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Authority l-6 So ]-':A_

NOV 10 1944
(NEFIS) /-'"' 11 C\ ~ O.·v-.'f

NEW zEALAN; 1Nsu~NCE t mw1Na \''

334-338 QUEEN
'~Cr 1944
1z 6 -·
NO. TE;&.. U 7076
u 7077
ENCLOSURES: 2 u 7078

Interrogation 23J!l~TE0c tober,

SUBJECT1 . rt - , ., qe

Compilation NEFIS Interrogation Reports

Nos. 418-425 sive (Not issued separately).

1. Attached is Compilation of NEFIS Interrogat ion Reports Fos.

418-425 inclusive (Not issued separately).
2. Information contained in this r epo rt is based solely on
interrogation of evacuees and should be evaluated accordingly.
3. It is requeste d that care be· taken in the distribution of
the information contained therein. If the whole or any part
of this roport is reproduced, no indication may be given of
names and localities concerned, to avoid compromising relativ es
of evacuees and exposing them to enemy re prisals, and to prevent
closure of important sources of information. Copy No. 41 .

k ~----
Lt. Cdr. J. C. Smit.
Deputy Director NEPIS.
J; u\_\ 'l::.J ~ UlJ

See attached list.

l~;TEI ~· ~~~~ l~:;:;RY

ECCf~'.l'.C Jl.'Jitlt:i 1 REC'


8 259 (• 1

Authority -:;/-6 SO3-~


'.)ISTRIBUTI ON: No. of Cop ie s. Copy No .
B . S . O. t hro ue h O. B. S . O. 2 1 - 2
o.B.s .o. 1 3
C:con o n~ i c Int. Sec t io n GH'.).. New De l h i
v ia 3 . S . O. - Co l omb o 1 4
C . L·. G .
j'..I • c • A. •
Vo orz . N. I . · Comrr1 . 5 7 - 11
Min . v . Ko l . , At t . Co l . de 3 l ie ck . 1 12
kini stry of Ec onomi c Warfare
~ oreign Office London, v ia
Col . de Bl ieck, Londo n 1
C . G. $ . , K • .J\T . I . L . 1 i ?+
C:ont r . A. T . B. 1 15
G·. 2 . , G. ~I . r~ . 2 l b - 17
A . C . of s . j G . 2 . USAF'B'B 1 18
Direc t or of Inte l l lcence, Al l i ed
A ~ r 't-i""ore
J... - e s ;0.•) . '•'~ v p • 1"',,1 •' rt . nr n Q':l
• .l /<- 3 • 5 !
a \. .. • 19 - 23
Assis tant Di r e ctor of Intel l ige n c e ,
Advanced Eche l on, Al l ied Air F orce s ~
.-.. ,,,
rv • ·p •
i::-. • r- .,
f, r.
rl •
p •0 •
92-Jc: • l.
Y- 24 - 27
D . ~':: . I . . 1 28
A._ D. M. I . 1 29
D. N. I . 1 30
CO I SSF thr ough D. N. I . 1 31
Seventh Fl eet Int el l lsen c e Cen t er 1 32
Chi ef of Air Staff RA~P Hq . 1
~irec t o r A. G. S .
O. i n C., A. G. S . , N. E . I . ~a c t io n
Co - Ordinator ATIS 1 ~~
FSLO , HQ . 1 37
F~~~ LO . Me lbourne 38
. 41
~J· . R· . c· . c· . s .
N. F .L . O. Darwi n 1
~ - 1+2
N. F . L. O. Perth 1
S . R. D. · 1 L~5
S • 5. • D • Sri s bane , ( 'i~1,a .
" J • VV i gan ) 1 46
S . I ·. A . 1 ~-7
Dir . Ge n . of Sec ur i t y 1 48
CSONICA Kandy 1 49
m~; . 6th J,rmy '~ thro u 1 ~·h N'.:<:T I OS IX 2 50 - 51
Mr • N • H • de Roos 1 52
NE.FIS Offi cs r A. I . B . 1
lear Ec he l on NEPIS
13 §t - 66
1 67
Nethe rl ands Staff Officer , G3. ,
APO 500 . 1 68
Dutc h Liaison Office r , A. 3 . Hq ., .
13th Air Force . , A. P . O. 719. · 2 69 - 70
A .•
.ti. C • ·o ..t.·f" S • , ('·r 5 , , u • l'1_ . .-,
0. :t. . 1 71
D. L. O. All i ed A. F' ., Ol d Cour ier Bl dg. l 72
F;~LO , Holland ia, ( At t . :•::a j . Kr emer )

