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A review on hydrogen production and utilization:

Challenges and opportunities

Haris Ishaq a,b,*, Ibrahim Dincer a, Curran Crawford b

Clean Energy Research Laboratory (CERL), Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Ontario Tech. Technology,
2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 7K4, Canada
Institute for Integrated Energy Systems at University of Victoria (IESVic), Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University of Victoria, BC, V8P 5C2, Canada


 A detailed review on hydrogen production methods and utilization.

 Green, blue and purple hydrogen production methods are described thoroughly.
 Hydrogen storage and infrastructure, transportation and distribution are also covered in utilization.
 Recent advancements, challenges and opportunities are described in detail.
 Comparative assessment is conducted on the basis of system design, cost, storage, GWP, infrastructure and efficiencies.

article info abstract

Article history: Environment-friendly, safe and reliable energy supplies are indispensable to society for
Received 3 October 2021 sustainable development and high life quality where even though social, environmental,
Received in revised form political and economic challenges may play a vital role in their provision. Our continuously
10 November 2021 growing energy demand is driven by extensive growth in economic development and
Accepted 18 November 2021 population and places an ever-increasing burden on fossil fuel utilization that represent a
Available online 21 December 2021 substantial percentage of this increasing energy demand but also creates challenges
associated with increased greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and resource depletion. Such
Keywords: challenges make the global transition obligatory from conventional to renewable energy
Hydrogen production and utilization sources. Hydrogen is emerging as a new energy vector outside its typical role and receiving
Renewable energy more recognition globally as a potential fuel pathway, as it offers advantages in use cases
Decarbonization and unlike synthetic carbon-based fuels can be truly carbon neutral or even negative on a
Hydrogen storage life cycle basis. This review paper provides critical analysis of the state-of-the-art in blue
Transportation and distribution and green hydrogen production methods using conventional and renewable energy sour-
Carbon capture ces, utilization of hydrogen, storage, transportation, distribution and key challenges and
Utilization and sequestration opportunities in the commercial deployment of such systems. Some of the key promising
Environmental impacts renewable energy sources to produce hydrogen, such as solar and wind, are intermittent;
hydrogen appears to be the best candidate to be employed for multiple purposes blending
the roles of fuel energy carrier and energy storage modality. Furthermore, this study offers
a comparative assessment of different non-renewable and renewable hydrogen production
systems based on system design, cost, global warming potential (GWP), infrastructure and

* Corresponding author. Clean Energy Research Laboratory (CERL), Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Ontario Tech. Tech-
nology, 2000 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 7K4, Canada.
E-mail addresses: (H. Ishaq), (I. Dincer), (C. Crawford).
0360-3199/© 2021 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 6 2 3 8 e2 6 2 6 4 26239

efficiency. Finally the key challenges and opportunities associated with hydrogen pro-
duction, storage, transportation and distribution and commercial-scale deployment are
© 2021 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

