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Business Progress Review 5

Please complete the following details and answer the questions.

Business Name: Fudgy Fantasy Foods

Business Owners: Rojo Max Jacob

Date: 16/11/2023

1. If applicable, comment on your Market Place experience.

a. What worked well?
We sold lots and our verbal marketing was good

b. What problems did you face? How did you resolve them?
We faced the problem of not preparing enough in the area of presentation. We did not
resolve it that day but the next business day we will prepare more presentation

c. How much profit did you make?

I am not sure but I think roughly $50 - $60

2. Regarding your finances, answer the following:

a. What has surprised you the most?
How well we sold
b. What has been your biggest challenge?

c. What could you have done differently if you had been given a much larger starting
(Assume that you did borrow a loan)

3. What are your goals for this week? (Hint: use SMART goals)

4. Given your knowledge and experience now, what advice would you give to someone wanting
to start their own business?
(provide at least 4 tips)

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