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Ngọc: hi guys, welcome to our program: As a day journalist, my name is ngọc

Phúc: and my name is phú we are going to discuss the biggest problem in many
schools, which is school violence.

Ngọc: Through this video, you can see bullying can take a variety of forms, from verbal
to physical as well as indirect forms such as being excluded from the social group

Phúc: So, My teammate and I are here to help you understand “what is school violence?”
“the effect of bullying on the children involved” and “What should we do when we are
victims of school violence?” well, we will invite three people to discuss them. and now
let’s go.

Ngọc: we are doing some research about school violence. May I ask you some questions?

Đồng thanh hai đứa:yes,of course

Ngọc: what is your name?

Thảo: my name is thảo

Như:and my name is như

Ngọc: OK.first, what do you know about the school violence nowadays,thảo?

Thảo: hmm, I think school violence is a hot potato happening all over the world and
Vietnam is not the exception. According to Tuoi Tre's statistics, more than 50% of
students in both cities and rural areas are involved in school violence.

Ngoc: Okay, thank you so much,thảo.and how about you,như?Could you tell the effect of
bullying on the children involved?

Như:well, Bullying is defined as a harmful action and can make the child experiencing it
feel unworthy and depressed. In extreme cases, it can even lead to suicide, though this is
thankfully rare. Victimized pupils are more likely to experience difficulties with
interpersonal relationships as adults, while children who persistently bully are more likely
to grow up to be physically violent, and convicted of anti-social offenses.

Ngọc: ok, I’m grateful for your help. thank you so much , I owe you one.

Phúc: are you free,bro?=)))

Tiến:yes,what can I help you?

Phúc:we are doing some research about school violence,may i ask you a question?
Tiến:yes,I will help you as much as possible

Phúc:ok,what is your name?

Tiến:I’m tiến

Phức:well,tiến, have you ever been a victim of school violence?

Tiến:I’m not but my friend has experienced it.

Phúc:ohh,it is so order to limit the occurrence of school violence, what should
we do when we are victims of it?

Tiến: In my opinion, the most optimal solution must come from both families and schools
working together to help children change their thoughts and actions. Re-educate their
actions, tell them what is right and wrong, what they should and should not do. Moreover,
students need to be educated to respect their friends and not use violence to resolve
conflicts. At the same time, it is necessary to train students not to win or lose, not to rely
on the strong to bully the weak

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