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Campaign Title: "Watawala Moments: Every Sip Tells a Story"

To reposition Watawala Tea as a premium, culturally rich, and socially responsible brand
in Sri Lanka, compared to the perception enjoyed by Dilmah Tea.

Campaign Concept:
This campaign will focus on storytelling, connecting the unique flavors and quality of
Watawala Tea with the rich cultural and personal stories of Sri Lanka. Each story will
highlight a different aspect of Watawala Tea, from its heritage and quality to its
commitment to sustainability and community.

Key Components:
​ Digital Storytelling Series:
● "Tea Tales" Webisodes: Short, engaging videos featuring stories from tea
growers, local artists, cultural icons, and everyday Sri Lankans, all sharing
their personal connections and moments with Watawala Tea.
● Interactive Story Map: A digital map showcasing various regions of Sri
Lanka, each linked to a story or fact about Watawala Tea's presence and
impact in that area.
​ Social Media Challenges:
● #MyWatawalaMoment: Encourage users to share their unique Watawala
Tea moments on social media. Select stories to be featured in webisodes
or on the story map.
● #WatawalaArt: A digital art contest inviting artists to depict their
interpretation of Watawala Tea's impact on Sri Lankan culture and society.
​ Influencer Collaborations:
● Partner with influential Sri Lankan personalities to share their Watawala
Moments, creating authentic endorsements and wider reach.
​ Interactive Website Features:
● Integrate a section on the Watawala Tea website dedicated to the
campaign, featuring webisodes, the story map, and user-generated
​ Virtual Tea Tasting Events:
● Host live-streamed tea tasting sessions, led by experts, to educate viewers
about the unique qualities of Watawala Tea.
​ Augmented Reality (AR) Experience:
● Develop an AR feature in the Watawala Tea app where users can scan
their tea packaging to unlock a virtual tour of the tea gardens or a story
related to that specific tea blend.
​ Email Marketing:
● Regular newsletters featuring stories, tea recipes, and behind-the-scenes
content from the tea estates.
​ CSR Spotlight:
● Highlight Watawala Tea's CSR initiatives, aligning the brand with social
responsibility and sustainability, akin to Dilmah's reputation.

Measurement and Analytics:

● Track engagement rates, website traffic, social media mentions, and hashtag
● Conduct pre- and post-campaign surveys to measure changes in brand

Detailed Campaign Breakdown

1. Digital Storytelling Series

● "Tea Tales" Webisodes:
● Frequency: Release bi-weekly episodes over 6 months.
● Content: Each episode (2-3 minutes) focuses on a unique story - from a
tea picker's day at the estate to a local artist inspired by the tea
● Distribution: Host on YouTube, the Watawala website, and share snippets
on social media platforms.
● Interactive Story Map:
● Features: Clickable regions on a digital map of Sri Lanka, each revealing
videos, images, and stories about Watawala Tea's impact in that area.
● User Engagement: Allow users to submit their own stories or photos to be
featured on the map.

2. Social Media Challenges

● #MyWatawalaMoment:
● Campaign Run: Monthly themes (e.g., "Family Tea Time", "Morning
Rituals") to guide user submissions.
● Incentives: Monthly winners receive a year's supply of Watawala Tea or a
feature in the next webisode.
● #WatawalaArt:
● Collaboration: Partner with local art schools or communities.
● Exhibition: Host a virtual gallery of the top submissions.

3. Influencer Collaborations
● Selection: Collaborate with influencers who align with the brand's values,
including chefs, lifestyle bloggers, and cultural figures.
● Content: Personal stories, recipe creations using Watawala Tea, and participation
in the #MyWatawalaMoment challenge.

4. Interactive Website Features

● User-Generated Content: Showcase selected #MyWatawalaMoment stories.
● Integration: Seamless integration of the story map and webisodes.

5. Virtual Tea Tasting Events

● Schedule: Monthly events, each focusing on different tea varieties.
● Participation: Open registration, with a limited number of free tea samples sent to
early registrants.

6. Augmented Reality (AR) Experience

● Development: Create AR stories linked to specific tea products.
● User Journey: From scanning the tea package to exploring the estate or learning
about the tea-making process.

7. Email Marketing
● Content: Behind-the-scenes content, exclusive webisode previews, and monthly
round-ups of the best social media posts.
● Personalization: Segment audience based on preferences and engagement for
targeted content.

8. CSR Spotlight
● Monthly Focus: Each month, highlight a different aspect of Watawala Tea's CSR
● Story Integration: Link CSR initiatives to real-life stories in webisodes.
Measurement and Analytics
● Engagement Metrics: Track likes, shares, comments, and video views.
● Website Analytics: Monitor bounce rate, session duration, and user interaction
with the story map.
● Social Listening: Use tools to track sentiment and brand mentions across
● Survey Analysis: Compare brand perception before and after the campaign.

Promotion and Advertising

● Paid Social Media Ads: Targeted ads to boost webisode viewership and
challenge participation.
● Google AdWords: Use relevant keywords to drive traffic to the campaign website.
● Collaboration with Online News Portals: Feature stories or ads in popular local
online news platforms.

● Phase 1 (Months 1-3): Introduce the campaign, focusing on building awareness
and engagement.
● Phase 2 (Months 4-6): Deepen engagement with more interactive elements and
user-generated content.