the requirement of an energy storage media and hydrogen is

Introduction the chief candidate that can be used for multiple purposes
such as fuel, energy storage media, synthesis of methanol
Substantial growth in economic development and popula- and ammonia and energy carrier. The progressively rising
tion taking place around the globe is the reason for devotion in the hydrogen applications makes it mandatory to
augmented energy demand. Power generation plays a provide a comprehensive review on hydrogen production,
vibrant role in the industrial revolution of any country. Fossil storage and distribution that also addresses the key chal-
fuels cover a significant portion of this growing energy de- lenges by means of applications and for the commercial
mand and these conventional resources are facing extreme deployment of renewable energy driven hydrogen produc-
challenges after the quick depletion. The key drawback of tion systems. The approach used to prepare this review
consuming these traditional resources (fossil fuels) is CO2 paper is to begin with the existing resources (renewable and
emissions and increased global warming [1]. Renewable en- conventional) and specific methods (including coal and nat-
ergy resources stand the most promising applicant to replace ural gas reforming, water electrolysis and thermochemical
these conventional resources due to the increased environ- cycles for hydrogen production), technological de-
mental problems. The increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) velopments in hydrogen infrastructure, storage, trans-
emissions, environmental problems and global temperature portation and distribution and utilization for different
rise are the prerequisite for the global transition from con- applications and role in the decarbonization. This review
ventional to renewable energy resources. Renewable energy study also provides a useful and compiled source for
resources namely; solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, ocean research, innovation and technological development in the
thermal energy conversion (OTEC) and biomass sources field of hydrogen production using renewable and conven-
stand the finest applicant to replace fossil fuels [2]. Owing to tional energy resources, hydrogen storage, hydrogen infra-
the intermittent nature of some auspicious renewable en- structure, transportation and distribution and hydrogen
ergy resources such as solar and wind, hydrogen can take full
advantage of renewable energy resources and cannot only be
employed as fuel but also as an energy carrier and storage
media. It can also play a vital role in the decarbonization of
the dominant sectors to meet net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050
[3]. Hydrogen is getting further recognition worldwide as an
exclusive energy solution and a potential fuel as it offers
carbon-free solutions. Moreover, it is noted that existing fuel
storage and transportation infrastructure that is used for
other chemical fuels can also be employed for hydrogen
storage and transportation. Several domestic resources can
be used to produce clean hydrogen, such as nuclear power
[4], natural gas [5], coal gasification [6] and renewable energy
resources such as solar [7], wind [8], biomass [9], geothermal
[10], hydro [11] and OTEC [12e14]. Fig. 1 displays the global
share of energy supply. Fossil fuels share a gigantic portion of
81.2% in global energy supply followed by the 13.8% share of
renewable energy sources (9.3% from biofuels, 2.0% from
wind/solar etc. and 2.5% from hydro) and 4.9% from nuclear
energy [15]. Several hydrogen-based projects are already
attracting funding around the globe. For instance, the OYS-
TER consortium received funding of 5 million Euros to
investigate offshore hydrogen production [16]. This study
presents a comprehensive review study on the renewable,
conventional and other methods of hydrogen production,
storage, transportation and distribution and the key chal-
lenges in the commercial deployment of renewable energy-
driven hydrogen production systems. The intermittent na- Fig. 1 e Share of global energy supply 2018 (data from
ture of solar and wind renewable energy sources increases Ref. [17]).
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utilization for plentiful applications including both modeling plant in Quebec, Canada which is producing up to 8.2 tonnes
and experimental efforts, developments, outcomes, scale-up of green H2 per day (~3000 tonnes annually). Despite the
and commercialization potential. The selection of the gigawatt-scale ambitions of many green-hydrogen de-
reviewed literature was based on specific keywords. This velopers, the industry is still in its infancy. Therefore, the
review study also discusses the recent efforts and approved public and private sectors around the globe are investing in
projects being directed toward green hydrogen production the emerging offshore wind þ hydrogen/ammonia economy.
and utilization that can also play a vibrant role in the To that end, Germany is eying a world-first tender [24] for an
decarbonization of the dominant sectors to meet net-zero offshore wind-hydrogen pilot in 2022. Berlin has provided
CO2 emissions by 2050. $58 M in support for pilot projects in the country's exclusive
A recent study [18] published a comparative study of economic zone in the North Sea. The EU-based OYSTER con-
different renewable energy-driven hydrogen production sortium received EUR 5 million funding to investigate offshore
methods. A review study was published on the steam hydrogen production [25]. Maersk has signed an agreement
