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Grime Borderland

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Category: M/M
Fandom: Blue Lock (Manga)
Relationship: Isagi Yoichi/Everyone, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, Bachira
Meguru/Isagi Yoichi, Isagi Yoichi/Michael Kaiser, Isagi Yoichi/Alexis
Character: Isagi Yoichi, Chigiri Hyouma, Bachira Meguru, Michael Kaiser, Alexis
Ness, Kunigami Rensuke, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Madeleine Phantasms, heavily inspired story, Dessert & Sweets,
Cannibalism, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Depression, South Park
References, Author Is Sleep Deprived, Heavy Angst, Dark Comedy,
Obsession, Obsessive Behavior, dealing with grief
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-03-04 Updated: 2023-03-11 Chapters: 2/? Words:

Grime Borderland
by Cloudy_Gift


[Grime Borderland is a land like a cute dictated cake of Yellow and blue, with drizzles. But
when the cake is sliced, when you see what's inside, it’s nothing but the red flesh of human
meat. Put in a plate for Isagi. “Eat,” said the other man, Isagi didn’t dare to even hold the
fork, so the other did it for him]
Watch as Isagi has his tenth meltdown in a Candyland called “Grime Borderland”, where
two of his missing friends, weirdos and “Bachira” as he tries to get out of this colorful

[heavily Inspired by Madeleine Phantasms by @pomalgranate]



[Don't trust Your Body]

My body is cold after I burn it with hot water, it's telling me to put it under a hot blanket.
The inside of my hand is burning while the outside is frozen, it tells me to put it under a hot
Yet I burn....
See the end of the work for more notes
[1] Don't trust Your Body

Isagi is an artist, a university student whose brain’s been mushed into a meatball. He has been
drawing and painting nonstop for the last few weeks. At one point he started to nosebleed doing so,
he needed a break to keep his body healthy, last time he ignored his tiredness and the stress he fell
asleep for a whole day and a half…. He was almost in the hospital and didn't need his parents to
worry more.

He’s here now, in a bar, drinking with no one because of how late it was, he should've called
someone to drink with but who even ? he took a sip of the alcohol, he should be drawing… fuck,
fuck, fuc k….

He pays and gets out of the bar, his head thawing… he wants everything to die.

Everyone should just disappear.

Walking home alone in the woods trying to calm down was not helping him, maybe I should just
quit, stop everything, and finally disappoint everyone. He breathed hard in the quiet night, another
breakdown. “Everyone should just, everything, in this world, should just fucking die” he breathed
hard choking on his tears.

A little thing, with a strawberry hoodie, patted him. “Wha…?” then it stabbed him. “Fuck..!” The
creature with the little blade drank some blood from him before he forced it away. “Get away from
me!” The tiny creature ran away.

Anger held him, and he began running after the creature, it jumped inside a tree hole, and he took
no time doing it also. “Ugh…!” he covered his eyes, from the dark blue night to a light hue of blue
and pink. The trees were pink, the leaves were blue-green, and looked cartoony with the bright
colors and… everything looked like something out of a… that one movie where everything was
candy… what was it called? W something…

“Hey!” he almost forgot, the creature that drank his blood. Looking around more, the little thing
was gone… “shit, did I drink that much?” he muttered, he only drank about two cups, and now he
was tripping, fucking amazing, he walked more squeezing his eyes open and close trying to stop
everything from looking bright.

“Ugh, fuck, why is everything so bright? fuck, am I finally crazy…?” asked himself that did not
seem to be the correct choice, His head was hurting again. “Shut up!” he yelled, it was to himself,
he touched the leaves feeling it, he wasn't- it was real?
He then heard someone. “Is someone there? Come out you bastard!” the world was still candy like
huh, huh… so it was real….