Mi l. Att. Canad ian Emb . Canbe rra 1
RAAF Hq . N. W. Ar ea, Dar wln . 1 75
.~ ~t· ....
\'\ \~nnUGP.. (;i: l\BR>iRY
. .
' • ..,
...... f,,.-

3 0 DEC 194\EC'
u~u·• ~-·,:u"
82594 2
rru rE rru ITT' IQ) ?\" r~ ~·
~13 J lb l1:D \. '--' J!Jll ../ .
JJJ!,LLA;o,MJ:< 1.1!,!J

Authority -:g-6 So]=~

EMR .' SECRii::T. Lg.No,AI2i 7768/G.


Copy No . 41 .
334-338 QUEE N S~REE T,


Nos. 418-425 n;c LUSIVE (NOT I SSUED SE: F.4R11TELY ).


The above r 0port s ref Gr t o e ight J av2n oso i ri_for r:i.ants , r e -

l ea sed by U. S. Forc es on Biak Isl and a n d o n "0ut cl1 New Cuino a
during May - 1 44,
Thre e for mar members of tho Leg5_on o:{_ the Man g koe !T egoro
were not i n t e rned ; one forme r soldier wa s r o l easAd af t er lnt orn-
mcnt, and a nothe r was not int e rned b ut us ed by the J apanese as a
driver . The oth e r thr e e are civilians . All had b een fo rc ed to
join Hei - Ho units .
As t heir i nforma ti on f or the gr oa t er p art is i d Fn+-.ical
that in int er r og D.t5_0_1 rc;::'CI' ~s iss ued n re v i ously, this V) mp ilatir..m
deals onl y with additiona l infor mat i cn .

III.T l.CTIC AL D.1. TA OH E ~IB ~viY rnLITliR.Y FORC ~::'.3 o

Dis p ositions end St"'e n g th of Or [_ '.Jili Sc ti ons and Units:

At Solo (Mi d.:·J avfl)-inJu1 1 43 , abo_ut ' ) (}(!" :a-p ;-; ,;1esein ?D.i'.itry we r e
quartered in former Lef t Half' 21st Bn bar 2'a drn . Another' i n::LorrnS1.n t
es timates the total in Nov 143 at on l y 20 0 personne l.
During an inform a n t's r e sidence :in D,i enbe r (Eas t J dva ) , up
to Aug '43 , he es t i :rr.a ted the to t e. l s treng-~h t lv:; re t o be ab out 2 0 0
Army pe rs onne l. I n f ormant thoug ht t'.1a t the wajority V!3 re Kem~----c iJ
and a numb e r of other s we r 0 mi lit a r y persom1o l 0ngaged on sup c Y'-
visory wor k i n the S t a te Railway of fi ce s .
At th e end of Dec '43 } about 60 Jap8"1e sr:i tr oci ps_ were q'.lar~ ':;:'..' -·
ed in the residences of the for mer A::;s i st e n t Res id.ent o.r:c d t he
Controleur at Toe loengag oeng (East J ~ v a).
Abo ut Sep t '43, barr ac ks f or J ~ an eso tr o ops were s een to be
under c ons truc tion a t Popoh (Ea st J ava ) . I n for rwmt judged t hem
to be of some i mpo r e, as the con ~t r uc '~ io --i was s u p e::'.'v is 0d bJ--
Japane se per s onne l unc by per s onne 1 ~ '-' C.!m To e :1.0engag oe n c: (E as t
J ava ) workshops. Small e r barr a cks wer e b eing buil t jn P~i~ i
Bay (south coast of Eas t J ava ) .
An info rman t, membe r of Hei-Ho, wr 0 ;ro.s q uar te r ed a t f orme r
8th Bn b a r racks at Llala ng (Eas t J avo. J in .S ejJb ' 43 - J an 1 ~1~,
noted th at i n t he bar:·a cks irnmediateJy to tbr r ee.r t i1 e rs we r e
a b ou t 30 0 JapanesG Ar 11'J person ne l qF ;:: r ter :id ,
At Foerwo:>:> e djo (Mid - J L.wa ) in Ju-; ' 4~, obout 200 J apan e s e
tr o ops we r e quo.r t ere d at t :1e for me r 2nd D '~po t Bn barr ack s.