reforming process (SMR) for hydrogen production and also with several other international companies to conduct a
conducted a thorough economic analysis with the objective to feasibility study on the ship-to-ship bunkering of green
offer an environmental and economic assessment study to ammonia at the Port of Singapore [26]. To bring shipping in
produce hydrogen using different feedstocks namely; line with the Paris Climate Agreement, the Nordic maritime
biomass, biogas, ethanol and natural gas [19]. Another review sector formulated the Nordic Green Ammonia Powered Ships
article was published on solar thermal methane reforming to (NoGAPS) project [27], worth NOK 8 million,with the aim of
produce syngas and hydrogen [20]. Solar-assisted steam decarbonizing Nordic ports, transport of people and goods, on
methane reforming was offered as a transition route that of- and between sea and land. The government has recently
fers a feasible and viable approach to generate a transition introduced 38 policies to make green hydrogen viable [28].
route towards solar hydrogen economy and for decarbon- A recent review article conducted a comparative study
ization of fossil fuels. A detailed review was presented that and environmental impact assessment of non-renewable
addressed the solar reactors from each scale and also sug- and renewable sources based on hydrogen production ap-
gested future work directions. Fig. 2 displays the global energy proaches [29]. They aimed at studying and comparing the
supply, electricity generation and CO2 emissions by different hydrogen production methods' performance and evaluating
energy sources. Fig. 2(a) shows the global energy supply, (b) the social, economic and environmental impacts. Several
exhibits the electricity generation and (c) shows the CO2 methods were considered namely: coal gasification, natural
emissions by different energy sources including solar, gas reforming, solar and wind energy-based water electrol-
geothermal, wind, biofuels, heat, waste and biofuels etc. [21]. ysis, biomass gasification, high-temperature electrolysis,
Conventional energy sources such as oil, coal/petroleum and SeI cycles and thermochemical CueCl cycles. Environ-
natural gas can be seen leading in the global energy supply, mental impacts in terms of global warming potential, acid-
electricity generation as well as CO2 emissions. ification potential and GWP, energetic and exergetic
Table 1 tabulates the comparison of hydrogen properties efficiencies and production costs of mentioned methods are
with other conventional fuels: propane, methane, gasoline, determined and compared. Life cycle assessment was con-
diesel and methanol. To present a comparison, the significant ducted in a recent study for numerous hydrogen production
properties of lower heating values (MJ/kg), hydrogen heating approaches [30]. This study included five different methods
values (MJ/kg), stoichiometric air/fuel ratio (kg), combustible of hydrogen production such as natural gas reforming, solar
range (%), flame temperature ( C), minimum ignition energy and wind energy-based water electrolysis, coal gasification,
(MJ) and auto-ignition temperature ( C). Hydrogen offers the and thermochemical CueCl cycle. Recently, the world's
highest burning velocity as compared to all other fuels largest green-hydrogen plant (20 MW) was inaugurated in
whether liquids or gases. A high-performance indicator is Canada by Air Liquide [31]. Table 2 displays a detailed re-
offered by the hydrogen fuel cells in terms of efficiency, as fuel view on hydrogen production methods and Table 3 tabu-
cells are not constrained by thermal efficiency limits of the lates detailed review studies on hydrogen storage,
thermal Carnot cycle. All over the world, a massive number of transportation and distribution techniques.
H2 fuel stations are projected to be installed this year to
facilitate hydrogen fuel cell and fuel cell hybrid vehicles. Ad-
vantages of hydrogen include: efficient energy conversion Hydrogen production methods
effectiveness, produced through water splitting with zero
carbon emissions, synthesis of different fuels such as syn- The production of hydrogen can be classified into three sig-
thetic fuels and ammonia followed by different chemical re- nificant categories of green (renewable energy-based
actions, the abundance of sources, availability of storage hydrogen production), purple (nuclear energy based hydrogen
options, existing infrastructure can be utilized for long- production) and blue (coal gasification and natural gas based
distance transportation, high LHV as compared with tradi- hydrogen production integrated with carbon capture and
tional fossil fuels and provides clean energy solutions for en- storage (CCS) hydrogen production methods. Even though
ergy sector through renewable energy sources, to eradicate steam methane reforming is a CO2 intensive process that is
the environmental problems. currently used globally for the major portion of hydrogen
A number of aligned large-scale projects are already production today, renewable electricity can also be employed
attracting funding around the globe. For instance, Air Liquide to produce green hydrogen. Zero direct CO2 emissions from
[23] has commissioned the world's largest green hydrogen electrolysis is another conventional technique that splits
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Fig. 2 e (a) Global energy supply (b) electricity generation and (c) CO2 emissions by different energy sources including solar,
geothermal, wind, biofuels, heat, waste and biofuels etc. (data from Ref. [21]).

