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Republic of the Philippines

Marawoy, Lipa City, Philippines 4217
Tel. No. (043) 774 2526

Name: Maria Bea M. Valdez Score:

Section: MKTMGT 1102 Date: 09/12/23

Activity 2
Directions: Answer the following questions:

1. Why is it necessary for one to have a philosophical perspective on arts?

2. Identify other philosophers who advocated the arts and compare their ideas
with those of the three notable ones as discussed in this module.

3. Whose perspective of the arts do you adhere to? Why?

4. Say something about the artwork “ Art is a Friendly Deception”. Expound

your idea by means of giving relevant examples.


1. It is necessary for one to have a philosophical perspective on art since it shapes the
way people view things. This perspective is the reason why people become
interested in art, why they develop curiosity about various subjects, and why they
hold different perspectives on art itself.

2. First is John Dewey, a pragmatist. According to him, art communicates moral

purpose and education. He believes that moral purpose is justifiable and that art
conveys messages that stimulate reflection on purposeful lives. In contrast, Aristotle
believes that art has its interpretations of things.

Second is Karl Marx, who believes that the object of art, like any other product,
creates an artistic and beauty-enjoying public. Production, therefore, not only creates
an object for the individual but also an individual for the object. This aligns with
Immanuel Kant's belief that art is aesthetic and showcases beauty for people to enjoy.

Lastly, Socrates defines art as imitation. They share the same beliefs as Plato.
According to them, art serves as a mirror that reflects things.

Despite their differing perspectives, I believe they can all agree that art is something
enjoyable and conveys meaning that people will surely love.

3. The perspective of Plato on art is the one to which I adhere. Like Plato, I believe that
I love and hate art at the same time. I can say that art can express exactly what I feel;
it gives me the idea that someone can truly understand what I am going through.
However, I also recognize its potential dangers. As Plato said, art is dangerous
because when we become attached to something that we think can express us, we
might actually become attached to wrong things or wrong ideas that we mistakenly
believe are right, simply by imitating them.

4. Art is a friendly deception, meaning that it expresses something indirectly. It has

hidden meanings that you will only see or know if you dig deeper into it. Art is
aesthetically pleasing to look at, but it certainly carries a darker message. A notable
example is Vincent Van Gogh's well-known artwork, "The Starry Night." When we
examine it closely, we become fascinated by how it depicts a night sky filled with
swirling shades of blue, a luminous yellow crescent moon, and stars portrayed as
radiant orbs. However, at the same time, this remarkable piece also reveals the
artist's deteriorating mental state.

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