Names of Unit Corc1uardc rs: The Commander of Hei--Ho Coy .

1041--1-6~1\fanokv;a r r-1~li\1-f(;h "rfow Guinea .1 ab OL'. t Jun ' ~h , Vi H S ls"'.:;
Lieut . Arai .

Nati ve Tro op s: An informan t whn le f t T oa l oengago e n g (E ast

Javed in Se p-c ~· 43 ,
said that he knew of t J &v 8.nnse w110 j o ii-1eC:: the
3oekarella and we nt to an Off icers' Scho o l ~~ Bat avia . On c om-
p l et ion of the cour se; which last e':l -r-, :TI' ec; months , the y wer e se nt
to Ke diri (East J ava ) tu train S oek~~e ll o t roops , The ir naMes
were Djono , formerly n cl erk in the ~ oe l o 0 ng2g o e ng pawn shop, An d
Soek ijat, forrn,· r l y a foreman in the ~: ugar f c..c ~o ry a t Mod j opangi;-.·0e ng
(E2.s t Jav a ).

Lines of Cornmunication and Tran s por t: Ac cord i ng to 0 :18 :'..n -

. ··· - -· - - , - ·- - · - - - - -·- -- ··· - - ··- -· 'I
~- ,
formant, tne Jap ; 0 no~-,e , t ownrds t he eLd 01 ,: 2, be ga:n c ur. st r 1 )_ct :1_ p ~
a di rect road fr om 'Tangg o e l (East JaYa) t o Ifo::1t j on g ·.} lS t J a v.'.l; .·
thr ough Semboro (E as t J a va). However, b ~v J 2n ' 44, Li e wo rk was
st i ll not completed . To r ea ch Kentjong bJ tlJ.e ex:ls t irn; r oute it
is n ec essary t o proceed from Tanggosl to :f' or rio k dn l am (L ast J a v a)
before turni ng sou th to Kentjong .

Supp l y Arrang_eme? tS _f.'..nd Install~l ti ons_: =:: n Aug 1~ 3 , J aprrnese

8259 4 3
U ~ LLA1' 1' 11' 1 ~!J

Authority -.g-6 S o]=~

- 2-~
ric e supp l i e s we r e dr awn o n a lar ge sca l e fr om T a n ggoel (Ea s t
J av R), v.1h e r e t h e mi l l s wer a wo rking 24 hrs a day throu g h out the
y ea: ' . · rJ.'wo J a p ane se soldi e rs we r e s t at i on e d the r e as ins pe ct or s .
The r i c e was l o ade d a t a s pe ci a l r a ilway siding .

Loca t lon of F# Camp s: Be f or e h e l e ft Ke diri (East J ava ) in

S e pt ll::i.3, an into r riiaii f - h ea r d o f the c ons t ructi on of a n ew c amp on
one o f the es tate s in t hi s dist ric t . Inf or ma nt c a nn o t rememb e r
t h e n ame of the est at e , b u t h e a r d th a t it wa s n o t far f r om t h e
town of Ke::l ir i. The c was wir ed a s we ll as hav ing b amb oo
fen c es .
It was re ported E..b out t h e mi dd l e of 143 that a n ew PW c a mp
had been op c~ed at Xesi lir (n ear B3Il j oew a ngi , East Java) and th a t
a numb er of Dut ch P'N h a d bee n tr an sf e rr ed the r e , a nd put t o wor k
cle a ring jun g l e for some a g r icultura l e nt e rp ri s e .
Up to J a n '44, Dutch PrJ we r e sti l l bei n e; h e ld at f or mer
Dut c h Nav '..l l b arrad'·S at Sawahan, Mal ang (Ea st J a v a ) .