Table 1 e Comparison of hydrogen properties with other conventional fuels (modified from Ref. [22]).
Fuel HHV LHV Stoichiometric Minimum Ignition Auto Ignition Combustible Flame
(MJ/kg) (MJ/kg) Air/Fuel ratio (kg) Energy (MJ) Temperature ( C) Range (%) Temperature ( C)
Hydrogen 141.6 119.9 34.3 0.017 585 4e75 2207
Propane 50.3 45.6 15.6 0.30 450 2.1e9.5 1925
Methanol 22.7 18.0 6.5 0.14 460 6.7e36 1870
Methane 55.5 50.0 17.2 0.30 540e630 5e15 1914
Diesel 44.8 42.5 14.5 e 180e320 0.6e5.5 2327
Gasoline 47.3 44.5 14.6 0.29 260e460 1.3e7.1 2307

water into oxygen and hydrogen employing electrical current gas cost per unit of produced energy. Likewise, using elec-
and this electricity can be harvested from renewable energy trolysis for hydrogen production with 5 cents/kWh of elec-
sources to produce green hydrogen. tricity will cost approximately two times that of natural gas-
Hydrogen production cost is a significant hurdle especially based hydrogen production. According to the new report
for the green variety. Steam reforming-based hydrogen pro- published by Renewable World Energy, the US will be selling
duction costs roughly three times compared with the natural wind energy at the lowest recorded price of 2.5 cents/kWh,
Table 2 e Some key studies and their details on hydrogen production methods.
Authors Focus of study Approach Key findings
Chen et al. [32] Thermodynamic analysis and life cycle Thermodynamic analysis and life Designed system achieved 53.3% efficiency on 700  C temperature and 15% coal
assessment of integrated coal gasification cycle assessment concentration. GWP, nitrogen oxides and acidification potential were found to be
for hydrogen and power production 0.058 kg CO2 eq/(kWh), 7.04  105 NO2 eq/(kWh) and 3.63  104 kg SO2 eq/(kWh)
Ventura and Azevedo [33] Numerical model development for Thermodynamic assessment This SRP integration modeling approach was found to be more flexible as
natural-gas steam reforming for hydrogen compared with using distinct CFD models and can also be extended to reformer
production with coupled furnace model tubes of industrial furnaces.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 6 2 3 8 e2 6 2 6 4
Ishaq and Dincer [34] Analysis and assessment of solar energy- Cost assessment, carbon emission The integrated steam-autothermal reforming model was found to be
driven natural gas reforming system for analyses and multi-objective energetically enhanced and improved energy and exergy efficiencies were found
hydrogen production optimization to be 59.1% and 31.1% respectively.
Coutanceau et al. [35] Production of hydrogen from water Thermodynamic assessment The proton exchange membrane electrolysis system was found to be compatible
electrolysis while coupled with renewable energy systems, alkaline electrolysis system was
proposed to be coupled with industrial stationary applications and solid oxide
electrolysis system for the valorization of the energetic production excess of
nuclear power plants.
Dincer and Joshi [36] Solar energy assisted hydrogen Thermodynamic assessment, Thermodynamic assessment, sustainability aspects and environmental impact
production systems sustainability aspects and assessments of solar energy based hydrogen production systems.
environmental impact assessments
Zhang and Wan [37] Modeling of wind assisted hydrogen Real time data analysis for wind Hydrogen storage system for immense wind energy curtailment and possible
storage system for immense wind energy energy curtailment integration considering the real-time data of 10 min average throughout the
curtailment whole wind farm year was conducted.
Kanoglu et al. [38] Thermodynamic analysis of geothermal Thermodynamic modeling and First model was proposed to employ the geothermal work to the electrolysis
energy based hydrogen production assessment process and found to be 28.5% efficient, second model employed a fraction of
models geothermal heat to preheat the water offered 29.9% efficiency, third model
employed a portion of geothermal heat to preheat the water for high-temperature
electrolyzer with improved efficiency of 37.2% and fourth model employed a
fraction of geothermal work for liquefaction and remaining for electrolysis and
offered 16.1% efficiency.
Acar and Dincer [39] Review and assessment of different Economic, social and technical This study determined the normalized performance of different hydrogen
hydrogen production opportunities for performance, environmental and production methods and found that solar offers highest environmental
better environment reliability performance (8/10), nuclear offers lowest environmental performance (3/10) and
geothermal offers lowest total average ranking (4/10/10).
Tarney [40] Production of hydrogen at hydro- The improved efficiency of the hydrogen production at hydro-powerplant was
powerplants found by utilizing the excess/wasted energy and generating electricity from
hydrogen employing fuel cell or gas turbine.
Hosseini and Wahid [41] Production of hydrogen from sustainable Comparative assessment of green In supercritical water gasification of biomass, hydrogen was found to be produced
and renewable energy resources energy carrier at high pressure employing small amount of energy and reducing the char and tar
formation. Also, the cost and efficiency challenges associated with photovoltaic
cells were highlighted.
Iribarren et al. [42] Lignocellulosic biomass gasification based Environmental impact assessment, The proposed biomass (poplar) gasification study offered exergetic efficiency of
hydrogen production thermodynamic performance, 48% owing to 4.6% exergy losses associated with flue gas streams and 47% exergy
exergetic assessment and life cycle destruction was found.
assessment (LCA)
Table 3 e Some selected studies and key details on hydrogen storage, transportation and distribution techniques.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 6 2 3 8 e2 6 2 6 4
Authors Focus of study Approach Key findings
Yilmaz et al. [43] Thermodynamic analysis and assessment of Thermodynamic performance and The ocean thermal energy conversion system was integrated with hydrogen
ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) assisted assessment production and improved energy and exergy efficiencies were found to be
hydrogen production and liquefaction process 43.5% and 36.5%.
Ghazvini et al. [44] A review on the geothermal energy based Technical, environmental and The economic revealed that the costs for geothermal energy-driven
hydrogen production and storage economic assessment electrolysis and thermochemical processes for hydrogen production was
found to be considerably lower than other sources.
Seyam et al. [45] Analysis and assessment of geothermal energy Energy and exergy assessment and Geothermal energy-driven clean hydrogen liquefaction plant offered 26.74%
integrated clean hydrogen liquefaction plant specific energy consumption increment in the energy and exergy efficiencies.
Adballa et al. [46] A review on hydrogen production, storage and Comparative assessment This review study highlighted the lack in gravimetric and volumetric densities
transportation for hydrogen storage materials and other challenges confronting the
Ogden [47] Introduction to future hydrogen infrastructure Hydrogen infrastructure The environmental and energy security issues posed by current fuels and
technical, societal, economic and infrastructure challenges associated with
hydrogen implementation were addressed and hydrogen infrastructure
implementation was proposed.
Hassan et al. [48] Review on hydrogen storage technologies for Hydrogen storage review and Physical storage methods consist of compressed gas, liquid and cryo-
stationary and mobile applications comparative assessment compressed forms and were found to be dependent on varying storing
conditions, for instance, the temperature in liquid storage, pressure in
compressed gas or both in cryo-compressed gas storage. Alternatively, solid-
state or material-based storage was classified into adsorption and absorption
Ratnakar et al. [49] Challenges in large-scale hydrogen storage and Hydrogen supply chain Challenges in hydrogen storage and transportation
Ratnakar et al. [50] Future hydrogen markets for transportation and Hydrogen transportation Results indicated that consumption of low-cost, long-term storage and better-
industry quality refueling station utilization take highest impression during market
introduction phase.

