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Write the step by step process for the followings- a.

To Audit of SQL server

access using the profiler,
Auditing SQL Server access using SQL Server Profiler involves setting up and
running a trace to capture relevant events and data related to database
activities. Here is a step-by-step process for auditing SQL Server access using
SQL Server Profiler:

Step 1: Launch SQL Server Profiler:

 Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).

 Connect to the SQL Server instance for which you want to perform the
 In SSMS, go to the "Tools" menu and select "SQL Server Profiler" to
launch the SQL Server Profiler application.

Step 2: Connect to the SQL Server Instance:

 In SQL Server Profiler, connect to the SQL Server instance by providing

the necessary server details.

Step 3: Create a New Trace:

 In the SQL Server Profiler window, click on "File" and select "New Trace."

Step 4: Define Trace Properties:

 In the "Trace Properties" dialog:

 Provide a meaningful name for the trace in the "Trace Name" field.
 Choose a template that best fits your auditing requirements. The
"Standard" template is a good starting point.
 Specify the location for saving the trace results in the "Save to file"

Step 5: Configure Events to Capture:

 Click on the "Events Selection" tab to configure the events to capture.
For auditing SQL Server access, you may want to include events such as
"Audit Login," "Audit Logout," and other relevant events.
 Choose the specific columns (data columns) related to these events that
you want to capture in the trace.

Step 6: Set Filters (Optional):

 If needed, you can set filters to narrow down the scope of the trace.
Filters allow you to capture only specific events or data that meet certain

Step 7: Start the Trace:

 Click on the "Run" button (green arrow) or select "Run" from the "Trace"
menu to start the trace.

Step 8: Perform SQL Server Access Activities:

 Perform the SQL Server access activities you want to audit, such as
logging in, executing queries, or accessing specific databases.

Step 9: Stop the Trace:

 After capturing the necessary events and data, stop the trace by clicking
on the "Stop" button (red square) or selecting "Stop Trace" from the
"Trace" menu.

Step 10: Review Trace Results:

 Once the trace is stopped, you can review the captured events and data
in the SQL Server Profiler window.
 Analyze the results to identify access patterns, troubleshoot issues, or
audit SQL Server activities.

Step 11: Save or Export Results (Optional):

 If needed, you can save the trace results to a file or export them for
further analysis using tools like SQL Server Management Studio or third-
party applications.

Step 12: Close SQL Server Profiler:

 After completing the audit, close SQL Server Profiler to end the auditing

It's important to note that SQL Server Profiler can impact server performance,
so it's advisable to use it judiciously, especially in production environments.
Additionally, consider using Extended Events as an alternative for server-side
tracing, as it is more lightweight and is the recommended method for newer
versions of SQL Server.

Write the step by step process for the followings-
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b. To audit data modification Using DML trigger,
Auditing data modifications using Data Manipulation Language (DML) triggers
in SQL Server involves creating triggers that respond to specific data
manipulation events (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) on specified tables. Here's a
step-by-step process for auditing data modifications using DML triggers:

Step 1: Identify the Table to Be Audited:

 Determine the table or tables for which you want to audit data

Step 2: Create an Audit Table:

 Create a separate table to store the audit trail. This table should have
columns to capture relevant information, such as the date and time of
the modification, the type of operation (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE), the
user making the change, and the old and new values (if applicable).
sqlCopy code
CREATE TABLE AuditTrail ( AuditID INT IDENTITY ( 1 , 1 ) PRIMARY KEY, TableName
NVARCHAR( 128 ), OperationType NVARCHAR( 10 ), ModifiedDate DATETIME, ModifiedBy

Step 3: Create the DML Trigger:

 Write the DML trigger for the specified table. Below is an example of an
UPDATE trigger for auditing data modifications:
sqlCopy code
DECLARE @AuditID INT ; -- Insert the audit record for each updated row INSERT INTO AuditTrail
(TableName, OperationType, ModifiedDate, ModifiedBy, OldValue, NewValue) SELECT 'YourTableName' AS
TableName, 'UPDATE' AS OperationType, GETDATE() AS ModifiedDate, SUSER_SNAME() AS
ModifiedBy, CONVERT (NVARCHAR(MAX), d. * ) AS OldValue, CONVERT (NVARCHAR(MAX), i. * ) AS
NewValue FROM deleted d INNER JOIN inserted i ON d.PrimaryKey = i.PrimaryKey; END ;

Customize the trigger based on your specific requirements and the structure
of your audit table.

Step 4: Test the DML Trigger:

 Execute UPDATE statements on the monitored table to test whether the

trigger captures the audit information correctly.

Step 5: Review Audit Trail:

 Query the AuditTrail table to review the captured audit trail records.
sqlCopy code
SELECT * FROM AuditTrail;
Step 6: Extend for INSERT and DELETE:

 Repeat the process for INSERT and DELETE operations if you want to
audit those as well. Create separate triggers for each operation.

Step 7: Manage Trigger Behavior:

 Consider managing trigger behavior, such as handling large volumes of

data modifications, by optimizing the trigger code or using
asynchronous methods if necessary.

Step 8: Handle Security and Permissions:

 Ensure that appropriate security measures are in place. Users executing

the DML operations should have the necessary permissions to modify
data and execute triggers.

Step 9: Monitor Performance:

 Regularly monitor the performance impact of triggers, especially in

production environments, to ensure they do not negatively affect
system performance.

Remember to adapt the trigger code and the audit table structure based on
your specific requirements and database design. Additionally, consider using
SQL Server's built-in features like Change Data Capture (CDC) or temporal
tables for more advanced and scalable auditing solutions.

write steps To audit structure modification Using DDL triggers,
Auditing structure modifications using Data Definition Language (DDL)
triggers in SQL Server involves creating triggers that respond to events such as
CREATE, ALTER, or DROP statements on database objects (e.g., tables, views,
procedures). Here's a step-by-step process for auditing structure modifications
using DDL triggers:

Step 1: Identify the Objects to Be Audited:

 Determine the types of database objects (tables, views, procedures, etc.)

for which you want to audit structure modifications.