Ra dar qnd P'.idio Stati ons: The r e wa s a J apan ese milit a r y

r adio sta cl ~ ·~~- -·a c i1:fe11s.i=iar1 , So l o t own (Mid - J a v a ) in Jul 143 . It
wa s sit u c_t '"d app r ~:r-l_ J:r_24-.,e l y )0 0 me tr e s so uthwe st of the r a c e c ours e ,
a n d ha d s i x s t 8el mflsl.3 , e ach ap]::r oximat e l y 20 metresf-i i gh . ut t h e mi d d l e of 1 42, a n inf or·mant n o tic e d tha t the f o r m-
e r Du t ch r adi o inst a lJ a t ion a t Maos pat i, n 3a r Ma d i o en (East J a v a )
was b ein g op er a ted b y the Japan e s e .


Locot:L ons 0f Air I n sta l l ati ons: At T a n ggo el (E a st J a v a ) i n

Sept 1 L·)~ t nere wa s- -~·-rioo-s8rvat i o n · pos t n o t f a r fro m th e As s i s t-
an t Wed a na ' s (nat ive As st . Di s tr i ct Of f ic e r) office . This p os t
was con s t antl y maL".10 d oy Ke.ibod an pe r sonne l , who a dvised the
Assi s t e:c:t # edem a v:he:;n a i r cr a f t we r e sight ed ; t he ne ws was the n
corcmni c at e d to t ho J a pnn e se by te le phon e .

Air f i e l d .B.Cti 1.rity : In Jul '43, Pan a san a irfie l d n ear So l o

( Mi d --J ) wa s b e L1c, e n l ar ge d and a s phalt ed . The r e we r e many dump s
of b ui l ding mnte ri a l ti:8re .
The f o llowing t wo r ep ort s a r e h ears ay :-
Work W 'l8 pro c ee di ng on a n ew str ip n ear Ma n ggoh a r 'dj o vill age
in ~) ec ' ~ ~ . Thi s s tri p l i e s midway b e t ween Mad i oe n (E a-st J ava )
and Mao s pati (Eo.s t ,fav '1 ) . The se c ond r eport de als with work s of
some d escr ip ~i on whi c h wer .1 s a i d to b e c onn e cted with airfi e l ds ,
or d e f enc es , in the t oc.k f or es t a t Sarad an , some t e n kil ome tr e s
ea st of M~dioe n (Eas t J a v a ) .


Lf'kes a nd SwB.'Jps : Af t e r t h e f l oo d s of Nov '43 a t Te manggoent;

( E a s t-Jc.7aJ~- w il"~·..: : ~- ~-:-«:ir~he'.:1 t h e ware h o11 se a n d t own ar e a , the J apan-
ese a s sembled s orm 2 , 00J e;o) l ies (r ec1' u i t e d and f orc e d l abo ur) a t
Pop oh ( sout h c o:::i.s t E ast J a va ), an d began the e xcava ti on of a
c h a nne l to c onn e c t Ben: n g Mo..rsh with t h e s ea . In t he dr y mons oon
thi s swamp sometiL1es dr i ed out a n d c ou ld b e cr o ss e d on f oo t . In
the we t s eason it f or med a c ons id e r able exp ans e of wa t e r; inf o rm-
a.n t kn ows of an em . r ,3e"1cy l·=mding b y a Dutch s e ap l a n e or f l y i ng
bo[(u , dur on3 suc h De riod , prior t o the occupati on. He
hea:;. j that in t~_3 h:U. l y 3e ct ion thr ou gh wh ich the ch ann e l had t o
be cut t h e re was s ur:La :; e so il to some depth , the n soft limes t one
roc l: _, an d u n der1y:ns tc.n t a v e r y h a r d· bl ack r ock f or ma t ion.
I n f lrma>1 t was ', c1d t~l.8. ~ t riG c h a nne l, wh en comp l e t e , wo u ld be
f i v ,_; km l ong.
Th e r e v:J_s :.::~ g r eat- c ontr ove r sy amon g the Temanggoe n g Indon -
e s L' ns a s t o t L~ r ua s 0~1 f or thi s wo rk. S ome he l d tha t it was part
of u se cr e t J apn".lese plan to f orm a h a rb ou r b as in i n the pre se nt
s wa mp , whi ch s omo be li ~ ve d was be l ow s e a l e v e l . Othe r s b e l ie v ed
that the ch2nn e l wa s i ~ te n de d t o pr ev en t f l ood s and to dr a in a
lot of v al u ab l e l-=:n1 in t h 8 swamp are a . I nfor man t he a r d tha t the
se aws.r d end of t •,a ,)l"0 1JOsed c h ann e l en t e r e d deep wa t e r (s ee Hl so
Comp i l a t i on of :;EFI S Intr::; r rogo. ti on fi ep ort s Nos . 295, 330 and 334).