“Don’t come near me!” someone popped out of the bushes with a candy cane ax moving up and
down, “Hey… what are you doing?” Isagi just stood there, the other guy looked familiar, he wore
cherry theme clothing, and the ax that he was trying to fight was not even close to him. “Put the ax
down… I’m not going to hurt you…” the guy turned around he should have known from the hair-

“sorry- I’m-”

“Chigiri!” Isagi almost ran to him, The other boy backed up with the ax holding tight.

“Uh- I’m sorry! I, I‘m just glad to see you” Chirgiri was a model, someone he drew back in his
high school years, a friend too. How long has it been since they talked to each other?

“Uhh… thank you? Do I know you?”

“Huh? I’m Isagi- your-”

“Ah! The new guy! You should have told me earlier!”

“What now?”

“You shouldn’t have sneaked up on me like that! I might have hit you with an ax”

“Why did you even have one?”

“I don’t know when some random guy screams bastard?”

“Oh.. sorry” he didn't know why he even said that.

“Come on, we were waiting for you” He grabbed his arms, walking him out of the forest.

“Where are you taking me? Where is this place?” Isagi was confused.

“We’re going to Michael Kaiser's mansion, welcome to Grime Borderland” Oh how colorful it
was… Isagi despises it, it was like chocolate being stuck under his teeth.

“I- need”

“Kaiser!” a gingerbread mansion came to view, a man in a blue banana-themed suit came to view
as well, another man behind him in pink strawberry, but no top, he had a tie while the other had a
blue bowtie.

“Hello newcomer, I’m Michael Kaiser, the mayor of this sweet town!” The banana man said.
“....I’m Isagi” for some reason he already hated him, everything was so suspicious and

“Well Isagi, You will be living in my home here”

“I’m Ness” The strawberry man next to him welcomed him with a smile or his normal expression.

“What is this place?” behind him Chirgiri touched his shoulder, shaking his head nervously.

“It’s Grime Borderland,” Micheal smiled. “How do I get home?”

“.....” his smile drops and Chirgiri pulls away with sweat.

“This is your home, got it?” he was too close, his blue eyes were going to kill him, and there was
no smile now.

“...yes..” his reply finally pulled him away.

“I-I’ll take him to his room” Chirgiri held his hand getting him inside, Michael gave him a fake
smile yet again. "Enjoy~"

“Rule number one! Don’t ever ask that question!”

“Well, what am I supposed to ask? I want to go home”

“We all do”

“...huh?” They then were in front of a room, he opened the door, and the room was big, there were
three beds, cherry-themed, apple-themed, and pumpkin with somebody laying on the bed.

“Kunigami?” Isagi asked the tall man, he got up, he looked much taller than back in high school.

“Isagi?” he wore his pumpkin hat getting up and crushing him with a hug, he was jacked! Chirgiri
was hugging him from behind. “I missed you” The two men were crashing his body.

“It’s been a year since you two ghosted me, and why are you denying to not know me, princess?”
The reason why he hasn't been talking to them is that he has to move to Tokyo for his university
because right after he finished high school they shared phone numbers but they ghosted him a year

“one year? Time does work differently here…” Kunigami said. “Huh..?”
“We have been here for twenty-four years, our phones died when we came in here” they both were
not letting him go. “An hour in the real world is a day here, Ness has been here the longest, we
haven't changed a bit” other than getting jacked Isagi thought.

“You got taller, Isagi! You're 20 years old now?” They were sitting on the apple-themed bed that
was in between the other beds.

“Yeah…so you two were here the whole time?”

“Yea, we got kidnapped in this place, even if time goes by….we only aged from the normal time. I
was looking the same while he got taller” Princess has not changed….

“We know it’s bad to say it, but we're really happy that you're here! It's so lonely here”

"it's fine... but you guys have been here for such a long time, is there no escape?"

"Well, we have tried a few times, and almost got caught but with you here! we will! we need four
people, Ness is helping us- I'll tell you later but you see Isagi... this place is not what it appears to
be okay?" The hero looked hesitant.

"Kaiser is... well, he devours people-" Kunigami began.