Step 2: Create an Audit Table:

 Create a separate table to store the audit trail for structure

modifications. This table should have columns to capture relevant
information, such as the date and time of the modification, the type of
operation (CREATE, ALTER, DROP), the user making the change, and
details about the modified object.
sqlCopy code
NVARCHAR( 128 ), ObjectName NVARCHAR( 128 ), OperationType NVARCHAR( 10 ), ModifiedDate

Step 3: Create the DDL Trigger:

 Write the DDL trigger to capture structure modifications. Below is an

example of a trigger for capturing ALTER TABLE statements:
sqlCopy code
ON ; DECLARE @EventData XML; SET @EventData = EVENTDATA(); -- Insert the audit record INSERT
INTO DDLAuditTrail (ObjectType, ObjectName, OperationType, ModifiedDate, ModifiedBy, TSQLCommand)
VALUES ( @EventData . value ( '(/EVENT_INSTANCE/ObjectType)[1]' , 'NVARCHAR(128)' ),
@EventData . value ( '(/EVENT_INSTANCE/ObjectName)[1]' , 'NVARCHAR(128)' ), 'ALTER' , GETDATE(),
SUSER_SNAME(), @EventData . value ( '(/EVENT_INSTANCE/TSQLCommand)[1]' , 'NVARCHAR(MAX)' ) );

Customize the trigger based on your specific requirements and the structure
of your audit table. Repeat the process for other types of DDL operations.

Step 4: Test the DDL Trigger:

 Execute DDL statements (e.g., ALTER TABLE) on the monitored objects to
test whether the trigger captures the audit information correctly.

Step 5: Review Audit Trail:

 Query the DDLAuditTrail table to review the captured audit trail records.
sqlCopy code

Step 6: Extend for Other DDL Events:

 If you want to audit other DDL events (CREATE, DROP, etc.), create
additional triggers for those events.

Step 7: Manage Trigger Behavior:

 Consider managing trigger behavior, such as handling large volumes of

DDL operations, by optimizing the trigger code or using asynchronous
methods if necessary.

Step 8: Handle Security and Permissions:

 Ensure that appropriate security measures are in place. Users executing

DDL operations should have the necessary permissions to modify
database objects and execute triggers.

Step 9: Monitor Performance:

 Regularly monitor the performance impact of triggers, especially in

production environments, to ensure they do not negatively affect
system performance.

By following these steps, you can implement DDL triggers to capture and
audit structure modifications in your SQL Server database. Always test and
review the triggers in a controlled environment before deploying them in a
production setting.
write steps To configure SQL server auditing.
Configuring SQL Server auditing involves setting up auditing options to
capture specific events and actions occurring on the SQL Server instance. SQL
Server provides two main auditing features: SQL Server Audit and C2 Audit
(Legacy). Below are the steps to configure SQL Server auditing using the SQL
Server Audit feature:

Step 1: Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

 Launch SSMS and connect to the SQL Server instance where you want to
configure auditing.

Step 2: Enable Server Audit Feature

1. Expand the "Security" node in the Object Explorer.
2. Right-click on "Server Audits" and choose "New Server Audit."

Step 3: Configure Server Audit

1. In the "General" tab of the "Create Server Audit" dialog:
 Provide a meaningful name for the audit.
 Choose the audit destination (File or Security Log).
 Set the maximum rollover files and maximum file size (if using the
file destination).
2. In the "Audit" tab:
 Select the events you want to audit, such as "Successful Logins,"
"Failed Logins," or specific database-level events.
 Specify the audit action type and target objects.
3. Click "OK" to create the server audit.

Step 4: Enable Database-level Auditing (Optional)

1. If you want to audit specific databases, expand the "Databases" node in
Object Explorer.
2. Right-click on the desired database, choose "Properties," and go to the
"Options" page.
3. Set the "Audit Level" to "All" or "Custom," and configure additional
database-level audit options.

Step 5: Create Server Audit Specification

1. Right-click on "Server Audit Specifications" and choose "New Server
Audit Specification."
2. In the "General" tab of the "Create Server Audit Specification" dialog:
 Provide a name for the specification.
 Link the specification to the server audit created in Step 3.
3. In the "Audit Action Types" tab:
 Choose the specific audit actions to include in the audit.
4. Click "OK" to create the server audit specification.

Step 6: Start the Server Audit

1. Right-click on the server audit created in Step 3 and choose "Enable."
2. Right-click on the server audit specification created in Step 5 and
choose "Enable."

Step 7: View Audit Logs

1. To view audit logs, expand the "Security" node in Object Explorer and
navigate to "Server Audit Specifications."
2. Right-click on the audit specification, choose "View Audit Logs," and
select the audit file to review the captured events.

Step 8: Adjust Auditing Configuration (Optional)

1. If needed, modify the auditing configuration by right-clicking on the
server audit or server audit specification and choosing "Properties."
2. Adjust settings such as the audit destination, events to capture, and
other properties.

Step 9: Stop or Disable Auditing (Optional)

1. To stop or disable auditing temporarily, right-click on the server audit or
server audit specification and choose the appropriate option.

Step 10: Monitor and Maintain

1. Regularly monitor audit logs to review captured events.
2. Adjust audit configurations based on changes in the environment or
compliance requirements.
3. Manage audit files and ensure they are retained appropriately.

By following these steps, you can configure SQL Server auditing to capture
and log specific events on the SQL Server instance. Adjust the auditing
configuration based on your organization's security and compliance

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