82594 4 SECREl

Authority l-6S O]-~


General Living Conditi ons: During '43, in the Karangpandan

section of Solo district (Mid-Ja va), there had been no great
change in living conditions, apart from the rationing of rice,
which was institut e d during the second half of that year. Con-
sump tion of rice was then limited to two cents' worth per head
p er day. This amounts to about half a litre in volume. Clothing
was unobt a inable , but in other respects informant considered
the,t the countr y folk h ere had net be e n affected by the Japane se
occup ation.

Security Regulati ons and Censorship: Up till Sept 1 43, In-

donesians we r e unimp eded in their movements in the Toeloengagoeng
(East Java) area. In Tjampoerdarat-Popoh area (East Java) entry
was forbidden except to labour engaged in excavating the channel
to connect with the sea. (See Section VII).
An informant who was in the Toeloengagoeng-Kediri (East
Java) area st a tes that soon after the Japanese occupation an order
was made, and enforced, that wave lengths outside the limits of
40 to 120 metres were forbidden. Informant states he was forced
to work for thr o e days sealing up wireless sets in the
Toeloengagoeng district. Subsequently frequent surprise visits
we re paid by a Japanese soldier from Kediri· (East Java) who would
examine se a ls and indicator needles of sets. Informant claims
that he- was capable of defeating the design of the Japanese with-
out breaking the seals, or bending the indicator needles. How-
ever, he never did so, being afraid of spies and informers.
Sometime in 1 43, the authorised wavelen8ths were changed and
limited to 39 t o 40 metres on~7; this was still the position when
informant left Java in Jan '~·

Relation between Japanese and local Population: No Japnnese

had been stationed in the Ka rangpandan area of Solo district
(Mid-Java) u p to the end of '43. Therefore, the people of that
district sh owe d n o rsaction to the Japanese occup ation other than
to e rumble a bout th e rice a nd clothing position.
An informant who l e ft the Toeloengagoeng area (East Java) in
Sept '43, states t ha t until the Japanese began impressing the
Javanese country pe op le for labour, there was no real hostility
shown. There was some disc ontent, however, with the position of
rice sup p ly and the shortage of clothing. Informant's impression
at the time of leaving Toeloengagoeng area was that the villag e rs
would we lcome a return of f ormer conditions and give assistance
to an Allied invading army.
An informant who was in Solo (Mid-Java) from Mar 1 42 to Jul
'43, and in Malang (Bast J a va) up to Jan '44,
stt;ttes that ho
noticed several Chin e se collaborating with the Japanese, and
functioning as interpr e ters.

Civil Government of Occupied Areas: According to an inform-

ant, who left the Toe loengagoeng-Kediri area (East Java) in Sept
'43, the nature of appointments and duties of Indonesian Govern-
ment officials had not been varied by the Japanese. The Japan-
ese used the following title~:-

Regent is now called Kentjo;

Wedana (Native Di s trict Officer) is now called Goentjo;
Assistent Wedana ( Native Assistant District Officer) is now
called Sontjo;
Loerah (villag e head) is now called Gutjo.

The Jap ane se term for the civil police force is Djunsa.

Taxes: In the Solo (Mid-Java) area there was general resent-

ment against the Japa nese measure of advancing by six months the
due dat·e for payment of land tax; the tax itself remained un-

Or g anisations (Formed, sponsored or encouraged by Japanese):

Military: It is said that whilst there were no organis a tions

in the more remote are a s around Solo (Mid-Java) in Aug 'Lt3, the re
82594 5
U .l',LLA"" U' 1£.U

Authority 'J-6SO]-~

was a Kaibodan troop at Karangpandan ( So l o , Mid-Java), numberinz

about 70 youths betwee n 17 and 18 years old, wh o drill ed with
bamboo sticks, assisted in :A . R . P . work , and acted as spies for
the Indonesian Field Folice . It was understood that these
youths woul d enter th e Soe kar e ll a when their training was

Hea lth and Sanitation: Conditi ons of the Jabour force at

Popoh (E ast Java) in Sep t 1 4 3 , were said to be very bad (see
Section VII). To co pe with ma l aria, which was the main cause
of sickness , the Ja pan ese established a clinic, but the si c k
were allowed to lie and die in their beds. Deaths ave r aBed two
to three dai l y .

