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Apura, Dirk Andrei Nicole M.

BSN 2C Maternal

1. Explain normal physiologic, psychosocial, and cognitive changes occurring in the toddler.
Answer :
During toddlerhood, which typically spans from ages 1 to 3, there are
significant physiologic, psychosocial, and cognitive changes. Physiologically,
toddlers experience rapid growth, improved motor skills, and increased
coordination. Psychosocially, they start developing independence, a sense of
self, and may display emotions more visibly. In terms of cognition, toddlers
engage in symbolic play, begin to understand simple instructions, and their
language skills rapidly progress as they learn to communicate more

2. Identify gross and fine motor milestone of the toddler.

Answer :
Gross Motor Milestones (ages 1-3):
12-18 months: Walking independently.
18-24 months: Running, climbing stairs with help.
2-3 years: Jumping, kicking a ball, walking up and down stairs unassisted.

Fine Motor Milestones (ages 1-3):

12-18 months: Pincer grasp (using thumb and forefinger), stacking blocks.
18-24 months: Scribbling with a crayon, turning pages of a book.
2-3 years: Building towers with blocks, beginning to use utensils.
3. Discuss sensory development of a toddler.
Answer :
Toddlers experience significant sensory development, refining their senses to
understand the world. Their tactile senses improve, aiding motor skills through
activities like playing with different textures. Auditory development advances
as they recognize and respond to various sounds. Visual skills progress,
enhancing depth perception and object recognition. Taste and smell
preferences emerge, influencing food choices. Overall, sensory experiences
play a crucial role in a toddler's cognitive and physical development.

4. Identify the role of the parent in the toddlers’ life and determine ways to support, encourage,
and educate the parents about toddler growth and development.
The parent plays a crucial role in a toddler's life as their primary caregiver and
guide. Supporting parents involves providing information on age-appropriate
developmental milestones, offering guidance on fostering a safe and
stimulating environment, and encouraging positive interactions through play
and communication. Education can be facilitated through parenting classes,
workshops, and accessible resources to enhance their understanding of
toddler growth and development.

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