Conquering the overseas markets

SEO Strategy Proposal for Watawala Tea's Expansion into

Europe and Australia
As part of our commitment to elevate Watawala Tea's global presence, particularly in the
European and Australian markets, RedSky Digital proposes the following comprehensive
SEO strategy. This approach is designed to increase your online visibility, drive organic
traffic, and position Watawala Tea as a premier choice among tea enthusiasts in these

1. International SEO
● Localized Web Presence: We recommend creating region-specific pages or
subdomains (e.g., /eu, /au) with content tailored to local preferences and
languages, ensuring relevance and engagement.
● Hreflang Implementation: Utilizing hreflang tags will guide search engines to
display the correct regional page in search results, enhancing user experience
and search accuracy.

2. Targeted Keyword Strategy

● Region-Specific Keyword Research: We'll conduct in-depth research to identify
key tea-related search terms prevalent in Europe and Australia, integrating these
into your website's content and metadata.
● Focus on Long-Tail Keywords: Targeting specific, long-tail keywords will help
capture niche markets and specific consumer intents.

3. Content Marketing Tailored to Target Markets

● Educational and Cultural Content: Developing articles and guides on tea culture,
brewing techniques, and health benefits, with a twist that resonates with
European and Australian audiences.
● Integration with Local Cultures: Crafting content that connects Watawala Tea
with local European and Australian lifestyles and cuisines.

4. Strategic Link Building

● Acquiring Local Backlinks: We aim to secure backlinks from relevant European
and Australian websites, enhancing your site's authority and regional relevance.
● Guest Blogging Initiatives: Collaborating with popular regional bloggers to gain
exposure and valuable backlinks.

5. Enhancing Technical SEO

● Optimizing for Mobile Users: Ensuring your website is fully optimized for mobile
devices, catering to the significant mobile user base.
● Improving Site Speed: We'll focus on enhancing your website's loading speed for
better user experience and search rankings.
● Implementing Structured Data: Using schema markup to enrich your search
listings with informative and attractive snippets.

6. Leveraging Social Media for SEO

● Boosting Social Signals: Actively using social media platforms popular in your
target regions to drive traffic back to your site.
● Influencer Partnerships: Engaging with local influencers to create content that
links back to your website.
7. Local SEO for Physical Footprints
● Google My Business Optimization: For any physical locations in Europe and
Australia, we'll ensure they are optimally listed and managed on Google My
● Listing on Local Directories: We'll list Watawala Tea on pertinent local online
directories and review platforms.

8. User Experience and Conversion Rate Optimization

● Culturally Adapted Web Design: Tailoring the website's design and messaging to
align with regional tastes and preferences.
● Continuous A/B Testing: To maximize user engagement and conversions, we'll
regularly test and optimize various website elements.

9. Performance Monitoring and Analytics

● Tracking and Analysis: Utilizing tools like Google Analytics, we'll closely monitor
your website's performance and user behavior in the target markets.
● Adaptive Strategy: Regularly refining our approach based on data insights and
emerging market trends.

10. Optimizing Ecommerce Elements

● For online sales, we'll enhance product pages with clear titles, high-quality
images, and unique descriptions, backed by e-commerce specific tracking.

By implementing these strategies, we are confident that Watawala Tea can

significantly boost its digital presence in Europe and Australia, rivaling established
brands like Dilmah. Our focus will be on blending technical SEO expertise with
culturally resonant content and user experiences.
RedSky Digital's Data-Driven Storytelling Strategy for Watawala

At RedSky Digital, we believe in the power of data to transform storytelling. By

leveraging advanced analytics tools like Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and
Hotjar, we can craft compelling narratives that deeply resonate with your audience.
Here's our proposed strategy for utilizing these tools to enhance Watawala Tea's digital

1. Leveraging Google Analytics

● Audience Insights: We'll analyze demographic data to tailor your stories to the
specific interests and preferences of your audience.
● Behavior Flow Analysis: By examining how users navigate your site, we can
identify the most engaging content and focus our storytelling efforts in those
● Content Performance Tracking: We'll monitor which types of content are
resonating most, helping us refine our approach to match audience preferences.
● Conversion Path Analysis: Understanding what drives conversions will be key in
crafting narratives that not only engage but also encourage action.

2. Utilizing Google Tag Manager

● Event Tracking: We plan to implement tags to track specific interactions,
providing insights into the most engaging elements of your content.
● Custom Variables: These will allow us to capture more detailed user behaviors
and preferences, enabling highly personalized storytelling.

3. Incorporating Hotjar Tools

● Heatmaps and Session Recordings: By visualizing where users click, move, and
scroll, and observing real user sessions, we can optimize the storytelling
elements on your website for maximum engagement.
● Direct Feedback: Utilizing Hotjar’s feedback polls and surveys, we'll gather direct
user insights to further refine our storytelling approach.
Implementing Our Strategy
● Segmentation and Personalization: We'll use data to create segmented,
personalized stories, ensuring relevance and resonance with different audience
● User Experience Optimization: Insights from these tools will guide us in creating
a seamless user experience, enhancing the effectiveness of your stories.
● Continuous Testing and Refinement: Through A/B testing, we'll determine the
most effective story formats and narratives.
● Interactive Story Elements: Based on user interaction data, we'll introduce
interactive storytelling features on your website.
● Narrative Development Based on User Behavior: We'll craft narratives that align
with the interests and behaviors observed in your audience.
● Content Strategy Alignment: Our content strategy will be directly informed by
data insights, focusing on the formats and topics that engage your audience the
● Feedback Incorporation: We'll continuously integrate user feedback into our
storytelling efforts, creating a dynamic and responsive content strategy.

By adopting this data-driven storytelling approach, we are confident that Watawala Tea
will not only captivate its audience but also drive deeper engagement and stronger
brand loyalty. Our goal is to ensure that every piece of content we produce is backed by
solid data insights, making your brand's story not just heard, but felt and remembered.

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