Me dic a l Trea t ment and Sup p li es : The clinic at the sugar

factory at ModJopanggoe n gt'East Java) continued t o opera te wi th
the same Javanese med ical orderly in a t tendance .


Agricultur al Commodities:

Pr oduction: The enf orced p l anting of djarak (castor) in

the Solo ( Mid -J ava) distri ct was a complete failure owing to the
apparen t unsuitability of local c ondi ti ons . I n many cases the
p l ants died off when smal l, and in no case was any crop obtaine d .
An i nformant knows of Eur_opean owned areas of rubber in
the Tanggoel (East Java) dis tri c t which had no t been t apped sinc e
the Japanese occupa ti on.
Aft er the Japanese occupat i on , the Dutch manageme nt of
sugar mills in Mod j opanggoeng , Kal angbr e t and Toeloengagoeng
areas (East Java) was pe rmitted to comp lete the season 1 s crushing
for '42. No crushing or p l anting was done in 1 4 3 .

Pri ce: Prices paid for the impressed porti on o f the paddy
crop, delivered at the warehouse of the Japanese authorities in
Djoe mant ono (Mid-Java) were as f o ll ows: -

1st grade: /2.50 per picul (i3 6 lb s ).

2nd g rade: /2.00 per pic ul (13 6 lb s ).

Fibre: In Sept 1 43 , the former sugar land in the

Modjopanggoeng, Kalangbret and Toeloengagoeng areas (East Java)
was planted with rami (fibre) , but not to the full extent of the
areas . It is understood that under this new agreemen t a lar ger
rent was pa i d to the owners . The exact figure, however , is un -
known .

General Products: In the Kar angpandan , So l o (Mid-Java)

area during the period Mar 1 ~2 - Aug 1 4 3 , both the f orme r Dutch
coffee p lantation "I\amoening ' and the Mangkoe Negor o 1 s p lan tation
"Gadoengan" were still in operat i on . Beans were cl ean ed and
stored in the estate warehouses . The e l der l y Du t ch manager of
"Kamoening" had n o t been int e rned. One· informant wa s paid at
the rate of ten cents pe r half day 's work as a c off ee p icker on
"Gadoengan " estate.

Industries and Manufacturidg: A Rosella (fibre) facto r y

was opened at vVonosari TMid-Jav87 uring 1 43. This was a re-
conditi oned sugar fsct or y . · There were large Rose ll a p lant ations
in the So lo (Mid-Jav a) area ,
Of the coc onut oi l mil ls in the Toeloengagoeng (East
Java) area , the former Dutch Olv ado mi ll had not been re-opened by
the Japanese, but the -Japane se owned concern in Trenggalekweg wa s
operated to a large extent by the original Japanese s t aff ,
The purchase of coc ~n uts, except f r om an inhabitan t of the same
village, is only permitted t o special buyers who hold sole rights
from the Japanese for al l otted areas.

Minerals and Meta ls:

Mining Activities: In '43 an informant noticed an in-

creased activity at the Gold and Copper Mine of Ti rt omojo ,
82594 6

Authority -::/-6 SO]-~

Solo (Mid-Java). Another inf'ormant had heard that the labour
force employed there, which was about 50 men pre - war, had been
increased to about 600. Coolie wages were 25 cents per day.

Inland Rai l: Sugar mill 'roeloengagoeng (East Java):
After the cane c utting seas on of '1+2, the Japanese took away two
of the mills five locomotives and about 100 trucks. They a l so
( pulled up and removed portion of the de c auville tracks .

/),.~ · Motor: In Sept 1 43 , the former motor bus service between

Toeloengagoeng and Kediri (East Java) had been discontinued .
In Malane£ (East Java) in Jan 1 44, the situation as
regards bus services was as follows=-

Malang Soerabaja discontinued .

