

The crrect Answer is: 7

Q8: "The Best Years of Our Lives","Miracle on 34th Street","The Lost Weekend"?

The crrect Answer is: <i>Miracle on 34th Street</i>

Q9: It's a French word for a trite phrase, & the French have their own, like "J'ai dormi
comme une souche", "I slept like a stump"?

The crrect Answer is: a clichà ©

Q10: A fear of these animals is called taurophobia?

The crrect Answer is: bulls

Q11: (Ken Burns reads.) In 1995 she said the owners negotiated in bad faith, ended the
strike & sent players back to work on their existing contract; 11 years later she would
become a Supreme Court Justice?

The crrect Answer is: Sotomayor

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