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Alexis Delgado

Leadership Self-Assessment Reflection

NSG 436

Professor Cisneros


Nurse leadership is defined as the ability to educate, influence, and motivate health-care

professionals to achieve a shared goal. Nursing leaders have an impact on healthcare

organizations at many different levels, in all settings, and aspects. While nurse leadership is a

relatively recent function in the healthcare system, the significance and influence of nursing

leadership has been thoroughly recorded throughout history (Southern New Hampshire

University, 2021). The Leadership Compass Self-Assessment and The Blake and Mouton

Managerial Grid and Leadership Style Questionnaire helped determine what kind of leader I am

destined to be.

In completion of the Leadership Compass Self-Assessment, my results reviled that south-

empathy was my dominant decision-making style. Also, the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid

and Leadership Style Questionnaire showed me that my leadership style was Team Leader,

which means I lead by example and strive to create a team atmosphere in which all team

members can achieve their full potential as team members and individuals. Both assessments

have a similar focus on value-driven aspects of professional life, such as being on time, and

value-oriented phrases like "right" and "fair." With the many professional encounters that I have

at my job as a bar manager, I strive to support my colleagues and peers and want them to know

that I am there for them and only want to make them better. As a newly graduate, I want to foster

strong relationships with my coworkers and be that team player who isn't trying to make

everything a competition. I would welcome their expertise and critical thinking skills when I

begin to work with other nurses in the near future, because they have a wealth of knowledge and

new information that would aid me in providing the highest-quality care possible.

The insight I'd want to consider is how to improve on the flaws in my leadership style.

The Leadership Compass Self-Assessment results for south-empathy, for example, state that

people lose focus on goals when they fear their relationships and/or needs are being jeopardized,

and that they have difficulty saying "No" to requests. Being a good leader indicates that I am also

being there for myself. I need to understand that saying no is not always a bad thing to do. I tend

to put others first and do not like when relationships with anyone, especially colleagues are being

jeopardized. However, I've recognized that a leader will face challenging situations that will put

their strengths and weaknesses to the test, but they cannot let these challenges overcome them.

My results show that my talents and style are task-oriented, but they have motivated me to think

about how I can ensure that each team member may offer their thoughts to better benefit the care

of a patient. I will bring all of the knowledge I have received from these ways to aid in my

capacity to be the best potential nurse leader.

The ability to adapt in a complicated and chaotic situation is critical to leadership

effectiveness. Adaptive challenges are frequently systems problems that involve people,

planning, institutional operations, or work processes, and they develop from change and turmoil.

Effective leaders are self-aware of their strengths and weaknesses as leaders, as well as their

preferred or most comfortable leadership styles and adaptability (Huber, 2018). Taking self-

assessment like these help get an insight on what people will be like as leaders and how they will

act upon sticky situations. This is important information to known because in the healthcare

profession, things are rapidly changing, fast-paced, and require situations where one must act

fast. When leaders have this self-awareness of what kind of leader they are, they are able to

identify their strengths and weaknesses in order to make the right decisions in critical moments.

My results go hand in hand with the informal leadership style, meaning that I have an

influence sphere inside interdisciplinary teams and influence peers and administrators. Through

influence, relationship development, knowledge, and skill, I serve as an advocate for the work

being done and increase the contributions of myself and others (Huber, 2018). Informal leaders

are also high task and high relationship because we are leading with example and also care about

our relationship with our colleagues. As I previously stated, I want to follow regulations and

procedures in a certain manner, but I also want to ensure that things are completed in a timely

manner. I believe that the best leaders do not necessarily need to tell others what to do, but rather

must set an example for others to follow, particularly in times of crisis. I'll work hard to develop

good relationships by being sensitive, kind, and informed, in the hopes that my team will trust

me to lead and provide the best possible treatment.



The Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire. (n.d.).


Huber, D.L. (2018). Leadership & Nursing Care Management (6th ed). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

The Leadership Compass Self-Assessment. (2010).


What is Nurse Leadership? (2021, July 13). SNHU.Edu.

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