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Master Class 1 – Personality and Perceptions

1. Personality traits

As an intern store manager, it is my responsibility to guide, support, and expand the team in order to

maximize the store's profit and sales potential while maintaining the highest levels of customer care. During

my management training courses, I took notes and conducted some introspection so that I could make some

practical changes to effectively lead my team. My personality and talents were examined using the MBTI

and Psychtests. According to my MBTI scores, I am an INFP-A (introversion, intuition, feeling, and

perspective) (NERIS, 2023). Despite having a lower prevalence than the T personality type, INFP-F types

account for over 80% of web queries (Drenth, 2023). In addition, I received a 66/100 on the leadership

exam. As a result, I can see a clear route for my organization and convey my approach boldly in a way that

inspires others. I am capable of inspiring and readily influencing colleagues as a leader, and I work hard to

motivate them to be more goal-oriented. Furthermore, the INFP-A personality is more assertive and assertive

than the T personality (Sparrow, 2023), allowing me to make more straightforward decisions and instill inner

confidence in my team. Being at ease and confident in myself has allowed me to keep a good attitude, which

benefits both my own well-being and the success of the group. However, if I consistently give something a

glowing evaluation, I may ignore key details that should be addressed because I am prone to seeing just the


BigC opened its first supermarket in Dong Nai, Vietnam, in 1998. The BigC supermarket system operates as

a commercial center or hypermarket disguised as a globally popular modern retail firm (Haymora, 2023).

BigC Vietnam has long been committed to providing high-quality, low-cost merchandise to Vietnamese

consumers, as seen by the use of the well-known term "cheap price for everyone." Furthermore, BigC

adheres to the principles of community integration and sustainable development, therefore the company

always offers its employees with an ideal, healthy, egalitarian, and courteous working environment that

encourages physical activity. BigC also creates a professional ethics code to clarify the company's

commitments to its customers and suppliers, as well as to guide the behaviour of its personnel. The human

relations method and the contingency method are both appropriate management techniques based on BigC's

cultural traits.
Psychologist Elton Mayo values human relations theory, which emphasizes workers' feelings, wants, and

needs and promotes teamwork, employee participation, and autonomy from direct management (Sujan,

2022). My personality type, an INFP-A with an optimistic and hopeful attitude on life, is a wonderful match

for this management style. I also take a proactive and helpful attitude to working with others, always willing

to hear about the issues my colleagues are encountering and collaborate on solutions with them. This not

only fosters a deep link, but it also encourages employees with similar values to support the mission. That

enables me to easily establish a productive environment with open lines of communication and a strong

sense of team spirit that is consistent with BigC's ethos. The INFP-A, on the other hand, is more forceful and

self-assured, weighing less on the views of others when making their own decisions. I have a propensity to

behave autonomously and to be less responsive to other people's perspectives, which can lead to friction

with employees and be excessive, especially when dealing with those who disagree with me.

The contingency approach, often known as the case method, is a management philosophy that provides the

best management style based on the situational context and particular conditions (Kumar, 2023).

Organizations can benefit from contingency theory because of the lessons they can derive from specific

cases and apply to the handling of similar or identical future cases. As a leader with the INFP-A personality

type, I am well-suited to this technique since I can quickly adapt to the situation and respond properly. When

it comes to interacting with others, the INFP-A sympathetic, perceptive, and flexible personality is very

sensitive and good at interpreting the intentions of people (Ion, 2023). By relying on my instincts and

expertise, I can rapidly assess my customers' wants and provide efficient solutions to any difficulty.

Furthermore, due of my adaptability and acumen, I am able to communicate effectively, allowing me to

satisfy the needs and happiness of my clients while also providing my team with the knowledge and tools

they need to cope with them. with a wide range of tough scenarios. This enables BigC to respond to cultural

requirements by directing individuals in new directions and assisting them in adapting to changing

conditions. However, as an INFP-A with a natural predisposition to trust others and look for the best in

others, I occasionally find myself dismissing evident defects or avoiding tackling serious concerns. If these
issues are not handled, they can become more complex and ultimately harm the company's reputation and

bottom line.

2. Personality and perception for effective managerial relationships

Effective managerial relationships are defined by honest and open communication between managers and

their direct reports. Effective relationships between managers and their direct reports improve

"collaboration, streamline execution, increase employee engagement, and boost performance," eventually

contributing to the growth and success of the firm. Managers must have the ability to "build trust, listen,

provide effective feedback, and manage difficult conversations" in order to strengthen this relationship.

(Site, 2011).

