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For my interdisciplinary project, I explored the deep connections between

historical events and their influence on the global landscape, specifically looking
at the impact of World War I and World War II. Second war on the Indian
economy. Delving into historical documents and economic analysis, I seek to
untangle the complex connections between these catastrophic events and India's
position in an evolving global scenario.
World War I marked the beginning of a significant change in India's economic
structure. As demand for raw materials exploded during the war, India, as a British
colony, became an important supplier. This increase in demand has boosted India's
agricultural and industrial sectors, despite inherent limitations, such as increased
exploitation and economic disparities. The consequences of World War I, along
with the Great Depression, dealt severe blows to the Indian economy. The
consequences were exacerbated by World War II, when India once again became
an important supplier of resources and manpower to the war effort. This era was
marked by increased industrialization but also by increasing economic division
and socio-political tensions.
Additionally, by exploring the intersection of historical events and their impact on
global connectivity, I discovered how these wars played a central role in shaping a
world more connected. War has acted as a catalyst for globalization, causing the
expansion of trade, technological advancement, and increased connectivity
between nations. In addition to the economic consequences, I also studied the
profound impact of disease on Indian society during these turbulent times.
Epidemics such as the Spanish flu had devastating consequences, shaping social
structures and health systems, and causing lasting changes in public health policy.
This interdisciplinary exploration has revealed the complex web linking historical
events, economic changes, global connections, and social upheavals. It emphasizes
the nuanced interaction between geopolitical events at the macro level and their
impact on societies at the micro level, emphasizing the lasting legacy that
continues to shape the world ours today.

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