"I don't care if he's gay-" He doesn't need to know that

"That's not what I mean! He uhh- ugh... I don't want to say it might summon him"

"Michael Kaiser is a cannibal" Chigiri finished for him.

..... "oh, oh ..."

"...yeah, but don't worry with you here we'll get out"

"Dinner is ready" Ness entered the room, with two small knocks "your clothing will be here
tomorrow, don't worry" Ness then got closer to him, "We'll get out okay?" he whispered, and he
only nodded, a little red even too.

"ah sit, sit, dinner is ready!" Michael beamed, "sit next to me" He didn't want to, but did it anyway,
in front of Ness who was also next to him, Chigiri next to him on his left Kunigami in front of him
next to Ness.

Isagi looked at the gummy steak, "care to eat?" Michael asked.

"I already ate, thanks" and it was alcohol. "aw, well, I'm sorry if we came off the wrong side with
each other Isagi..." There was a pause, Chigiri elbowed him.

"Yoichi Isagi"

"Nice to meet you" His blue eyes looked golden for a second...

"Welcome again to Grime Borderland Isagi, have a good sleep" He waved at him, and when he hit
the bed, he sank into the void.

He was in a room, no, it was a stage. He was next to an easel, and there was only one person
watching him, but he was not sure who. He looked at his easel, and the white paper, he just stared
before realizing what he needed to do.

He walked into the wall and smashed his head ten times harder each time.

He walked to the easel and put his head on it, letting the blood come down to the paper, dripping
down, some blood was drifting down his chin. His face was covered in ruby colors, he looked back
at the one-person audience that was watching him.

The person, in the shadow, started to look similar...


“Son of a bitch!” The blue banana-themed man, Michael, was in a different room in the mansion, a

“What did I tell you about stabbing random people?” He held the little strawberry guy. “If he
didn’t get in here-- hey!” the little thing just licked the small knife.
Michael took the little knife, he wasn't wearing his gloves at the moment so he traced his finger to
get the blood fully off the blade, and he put his finger in his mouth tasting the blood.

The little creature looked pissed at first but when it looked at him, it just took the small knife
running away.

He had the biggest smile formed on his face, it was too wide. “Kaiser,” Strawberry-Ness walked
into the room. “What will you do about him?”

“....I’ll let him stay…..” Ness only nodded.

“And the experiment?” Ness’s eyes drifted into the big blue water on the big glass. It had
something inside, but the color was only making the outline of a human body visible…

“It’s about to be ready” He pressed the final button, and something was added to the blue water
making it green. Soon the water was drained and they were left with it.

“Kaiser-? Did you-” he asked, the creature, yellow eyes opened. “Yes, I finally did it!” Kaiser let
out a laugh. “It’s alive! It’s alive! It’s alive!!”

“Wha- what are you going to do with it?”

The creature finally moved, getting up, he was naked. “Put on something!” Michael yelled, Ness,
got a long coat on him. “Are you my friend?” it asked. “No” Kaiser took no time to reply. “Are you

“Stop asking questions, now I have to do something about-”

“But, where am I, how-?” Kasiker throws a notebook in his hands with a pen. “Write your
questions there!” The creature only nodded, begging to write on some table.

“He seems much more human than I thought” Ness confessed, staring at the notebook, it was
sloppy handwriting, only basic things such as what, who, when, where, it was and who was his
friend. “You aren’t planning on getting him out soon right?”

“I am, he is perfect for it”

“But sir- Isagi- what if he notices?”

“It’s fine he won't even notice a thing. Hey-” The creature turned to him. “Don’t you want to meet
your best friend?”
“My best friend?” his gold eyes shined.

Not even a month ago, Isagi was in Germany, he was visiting some museums, exploring the cities
and just enjoying the culture, but then he saw some news on his phone ‘Famous new artist Bachira
Meguru was caught in a bike accident, doctors say he is in death bed!’