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thus the electricity will cost somewhat less than four times of the significant hydrogen production processes such as steam
natural gas-based hydrogen production cost [51]. Hydrogen methane reforming (SMR), landfill gas dry reformation, coal
can be blended with natural gas to transport the lower gasification, H2S methane reforming, naphtha reforming,
hydrogen concentrations using existing natural gas pipeline methane/natural gas pyrolysis, steam-iron process, steam
infrastructure and it can also reduce the CO2 emissions reforming of waste oil, partial oxidation of heavy oil and coal,
emitted by the existing natural gas reforming plants. grid electrolysis of water, high-temperature water electrolysis,
Hydrogen fuel is attracting global attention because of chloralkali electrolysis, solar & PV water electrolysis, photolysis
numerous reasons including the following significant ones: of water, biomass gasification, photobiological, thermochem-
ical water splitting, photoelectrochemical water decomposition
 Hydrogen production can be carried out using diverse en- and photocatalytic water decomposition and states the ideal
ergy resources and practical energy requirements and efficiencies and cost
 Hydrogen is the slightest contaminating subsequently the comparison.
hydrogen usage in fuel cells or combustion processes Fig. 3 outlines the steps of source, system and service
produces water included in this approach. The sources included in this
 Hydrogen meets all energy requirements and can be approach are the primary energy sources (renewable) to be
employed to hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, used for residen- integrated with the hydrogen production system followed by
tial applications, used as an energy carrier and can also be the storage and distribution to encounter the supply and de-
employed as a fuel for combined heating and power pro- mand concerning the distribution employing the existing
duction systems infrastructure and supply for the end-use amenities, such as
 Hydrogen can also play a vital role in the decarbonization fuel cells for power production and hydrogen fuel cell vehi-
of the maritime industry by employing off-grid offshore cles, internal combustion engines, manufacturing of different
wind energy to produce clean fuel (hydrogen/ammonia) for chemicals namely; ammonia, methanol, pharmaceuticals and
the maritime industry. hydrochloric acid and to encounter the residential applica-
 Hydrogen is a flawless energy carrier that can be employed tions namely; heating, cooling, power, freshwater, combined
as an energy storage media. heating and power production and space heating and cooling
 Unlike other carbon-based fuels such as methanol, need to be considered to deliver an environmentally benign
dimethyl ether, synthetic CH4 that do not compete with and sustainable approach to eradicate the environmental
DAC/CCS efforts, hydrogen does not emit CO2 emissions at problems. To arrive at solutions for producing sustainable
the point of use. energy, environmental problems and GHG emissions need to
be mitigated.
Table 4 arranges a comparative cost and performance fea- Bessarabov and Millet published two volumes on PEM
tures of several hydrogen production processes. It incorporates water electrolysis [22,53] including the most comprehensive

