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Academic articles

Qualitative The Impact of Autocratic,

methodology Democratic and Laissez-Faire A Mechatronics-Embedded
A Model of Habitability Within the
characteristic Leadership Pneumatic Soft Modular Robot
Milky Way Galaxy
s Styles on the Success of the Powered via Single Air Tube
Yes, it has objectivity since it shows reality It does have objectivity since it
It does not have objectivity because it as it is, although surveys have been demonstrates that the changes made to
mentions that it was modeled using a carried out, the information is one hundred the robots are supported by the
computational approach due to the percent accurate and shows the previous analyses that were carried out
Objectivity spatial and temporal dimensions and knowledge that each respondent has in a on the robots that are already in
does not express reality as it is, but only neutral way. operation. It demonstrates the reality
gives a panorama of how it appears to supported by these previous studies.
It has a high degree of validity as it can
It is not 100% valid since it is not It is not 100% valid, since it is not possible
support each of the results obtained,
possible to verify that the data provided to verify that the data provided by the
Validity since the necessary tests were carried
by the studies is true. studies is true.
out with human-robot interaction.
Yes, it is stochastic since its behavior
develops in relation to space-time,
It is not stochastic because it is not It is not stochastic since it does not
Stochastic considering this as a time variable.
measured with a time variable. have a behavior developed over time.

It does have a projection, since the results Yes, it has a projection since since the
It does have a projection since, with obtained in each of the surveys carried out performance of the robot is being

Projections studies carried out, information can be make it possible to predict which type of observed, it is being predicted what
obtained about the behavior of the leadership has the greatest influence on improvements can be made to it.
habitable space within the Milky Way,
organizational performance, all based on
allowing us to predict important
the empirical responses obtained by the
information about finding a habitable
surveyed workers.
planet within the stars studied.
Yes, they all have a conclusion, since all the articles justify the data obtained in their respective predictions based on the results
Conclusions and behaviors of the study.
It does not contain biases since, due to
It has a high degree of bias, but it the information given in the article, the
This article may also contain a degree of
depends on each professional who sees projection and conclusion do not allow
bias by assuming that the majority of
the information obtained, since this them to be present because each robot
people not surveyed may think in the
article is one of the most likely to have it will always provide the same
Biases same way as those who were surveyed,
because it does not contain a high information or another depending on
and that even if you do not think similarly, t
degree of validity due to not being able some variables such as maintenance
that they share the same position.
to have a close interaction. and the programming code that has
been assigned to it.
It does present a sample since, as the
article mentions, it predicts a percentage Yes, it is a sample, since the surveys It is not a sample, since the entire batch
Sample of the planets that may contain stars, but carried out were only done with a group of of robots working at the time of the
it does not mention that all of them people from different restaurants. analysis of their operation was studied.
should be studied.
All articles have a method since they all explain their research method concisely, showing each of the elements that compose
them and that allow us to see the causes and effects that influence determining the importance, relationship and functioning that
exists between each of them.

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