He did not believe it at first he checked to see even more articles, unlike him Bachira was more
popular because his mother is a famous artist. He called his number thirty times yet no answer…

He started to run around, grabbing everything, Isagi took off in the plane as fast as he could. For
the hours of flight, he ate nothing nor had any sleep, his eyes were buried in his phone, he did not
have any friends that could check up on him, he did not have his mother’s phone number, his hands
around Bachira gift he bought in Germany days ago was kept in his hands in sorrow .

“What room is Bachira Meguru?!” He was breathing hard from running all the way here from the
back parking lot. “Are you his relative- or friends-”

“I’m his best friend- please give me his room number!”

“He's on fourth-floor room 62-” Isagi went running. “Sir wait-”

The elevator will take time so he ran up the stairs and looked around the room where he finally saw
the number, his eyes drowning, in somewhat joy.

The room was empty…. Did he get the wrong room? He looked to see if it was room 62, and it
was.“Hey- ma'am, was there a patient here- where is he??”

“I’m sorry, but that patient has been transported…. he passed away about an hour ago.”

the nurse that was walking by answered, she proceeded to walk away giving him space….

The door was closed, and Isagi sat on the chair next to the empty bed.
The blue ribbon and yellow box in his hands never felt so heavy.


"I didn't get to see him. God, I didn't get to say goodbye." His

eyes water.

[Isagi is a Stan Marsh Kinnie if you didn't get from his quote and his little alcoholic problem. ]

[video not mine!]

[2] Know Your Onions
Chapter Summary

More and more things keep killing him...

Chapter Notes

Meaning: to know what you’re talking about; knowledgeable, It’s used in the 1920s

See the end of the chapter for more notes

[Grime Borderland: Black Diamond Apple Isagi’s look]

[Stan Marsh Kinnie playlist]

After Isagi’s odd dream, he woke up with another headache. Looking around he let out a whine, he
was still here “ah, shit, shit, shit-” He ruffled his hair, and mushed his face around like someone's
hand with dough. “Get up Isagi, everyone’s finished with breakfast” Ness entered the room with

“Take a shower and wear this, Michael wants you to, meet someone…” He handed him a black
apple hat, like kunigami’s pumpkin hat, it was the top part of it. Two leaves and everything. An
apple pie pattern scarf, with a simple white button-up with black sweater and black pattern pants.

“Do I have to wear this?” Isagi held the hat, the clothing was so…emo? But not?

“Yes, you do, we all do” Ness let out a chuckle. Isagi just went to the bathroom, the shampoo for
him was named and it had an apple-sweet smell. Was this some kind of thing that Michael wanted
them to model? smell good and look like sweets? Weirdo...

After he turned off the shower, he started to dress. “Don’t talk much or too loud, the walls have
ears especially in the forest” Ness was outside waiting for him. He then understood why Chigiri
acted like that in the forest. “For what they said about needing four people, the next plan is
escaping in the party. The party will be here soon, He hasn't told me when…”

Getting out with new clothing he stared at the mirror, the clothing fit him too well. “Come on, you
also have to wear the hat and the scarf” Ness started at him. “Do I really have to..?”
“Is your pride greater than your life?” Ness was in front of him. “No…” he felt like a child.

Ness held his scarf putting it around his neck, he was about to get his hat. “I can do it myself,
thank you, you're not making this easier” Isagi was red from embarrassment. “Then let's go,” The
apple man noticed his smile was real this time.

“Isagi! Wouldn't you like to meet someone from home?” Michael asked, his hand behind the
doorknob behind him. He didn’t like that he was alone with him. “Sure….?”

“Your best friend Bachira Meguru” he opened the door showing him, he was wearing lemon-
themed old fancy clothing.

His blood is burning. “Isagi” it said, there was no way . “..what…how are you…”

“It is my gift for you!” Michael held his hands, “enjoy” he left with a kiss on his hand, He was

“You're my best friend Isgai right?” his anger was gone, it sounded like him, and it looked like
him. what the fuck? "nice to meet you" he smiles, what the fuck ? it looks like him, it has the
height, the hair even the same hue of eye color.