Malruig - Blitar discontinued.
Malang Kedir i discontinued .
Malang Kepandjeng still operating .
Malang - Pasoeroe an still operating .

In Sept 1 43, the motor bus service Djember - Djatiroto

(East Java) had been discontinued .


Power: Electricity in Malang (East Java) in Jan 1 L1-4 was

only available between 1800 and 0600 hrs .
In Toeloengagoeng (East Java) up to Sept 143· the charges
and service for electricity were the same as pre-war .


're le phone: For an unknown reason an ori7ina l telephone

at the sugar factory "Modjopang3oeng 11 (East JavaJ was observed to
have been replaced in Sept 143 by a Japanese instr ument .

Raw Material~ : Shor tage of coal may be indicated by the

fact tnat in Jan '44 the locomot i ve which hauled the express
from Malang to Soerabaja was fuelled by t eak blocks .


Currency: In the Djoemantono (Mid - Java) area , during

'42, an order was made for the surrender of a l l silve r coinage ,
tmder pain of death . The silver was paid in at the offices of
the Assistent Wedanas in the various districts . . The ownersth
were questioned as to their normal annual expenditure; they wer~?
handed Japanese paper currency to this amount . The balance of
the money received in exchange for the silver was sealed in
packets and held in trust for the owners by the Japanese .

Jar:;anese control of Banking and Credit Investments: An

informant saw , at the Tangc;oel- postoffic81East- Java) in Sep t
L~3, persons withdrawing and depositing at the Savings Bank .
Savings Bank books bore a Japanese flag on the cover .
In Sept ' 43, the former Volks Crediet Bank (People ' s
Credit Bank) in Toeloengagoeng (East Java) was known as

Clothing: In the Malang area (East Java) during 1 43 , cloth-

ing coupons were issued on the basis of two sets of clothing, or
material for same, per .household per year . One informant used a
half year's ration for his fami l y to obtain three and a half ell
of thin green stripeq cloth . The cost of this was /2 . 75 , about
twice the pre - war price .

Genera l Economic Situation in Oc cupied Areas:

Black Marketing: The father of one informant, who , up to

Jan '44, was living at Soemadjang (East Java) , was a tobacco

8 2 59 <f 1 sECRET
1JJ•.A... LA::S::SH1EV

Authority ~6SO]=Ji_

-6- SECBEl
trader, but had been refused a - li~~nce by the Japanese . He then
dealt on the black market with goods smug g led f r om other d:Lstricts .
Apparently prof its were small , as a bolt of approximately 3
kilos of tobacco yielded on ly 50 cents p rofit , the original cost
being_/2 . 50 . It was thought that the lack of cloves for mixing
with the tobacco was the cause of the falling off of tr ade .


---- - - - - - - '

Non-Radio Propaga~da:

Posters, Pamphlets and Leaflets: The latest pos ter seen

one informant depicted the f\.11ied flags being over -run by a

Newspapers : In Ma lane; (East Java) a periodical named

"Penjoeloeh-ri--wason sale for four cents . It was said to consist
of a single sheet , but informan t had no kn ow l ed(;e of its c ontents .
A periodi c al named i 1 Asia Raja 11 was on sale in rrangr.;oe l
(East Java) dur ins 1L~3 f o r seven cents . It was said ther e were
very fe w buyers .


A. Factual: Bawoek bin 3eto setiko , Fus . L . ~fl".N . No. 40354 ,

Javanese, states that about fifteen days after the Am.erican land -
ing on Biak Island, he saw a Javanese Hei-Ho f r om Malang (East
J a va) named Kardi , killed in the Sordia area , by a Japanese Gotjo,
named Koboebo. Kardi, who was starving , had stDlen a biscuit,
a small portion of which was found in his pocket ~ Kardi was
beaten almost to unconsciousness and then made to squat on the
edge of a small stream. He was thrust through the back with a
sword and pushed into the stream . When the victim was pulled
out by his comrades he was dead . Kokoebo was still at large
when informant escaped on 22 Jul 1 LtJ+. Signed and sworn state -
ment is in pos sessi on of NEFIS .

