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Lab #3 - Outline


1. Introducing topic – establishing that it’s a problem, that students cheat and people do
“bad” things (Prevalence of Antisocial behavior results from Wowra).

Theoretical backing – Wowra, developed two potential explanations for the

relationships which he termed the SAH and the MIH, including defining terms,
academic dishonesty, social anxiety and moral identity (principled and expedient).

2. Previous Research

Studies that indirectly support the hypotheses

Wowra found direct support… (Results and Discussion)

3. Introducing the current study and research questions/hypotheses

Replicating the study further support for MIH SAH of academic cheating and antisocial
behaviors, support is limited, some of the findings were inconsistent, larger sample size,
wider range of ages time spent in college, also not all psych students.

RQ1: Difference in recall of academic cheating in principled and expedient groups

Is there a difference in recalled academic cheating when comparing princ and exp?

H1: Significantly fewer students in the principled group will recall engaging in
academic cheating relative to students in the expedient group.

RQ2: Is there a difference in frequency of recalling other ASB when comparing princ and exp?

H2: Compared to students in the expedient group, significantly fewer students

in the principled group will recall engaging in a variety of unethical behaviors,
such as lying and fraud.

RQ3: Is there/what is the relationship between social anxiety and academic cheating?

H3: Academic cheating will be positively correlated with symptoms of social


RQ4: Is there a relationship between social anxiety and other ASB such as lying?

H4: Symptoms of social anxiety will be positively correlated with a variety of

unethical acts such as lying and fraud.






Total N, regular demographics: Gender, Age (range, mean, % below 21), # of semesters, GPA,
full-time or part-time, plus N, % for principled and expedient groups.


What you did from data collection to analysis. Collected data was added to a previously
collected data set to allow for more participants to be included in the analysis.


Integrity Scale - “The 18-item Integrity Scale measures differences in commitment to a

principled ethic of justice, fairness, and honesty. High scores represent strong endorsement of a
principled ethics, whereas low scores represent strong endorsement of an ethic of expediency”
(Cite). Integrity Scale items are measured on a 5-point agree-disagree scale with potential
scores ranging from 18-90. In the current study participants with scores less than or equal to 59
are labeled expedient, participants with scores greater than or equal to 60 are labeled
principled. “In a series of five validation studies, the integrity scale demonstrated good
reliability” (Cite). The ALPHA for the current study is XXX which...
Social Phobia Symptoms Checklist - “Differences in social anxiety were measured with
the Social Phobia subscale of the Psychiatric Diagnostic Screening Questionnaire (Zimmerman,
2002), a self-report symptom checklist of emotional and behavioral problems defined by the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders” (Cite). The social phobia subscale
contains 15 true-false items that ask participants to recall symptoms of social anxiety they may
have experienced over the past 6 months. “Social anxiety scores were calculated by summing
all true responses (range = 0 [low social anxiety] to 15 [high social anxiety]).” “The social phobia
subscale is highly reliable and demonstrated good construct validity in a series of validation
studies” (Cite). The ALPHA for the current study is XXX which is….
Antisocial behavior scale (ASBS) - The ASBS measures the frequency of committing
unethical behaviors for the prior five years on 9 point scales: 0 (never), 1 (once or twice), 2
(about once a year), 3 (a few times a year), 4 (nearly every month), 5 (nearly every week), 6
(several times a week), 7 (nearly every day), and 8 (several times a day). The ASBS includes 7
reliable subscales (Lying, Aggression, Broken Promises, Academic Dishonesty, Alcohol and
Drugs, Stealing, and Fraud) as well as one item measuring infidelity. The Alphas for the current
study are ASBS = XXX, Lying = XXX, Stealing = XXX, Alcohol and Drugs = XXX, Aggression = XXX,
Academic Dishonesty = XXX, Fraud = XXX, and Broken Promises = XXX. [Additionally a ten item
pro-social scale was included in the ASBS measure. The alpha for the pro-social scale is XXX].
Section 1: Preliminary:
Table #1 – Descriptives of ASBS
Table #2 – Correlations of individual scales on ASBS
Section 2: MIH
Table #3 – Group comparisons on ASB scales
Section 3: SAH
Table #4 – Correlations of ASBS and subscales to Social Anxiety
Your own analyses
Table #5 – your own analysis discussion and table if necessary.


Limitations: What might have influenced our results?

Future Directions: What should we study next?

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