"Are you there?" it waved its hand in front of him.

"Who are you?"

"I'm your best friend...? Bachira?" it looked confused and even sad for a second. "You are not" his
voice changed into an angry tone.

" you're not my friend?" The sad face and the voice made him stop. "no- you are, you are my
best friend..." it looked too much like him, fuck, what the fuck is he? It looks so much like him….
His emotions were getting the worst of him.

"bach-... Bee, I'll call you Bee okay?"

"It's a cute name, I like it!"

"....I think I need to go and eat breakfast...."

"ok, let's go" Bee, he smiled warmly. His face was a little too smooth, the more he looked at him
walking the more he noticed the difference, he was a little too clingy, he talks, a lot more...Bachira
was childish but he still had this monster in him that this one did not have, perhaps it's not...

"Bachira, go with Ness for a check-up" Michael was at the table, his hands on his face. "but I want
to hang out with him more..." Bee says. "Bachira" Michael's change of tone made him let go of
him, he looked at Isagi one more time before leaving.

"...." Isagi said nothing, did Michael make a copy of his best friend? Is that it?

Michael patted a chair next to him, he pulled the chair out.

"You look good!" Michael beamed, observing him "Thanks..." there was a plate of food in front of
him, it was a cake slice, dark chocolate, with black apple-shaped chocolate on the white frosting.

Michael took part with a fork and put it in front of his mouth. "eat, you ate nothing yesterday" Isagi
just took his hand off. "I can eat myself, thank you" Kaiser only smiled, watching him take a slow
uneasy bite.

It was just cake, it didn't have anything weird, obeying him, for now, is.. what he needed to do,
after some minutes he finished the cake.

"Yoichi, there will be a party soon, you are getting a suit." He poured some tea, from the smell, it
was cinnamon apple flavor. "When...?" He took his cup.

"it will be in three days, tomorrow you'll get your suit with your best friend" The way he stared at
him made him want to turn into nothingness...

"...okay..." He laid low, breaking off eye contact, still the other stared at him like he was a prey.
"Your other two friends are getting their suits, let's go outside and look around, you’ll love the
flowers" He stuck to him, he said nothing on the walk, and they were soon outside.

There was a garden, he touched the rose, feeling the chocolate. It was so well-made, the paddle.
Everything here was so well made... he wonders if he can make art out of chocolate, with berries,
frosting, coloring...
"You can eat it" Michael held a blue rose. So he took a bite of the red rose, it tasted sweet, and it
was a cherry flavor. "It's good, right? sweets are the best"

"I'm not a fan of sweets" was a half lie, he doesn't eat sweets but he doesn't hate them his favorite
is Kintsuba, he just doesn't eat sweets regularly, it sticks in his teeth, he only eats sweets with tea...
"hm, then what kind of food do you like?"

"Salty, I like salty salmon"

"meat huh? I like meat too" Isagi ignored his words, there was a shiver in his spine. He just stares
behind the land, to the other side where there were no trees, there were houses... Michael notices
his stares.

"There is one rule in this land, don't wander off, stay in the mansion as I tell you" Michael's change
of face made him sweat.

"you don't want to wander off too much Isagi, there are scary monsters out there, they'll rip you
apart" The blue candy rose was crushed by his hand.

"I don't want you to be in their hands, we don't want that right?" His blue eye color was glowing.
Was it the lighting..?

"....Yeah" He turned away, to the remote homes.... his brain was hurting from all the information,
first that copy, now this...

Are there more crazy bastards in here or is he fucking with him?


he saw someone run from the houses into the forest...

"Is something wrong Isagi?" Michael held his hand, once again.

"Nothing, nothing at all..." please get me out of here before I lose my sanity...

Chapter End Notes

midterms are here fuckkkkkkk

End Notes

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@cloudy_gift69 on Twitter

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