B. Hearsay: Fus . Soepadi L . M. N. No . 6003 , J:J.vane se , states

that when----o:-tBiak in Jul 1 Lt4, he heard from one Wid ji , since
kil led during an American attack , that a Javanes e named
Soekarti was bayonetted to death by Japanese Cpl. Kokubu , when
the latter caught Soekarti in the act of stealing bread .

- "'-- - Japanese Army Personne l: Manokwari (Dutch New Guinea)
Jul I .:

Sgt. Mac husuma;

Pte . 1st class Isada;
Private l\llanaka;
Frivate Samada;
Pr iv ate N-ahamura;
Private Odj awa .

Milit a ry Police (Kempei) : One hundred Kempe i were said to

be quartered in part of Fort Fas tenburg on the south side of
Gladakweg , So lo ( Mid -Java) , in Nov 143 .

Civil Officials: In So l o ( Mid -Java in Jul 143 , most of the

former civil servants were still in office. Informant however,
only remembered one D;.arne , Regent Kart onego ro .
According t o an inf or man t who left To er on , Malang (East
Java) in Jan •L+.4, the Regent , Wedana and the Assistant Wedan a of
Toeren district we~e pro - J apanese . They were instrumental in
forcing the people to join various Japanese sponsored organisations
and were very strict in the enforcement of the re g ulations of
planting of castor seed plants instead of rice . They continued
to use cars. Informant does not know their names .
The of Tangg oe l ( Java), at the time of the .
Japanese occupation, was arrested and accused by the Japanese of

82594 8 SECB

Authority -:g-6 So j-':6___
.- 7-
having a secret radio i a n d of having r e ceived and secreted
enemy (Allied) prope r ty ~

Civilians: Up to Aug 143 , the Dutch manager of 11 I\:amoenin,:; 11

coffee estate, Karilllgpandan , So l o , named Blommenstoin , was per ~
mitted to continue as man age r. He was provided with a Japanese
brassard ~
The leading Chinese in Tang g oe l area (East Java), name d
Tjim Hoea, was sti ll in possession of his properties when an in -
formant l of t the area in Sept 1 43 .
Two Dutch peop le were allowed to retain their pos itions in
the sugar f o..c tory at Mod j opanggoeng (East Java) after Japane se
occupation ~ They were Mrs . Spruit, (whose husband was serving
in the Mil itia and is believed to be a PW ), and a Dutchman
named van Eerzel , who was p l an tation assist:J.n t a t t he above fact-
ory . The latter ' s services we re retained by the Japanese f or
some time until he was ultimately sent to Malcng i Informant
l a ter heard that van Eorzel was f r ee and was working for the
J ape. nese . Mrs . Spruit worked in the of fice of the sugar f acto r y
until 143 , and was then transferred to Malang (E ast Java), wher3
informant saw her nt largo; she t o l d informant that she was em-
ployed as a c ashier a t ano ther sugar factory .


. Forced Abductior; of_you:QJ3 tr, i~ls: On the order of the As~ist ­

ent Wedana of Ngo.r goJoso , So l oTMid - Java ) a number of young g irls
were assembled , of whom five vvere - se l ected · and forcibly taken t o
So l o by the Japc.nese . Informant did not ·actually witness t hi s,
but knows for certain of tho inci den t, whi ch took place in the
first half of 1 43 . He knows of one girl; aged 14, named Wag inem
from Kampoeng Pl awan (Mid -Ja va) who was taken. This girl was sent
back to the village shortl y af t e r, inf ec,ted with venereal .

Collaborators: Accor d in3 to an i ormant, the undermentioned

individua l s worked for the Xempei in T ren near Mal ane; (East Java) .
Their reports we r e made to the .Japanes · 1n Malang , there b eing no
Kempe l off ic e i n Toeren .
Doerachman, approximately 25 year s old;
Dosoep , approximate l y 33 years o l d;
Biran, approximately L1.0 years o l d .

Wome n 1 s Internment Camp: The existence in Jun i 4J+ of the

camp at Ma l ang as shown in NE/IS Map 5218 , is confirmed. Inform-
ant furthe r states that f emal e Jav anese provision v endo rs were
daily allowed into the camp , where a market had been established
for the internees .

Lt . Cdr . J.C. Smit .
Deputy Director NEF IS~


Camp Co l umbia , 23«!'d O.ctober , 19L+l+ ·



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