My INFP-A leader personality can help me manage my connections with my workforce. As an INFP-A, I

find it easier to inspire my team members when I am in a position of leadership rather than micromanaging

or pushing my will on them. This contributes to an environment in which individuals feel safe enough to

experiment and take chances, resulting in a more innovative and productive work environment. Employees

are more invested in their work when they believe their efforts are valued and appreciated by their superiors,
and open communication fosters this confidence. I routinely offer encouragement, guidance, and a calm

demeanor to help my team members complete their tasks. This has the potential to bring people together and

create a joyful experience for everyone without incurring undue stress. However, my personality made it

difficult for me to handle employee relationships efficiently. As a result, I find it more difficult to criticize,

condemn, or punish others, particularly in stressful situations such as dealing with disgruntled employees or

having conversations that may compromise future relationships. As a result, employees may only listen half-

heartedly or misunderstand the performance requirements.

Perception, as defined by Berelson and Steiner in their book Human Behavior (Otara, 2011), is a "complex

process" in which humans select and organize sensory stimuli into a meaningful and rational representation

of the world. There might be numerous points of view on any particular issue. As a result, a person's level of

self-awareness is critical to developing healthy interactions between managers and their employees.

Employees that have a poor opinion of their leader as biased are more likely to experience discomfort,

exhibit lower levels of cooperation, and demonstrate lower levels of dedication to their work. Employees

who regard their leader as a facilitator, on the other hand, display improved work performance and higher

levels of work engagement. My INFP-A personality type is distinguished by heightened sensitivity to the

emotions of others. As a result, I am predisposed to actively listen, sympathize, and show concern for the

emotional well-being of my subordinates. I have a natural ability to develop strong interpersonal bonds and

improve communication channels with coworkers. Furthermore, by carefully listening to my colleagues, I

may have a better grasp of their perspectives and, as a result, implement a leadership style capable of

inspiring and motivating them. This enables me to comprehend my colleagues' demands and issues, allowing

me to offer solutions and effectively aid them in achieving their objectives. However, I value my views and

find it difficult to accept and respond to criticism. As a result, I try to avoid conflict and find a solution that

is satisfactory to all parties. Making my own decisions and avoiding inconveniences in order to make rapid

decisions will impair future efficiency. Furthermore, my employees perceive me to be a conservative leader

who does not value them, which can lead to friction and estrangement between employees and leaders. This

causes workplace resentment and can inhibit creative problem-solving, compromising the team's overall

To address my personality issues, I used the following tactics. First and foremost, I need to be more

expressive with my emotions, observations, and judgments. This prevents wrongly regulated emotions from

negatively impacting my health and prevents employees from drifting apart. Furthermore, openly criticizing

the blunders of new employees helps them develop and prevent making major mistakes in the future.

Second, rather than fighting or denying my flaws, I must learn to accept them and develop coping strategies.

I must ask and communicate with my staff in order to obtain information, create relationships with others,

and have the ability to learn and grow. Finally, as someone who constantly seeks the positive and focuses on

the best, I will continue to seek for the positive and focus on the best.

Master Class 2 – Motivation

Our group was charged with generating methods to improve BigC staff morale, attention, and output as part

of the training. As a result, we were tasked with making a video depicting the six pillars. To provide answers

to BigC's workforce and management, our group focused on three of the six pillars: "reliability,"

"responsibility," and "caring." The film demonstrated how the manager's poor attitude and personality

played a role in their incapacity to complete their job. Managers overestimate their employees' "reliability"

and fail to undertake extensive quality assurance reviews of their work. The management assumed full

"responsibility" while her staff spoke and worked independently. Finally, the video explains how all BigC

personnel and management met and came to an agreement on how to split up the work and collaborate to

complete the project.

Here is the link to access our video:

To keep everyone interested and cooperating during the events, our team combined content and process

theory. I relied on Expectancy theory and Herzberg's theory of motivation in this situation.

 Content theory

The Herzberg theory, also referred to as the two-factor theory, states that some elements of one's work

environment boost job satisfaction while others have the opposite effect. This theory aims to clarify how and

why people's attitudes toward their professions and work. There are two main reasons for this: productivity

depends on both the motivational component and the hygienic component. Motivating employees and
maintaining good personal hygiene at work are important factors in fostering happiness(Kurt, 2022). We use

"physical workspace" as our final component, which includes its dimensions and amenities. Given these

factors, my group decided to work in a Banking Academy classroom because it is spacious, orderly, and

well-equipped, making it appropriate and practical for our tasks. It also enables us to spend less time moving

around, which can lower energy levels, make people sluggish, and affect team members' willingness to


Achievement, recognition, and promotion are motivating variables associated with job satisfaction

because they feed innate wants. Motivating variables support career advancement and job happiness. The

following elements that enhance job happiness have been embraced by my team:

Motivational factors Activities

Members of the cast are often timid and hesitant when it comes to acting,

so we make it a point to publicly recognize and appreciate their

accomplishments. Furthermore, we publicly encourage people to

outperform their existing levels of accomplishment.