Table 4 e Comparative cost and performance features of hydrogen production processes (compiled from Ref. [52]).
Process Energy consumption (kWh/m3) Status of Tech. Efficiency [%] Costs Relative to SMR
Ideal Practical
Steam methane reforming (SMR) 0.78 2e2.5 mature 70e80 1
Methane/NG pyrolysis R&D to mature 72e54 0.9
H2S methane reforming 1.5 e R&D 50 <1
Photocatalytic decomp. Of water early R&D
Landfill gas dry reformation R&D 47e58 ~1
Partial oxidation of heavy oil 0.94 4.9 mature 70 1.8
Naphtha reforming mature
Thermochemical water splitting early R&D 35e45 6
Coal gasification (TEXACO) 1.01 8.6 mature 60 1.4e2.6
Steam-iron process R&D 46 1.9
Steam reforming of waste oil R&D 75 <1
Photoelectrochemical decomp. Of water early R&D
Partial oxidation of coal mature 55
Chloralkali electrolysis mature by-product
Grid electrolysis of water 3.54 4.9 R&D 27 10-Mar
Photolysis of water early R&D <10
High-temp. Electrolysis of water R&D 48 2.2
Biomass gasification R&D 45e50 2.0e2.4
Solar & PV-electrolysis of water R&D to mature 10 >3
Photobiological early R&D <1
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 6 2 3 8 e2 6 2 6 4 26245

Fig. 3 e 3S approach for renewable energy-driven hydrogen production and utilization.

sets of properties of hydrogen as well as a detailed chapter on oxidation and coal gasification. It is significant to avoid carbon-
hydrogen production. The first volume put together an in- based progenitors (e.g. Blue hydrogen CCUS) and carbon-based
clusive set of hydrogen properties including the fundamentals carriers (e.g. synthetic natural gas) to avoid concerns associ-
of water electrolysis and detailed chapters on proton ex- ated with CCUS net-GHG efficacy and re-release of captured CO2
change membrane cell and stack and gas permeation in PEM at combustion respectively and focus on developing a long-term,
water electrolysis. The second volume included comprehen- truly ‘green’ technical pathways rather than shorter-term nat-
sive chapters on hydrogen production including PEM water ural-gas based plays. For some intermittent renewable energy
electrolysis plant, key performance parameters, performance sources, a consistent, reliable, trusted and principal storage
degradation, power-to-gas and selection properties of system is required to be combined with the systems. According
hydrogen. A comprehensive review study on production, to the new report published by renewable world energy, the US
storage and utilization of hydrogen as an energy resource [54], will be selling wind energy at the lowest recorded price of 2.5
hydrogen production utilizing nuclear and solar energy [55], cents/kWh [63], thus the electricity will cost somewhat less than
comprehensive review on the production of hydrogen using four times of natural gas-based hydrogen production cost. To
biomasses and wastes [56], hydrogen production in an un- meet the optimum outcomes, the selection of a suitable system
derdeveloped country using wind energy [57], implementa- with a source is also substantial. The outcome of using this
tions on renewable hydrogen for combined transportation, approach is environmentally benign, clean and sustainable
energy storage and stationary applications [58], comprehen- hydrogen. Fig. 4 exhibits the classification of renewable, con-
sive review on hydrogen transportation infrastructure reli- ventional and other hydrogen production methods.
ability and performance [59], road transportation sectors’
sustainable development by means of hydrogen energy sys- Blue hydrogen production methods
tem [60], hydrogen introduction strategy into transportation
[61] and recent trends and technological developments in This section covers the conventional hydrogen production
hydrogen production and utilization [62]. routes that produce a major fraction of hydrogen to meet the
The selection of the primary energy source for producing global hydrogen demand which is now being switched to
hydrogen is the first step and the source needs to be abundant, renewable energy sources or the existing conventional
clean, plentiful, reliable and affordable. Currently, in the main- hydrogen production facilities are being integrated with car-
stream hydrogen (almost 95%) is produced using fossil fuels and bon capture and storage (CCS) or carbon capture and utiliza-
more specifically natural gas reforming, methane partial tion (CCU) process to capture the emitted CO2 emissions. The
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integration of the CCS process with coal and natural gas The activated titanium or aluminum oxide catalyst is
based hydrogen production techniques makes it blue and employed to the catalytic Claus process that boosts the con-
carbon neutral. version efficiency of sulfur. The sulfur dioxide (SO2) that is
formed through combustion reacts with gaseous hydrogen
Natural gas reforming sulfide and sulfur is separated from gaseous hydrogen sulfide
A significant portion of the traditional hydrogen is produced by separating the elemental sulfur [65].
using fossil fuels and more specifically natural gas reforming
2H2 S þ SO2 /3S þ 2H2 O (2)
and methane partial oxidation. In the initial processing step,
the desulfurization of natural gas is employed to separate the The step followed by the desulfurization of natural gas is
sulfur content from the natural gas and gaseous hydrogen steam methane reforming. In this step, steam reacts with
sulfide (H2S) is found in raw natural gas. The sulfur is recov- natural gas at high temperatures and forms carbon monoxide
ered using the Claus process from gaseous H2S. The produced and hydrogen gases [66].
gaseous hydrogen sulfide reacts with oxygen gas to separate
sulfur in Claus plants [64]. CH4 þ H2 O/CO þ 3H2 (3)

The produced carbon monoxide can further be reacted

2H2 S þ O2 /2S þ 2H2 O (1)
with steam using a water gas shift reactor to convert carbon

Fig. 4 e Hydrogen production methods.