When team members are given tasks that play to their unique skill sets,

they become more invested in their work. People are better equipped to
Growth opportunities
contribute to the team as a whole and progress professionally when they

are assigned jobs that match their skill sets and interests.

In order to help team members better grasp their roles on the team and

take pleasure in their contributions, team members are given a clear

description of their responsibilities and the importance of their work.

The work itself
Team members are therefore better equipped to dedicate themselves to

their work, take their obligations seriously, and increase productivity as a


 Process theory
The process theory that my group employed was Vroom's expectations theory, which holds that workers are

more motivated to achieve when the stakes are larger (Channell, 2021). These three variables—motivation,

effort, and performance—have been employed as follows to show a relationship between them:

Variables Activities

Higher expectations can be influenced by factors including having the

skills and resources required to complete the task at hand, time, resources,

and work availability since higher expectations are linked to higher

performance (Channell, 2021). Our team has a packed schedule to make

sure nobody misses work and a well-defined plan to make sure everyone

completes their tasks on time. Additionally, we describe and suggest how

to offer appropriate assistance when the performing position members are

having trouble with the problem.

Instrumentation is the idea that if people work hard, they will get rewards

and results in proportion. After the job was finished, Minh Chau, the team

leader, organized and arranged a sizable dinner as a reward for the group
to raise spirits and acknowledge their labor. The whole class also thinks

that if they do well, they would pass or get good results in this subject.

The group members now feel more motivated to work hard.

Evaluation potential benefits in connection to a specific result or behavior.

Our team's main goal is to finish the task as quickly and effectively as we

can in order to earn a significant reward. In order to get the benefits they
deserve and have worked hard for, team members constantly try to

provide the greatest work. The members also believe their contributions

need to be acknowledged and valued.

By identifying and achieving shared goals through verbal engagement, such sharing knowledge and coming

to a consensus, my team's drive was exhibited. Everyone has the chance to discuss challenges and concerns

during meetings, coordinate efforts, and trade experiences. This generated momentum since everyone
brought something special to the team and felt appreciated for what they did, which helped the team

accomplish the ultimate goal.

Master Class 3 – Reflection

According to Hackman (2020), members of a successful team are able to set aside their differences and

cooperate for the sake of the whole. Because of the potential for advancement in both areas, members of

high-performing teams gain from the success of the group in terms of their own education and well-being.

High-performing teams tend to have characteristics like goal-setting, open communication, mutual trust, and

peaceful conflict resolution.

The traits mentioned above have distinguished our team's performance. Team members are better equipped

to work together to solve difficulties when they can voice their viewpoints without worrying about being

punished. The communication between team members is strengthened when they try to actively listen to one

another and provide constructive criticism. As a result, our team is able to pool its resources, test out new

theories, and communicate more effectively, leading to efforts that are more successful.

Our team worked together to set up specific, agreed-upon goals prior to the assignments so that team

members could more easily commit to them. We also create timelines and assign roles in order to create

plans for reaching these goals. Each team member will also be given a role by working together to

understand each other's knowledge and skill sets in order to assign them correctly. We regularly review roles

to make sure that each team member can carry out their duties.

Our team is unable to prevent disagreements from developing during the course of teamwork. But there are

already effective ways to settle disputes. The final stage after filming the video was to dub it, and this is

when my crew and I ran into trouble. Huyen thinks that direct dubbing should be used to ensure quality and

make it simpler to put it into the video. Khanh believes that since we need to schedule a meeting in person to

complete the task, it would take a long time. Last but not least, Minh Chau, the group's leader, listened to

everyone's viewpoints and suggestions before putting up suggestions to address the group's needs. To save

time and provide suggestions and guidance for the filtering, Minh Chau suggested that we record the voice

by recording for the duration of the film and then transmit it via imess to the primary video editor, myself.

For me to be able to guarantee the dubbing's quality, noise must pass through the software. Team members

keep their cool when they disagree, accept one another's viewpoints, and concentrate on coming to a solution

to ensure team performance.

Although members of a group may have similar features, the key distinction between a group and a team is

that a team and a group do not necessarily have a common goal or objective. Furthermore, because they lack

set roles and responsibilities, there is no interdependence among group members. A team, on the other hand,

is a collection of individuals who cooperate when working or participating. Team members work together to

accomplish a goal. Due to the interdependence of their roles and responsibilities, team members are reliant

on one another. The distinctions listed above make it clear that we work together as a team.

According to Tuckman's theory, each team member significantly contributes to the success of the team in

each of the five stages it goes through as it evolves. My team took the following actions:

 Forming: The fact that my colleagues and I had previously loved working together made things very

uncomplicated at this stage. As soon as possible, Huyen, Khanh, Tue My, and I organized a team

with Chau serving as the team leader. Chau then established a discussion group on Messenger so that

we could work on the project together and established March 23, 2023 as the completion date for the

three-minute movie on the six pillars.

 Storming: At this point, team members could dispute on the best way to do a certain task. Each

person's temperament and working style is different, which causes friction and disagreement among

team members. In addition, people may feel overburdened as a result of unclear roles and duties. At

first, it was asked that Khanh appear in all three scenes. Huyen refused Khanh's request to perform

the lead role in a scene, claiming that her acting abilities were insufficient for the role. Khanh

complained that it was unfair and that it would be difficult for her to remember all the lines. The

group became tense, but it was soon diffused when I offered a role in a scene for Khanh.

 Norming: By this time, we have learned to value and accept each other's unique qualities. Members

were able to better understand one another and were more at ease offering support and comments,

which made it easier for them to commit to achieving the group's goals. To effectively collaborate

and accomplish the goal, we have established our roles and duties. Khanh, Chau, and I play the

primary roles, while Tue My and Huyen play supporting ones. I am also in charge of recording and

editing videos.
 Performing: In order to rapidly create the film of six structures, my team worked hard and made the

most of each person. The roles within the group also become more adaptable, taking on different

tasks and duties as required. Even though Khanh, Chau, and Huyen merely agreed to play acting

roles at first, they later actively helped me with video editing so that I could finish the collaborative

production as quickly as possible. As a result, a strong, creative, and morale-boosting team has been


I've successfully finished the major duty of video editing for my role on the team, and I'm flexible enough to

take on additional responsibilities like acting and filming. Although INFPs tend to be introverted, my

personality type, INFP-A, implies I have a more extroverted side, making it easier for me to adapt to taking

on more acting roles. Because of my disposition, I can work alone and make sure the video is created in

accordance with overall team needs. Additionally, I am constantly present when the video is being shot in

order to support, help, and inspire the other team members to finish the assignment.

Even though I am good at leading the team to success, I have trouble speaking frankly about my feelings. In

addition, I steer clear of conflicts rather than making an effort to fix them. The members are unable to

understand my problems and provide me with advise and suggestions since I am reluctant to ask for help.

This conveys to team members the idea that I am unfriendly and accessible, which creates a distanced


Consequently, I have the following tactics to overcome obstacles and grow as a person more successfully

when working in groups. I tend to avoid conflict and rarely communicate my views and feelings because I

am a very fragile and sensitive person. To satisfy the demands of the group and promote a more welcoming

environment, I must express my opinions with confidence and learn how to communicate in order to accept

criticism. Last but not least, I frequently operate incredibly alone, which leads to little interaction with team

members. Overcoming this not only improves the team's understanding of what I am doing, but it also

highlights my strengths and limitations, allowing me to continue develop and achieve great success.

British Library (2023) Frederick Herzberg: Hygiene Motivation Theory thinker | The British Library.

Available at: (Accessed: 23 April 2023).

Channell, M. (2021) Vroom’s Expectancy Theory: How To Motivate Staff And Increase Performance | TSW

Training. Available at:

(Accessed: 23 April 2023).

Drenth, A. J. (2023) INFP-T vs. INFP-A Personality Type. Available at: (Accessed: 21 April 2023).

Hackman, R. (2020) What is an effective team? | Leadership Success. Available at: (Accessed: 23 April 2023).

Hasa (2016) Difference Between Group and Team | Definition, Characteristics, Comparison. Available at: (Accessed: 23 April 2023).

Haymora (2023) Big C Việt Nam | Môi trường làm việc tại Big C Việt Nam. Available at: (Accessed: 21 April 2023).

Ion, A. (2023) The 9 INFP Enneagram Types and INFP-A (Assertive) and INFP-T (Turbulent). Available at: (Accessed: 22 April 2023).

Kumar, V. (2023) What is Contingency Approach to Management? Available at:

management (Accessed: 22 April 2023).

Kurt, S. (2022) Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory: Two-factor - Education Library. Available at: (Accessed: 23 April 2023).

NERIS (2023) Introduction | Mediator (INFP) Personality | 16Personalities. Available at: (Accessed: 21 April 2023).

Nguyen, H. Q. (2022) Ngại phê bình, góp ý - không chỉ là suy thoái... Available at:

thoai-694142 (Accessed: 23 April 2023).

Otara, A. (2011) ‘Perception: A Guide for Managers and Leaders’, Journal of Management and Strategy,

2(3). doi: 10.5430/jms.v2n3p21.

Quain, S. (2019) What Is an Effective Team in an Organization? Available at: (Accessed: 23 April 2023).

Site (2011) How to Strengthen Managerial Relationships - Chief Learning Officer - CLO Media. Available


(Accessed: 22 April 2023).

Sparrow, L. (2023) INFP-A vs. INFP-T: Personality Traits and Differences. Available at: (Accessed: 21 April 2023).

Sujan (2022) Elton Mayo’s Human Relations Theory of Management - BokasTutor. Available at: (Accessed: 22 April 2023).


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