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monoxide into carbon dioxide and additional hydrogen can be The gasification step is followed by the quenching process
produced [67]. through which rapid cooling is applied. A syngas cooling unit
comes next where heat is recovered for syngas cooling and
CO þ H2 O/CO2 þ H2 (4)
recovered heat can be used for multiple purposes such as
The natural gas reforming method for hydrogen is further power production, hot water and space heating. The water-
integrated with carbon capture and storage technique to gas shift reaction follows the syngas cooling unit that con-
capture CO2 emissions instead of releasing them to the envi- verts CO to CO2. The acid gas removal unit former to the water
ronment, making the process carbon neutral and producing gas shift reaction where hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and carbon
blue hydrogen [68]. dioxide (CO2) are separated. The hydrogen purification unit is
followed by the acid gas removal step and the pressure swing
Coal gasification adsorption process is usually used to separate hydrogen for
Coal gasification is another conventional method used for the other gases. Gasification and water gas shift reaction are
hydrogen production. The first step is air separation which the processes which require steam input and heat covered by
separates oxygen from air and supplies it to the gasifier. One the syngas cooling unit can be employed to convert water into
of the three well-established methods is used for air separa- steam at the desired temperature. Similar to the natural gas
tion, namely: membrane separation, cryogenic air separation, reforming method, coal gasification method of hydrogen
or pressure swing adsorption. The step following air separa- production is also integrated with the carbon capture and
tion is coal pyrolysis. The pyrolysis step requires two inputs of storage technique to capture CO2 emissions instead of
steam and oxygen with coal for gasification. In this step, coal releasing them to the environment, making the process car-
is wrecked into volatile and char. bon neutral and producing blue hydrogen.
The volatile matter contains moisture and tar, it is
presented by C6H6. The pyrolysis reaction is written as fol- Purple hydrogen production method
lows [69]:
Nuclear energy based hydrogen production is referred to as
Coal / Char þ ðC6 H6 þ H2 þ CO þ H2 S þ CO2 þ N2 þ CH4 þ H2 OÞ purple hydrogen and high temperatures of the nuclear re-
(5) actors can be utilized for other hydrogen production methods
such as thermochemical hydrogen production. Nuclear en-
After the pyrolysis reaction, the combustion of the volatile
ergy is derived from uranium atoms split using fission. Nu-
matter can be expressed by the following reactions:
clear energy produces heat to generate steam and generated
15 steam is employed to the turbines to produce electricity.
C6 H6 þ O2 / 3H2 O þ 6CO2 (6)
2 Nuclear plants do not involve fuel-burning directly, thus they
do not generate direct GHG emissions. In the reactors
1 employed to the nuclear power plants, fission reaction is
CO þ O2 /CO2 (7)
2 employed as it can be controlled. The reason for not using
fusion reaction to generate power is the difficulty level to
1 control the fusion reaction and providing the conditions
H2 þ O2 /H2 O (8)
required by the fusion reaction is costly as well and as yet
CH4 þ 2O2 /2H2 O þ CO2 (9)
In a nuclear power plant, the fission reaction is employed
The following equations present the elemental composi- to the nuclear reactor which is a heat source of thermal en-
tion of char: ergy. Similar to the characteristic stations generating thermal
power, steam is generated using heat produced by the nuclear
char / C þ N2 þ O2 þ S þ H2 þ Ash (10)
reactor and this steam is employed to the turbine and gener-
ates electricity using a generator. Nuclear energy is generated
C þ 2H2 /CH4 (11)
C þ H2 O /CO þ H2 (12) using atoms splitting in the nuclear reactor which converts
water into steam, employed to the turbine and electricity is
C þ CO2 /2CO (13) generated. In 29 states, ninety-five nuclear plants produce
approximately 20% of national electricity using uranium. The
C þ O2 /CO2 (14) nuclear reactor is used to undergo a fission reaction and
generate thermal energy. This thermal energy generated by
CH4 þ 2H2 O /CO2 þ 4H2 (15) the nuclear power plant can be used for multiple purposes
[70]. The most common method of utilizing this thermal en-
CO þ H2 O /CO2 þ H2 (16) ergy is to produce power using a turbine which can later be
employed to the fuel cells for hydrogen production. Some
other methods are to employ this thermal energy to the
C þ 0:5 O2 /CO (17)
different processes such as thermochemical water splitting
cycles, steam reforming methods, or water electrolysis for
S þ H2 /H2 SAC (18)
hydrogen production.
26248 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 6 2 3 8 e2 6 2 6 4

Green hydrogen production methods multiple routes namely; solar thermolysis, solar thermo-
chemical cycle, mechanical energy to electrical energy, solar
Renewable energy based hydrogen production is referred to as gasification, solar cracking and electrolysis. Photo-
green hydrogen. Green hydrogen is obtained from the elec- electrolysis and bio-photolysis are capable of producing
trolysis of water with electricity generated by low-carbon hydrogen directly. The photovoltaic source generates elec-
power sources also known as renewable energy sources. trical power which is employed to the electrolysis for
Before getting into specific details of different hydrogen pro- hydrogen production. The thermal energy extracted from the
duction methods, the electrolysis process is described in concentrated solar thermal energy source is also employed
detail. to hydrogen production routes of solar gasification and solar
ammonia reforming.
Water electrolysis is used to split water into its components of Wind energy
oxygen and hydrogen using electricity. The significant elec- Wind power defines the process of generating electricity using
trolyser types are proton exchange membrane (PEM) electro- wind energy. Wind turbines are employed to extract wind
lyser, solid oxide (SO) electrolyser and alkaline (ALK) energy. The wind rotates the turbines which convert kinetic
electrolyser. The promising renewable energy sources energy into mechanical energy and the generator converts
including solar and hydrogen are being integrated directly mechanical energy into electrical energy. The electrical en-
with the water electrolysis process to produce clean and ergy extracted from the wind energy source is AC, thus AC/DC
environmentally benign hydrogen. PEM electrolysis process converter is employed to feed the DC electrical power to the
offers quite a lot of advantages over the other electrolysis electrolyser for hydrogen production. Categorically, wind
technologies namely: higher hydrogen production rate, better turbines can mainly be classified into two of the following
energy efficiency and more compact design. Compared with classes based on the installation and geographical location,
ALK electrolysis process, the PEM electrolysis process offers onshore and offshore wind turbines [73e75].
the advantage of reacting quickly to the fluctuations that Onshore wind turbine farms are installed on land, whereas
make it easy to integrate PEM electrolysis with a renewable offshore wind turbine farms are installed over open water.
energy source that possesses intermittent nature. PEM elec- There are more wind resources on the offshore sites in com-
trolysis process can also be employed in distributed systems parison with onshore (approximately twice as medium
as it delivers high-quality gas and requires less maintenance. onshore wind farms). When sited offshore, the acoustic and
Table 5 arranges the advancement in techno-economic char- visual impact is very trivial, so much larger areas can be used.
acteristics of PEM and ALK electrolysers. Recently, a new $3.4 million project is approved aiming to
improve the Atlantic Canadian offshore wind energy sector's
Solar energy capability in installing infrastructure in glacial seabeds [31].
Solar energy is recognized as a significant renewable primary Fig. 6 displays the wind energy-based hydrogen produc-
energy source that can be employed for producing clean and tion system. The electrical energy extracted from the
sustainable hydrogen. The solar energy source has the po- wind energy source is converted from AC to DC and
tential to play a vital role in the transition from conventional employed to the electrolyser which split water into oxygen
to renewable energy sources. Solar energy is one of the sig- and hydrogen. Wind based electricity can be employed by
nificant primary sources that can be utilized for clean the electrolyser for hydrogen production and produced
hydrogen production. Fig. 5 displays the classification of hydrogen can be employed in stationary or mobile (vehicle)
solar energy sources that can be employed for hydrogen fuel cells for electricity generation. Hydrogen can also
production. The solar energy source can be categorized into be stored to meet the load during low wind speed
the solar thermal, solar photovoltaic and photo- intervals. The technology of producing hydrogen using wind
electrochemical classes [72]. The concentrated solar thermal energy is an efficient, clean and sustainable energy pro-
energy source can be used to produce hydrogen using duction mode.

Table 5 e Techno-economic characteristics of PEM and ALK electrolysers (data from Ref. [71]).
Technology PEM ALK
Unit 2017 2025 2017 2025
Efficiency kWh electricity per kg of H2 58 52 51 49
Efficiency (LHV) % 57 64 65 68
System lifetime Years 20 20
Typical output pressure Bar 30 60 Atmospheric 15
OPEX Initial CAPEX % per year 2% 2% 2% 2%
Stack lifetime Operating hours 40,000 h 50,000 h 80,000 h 90,000 h
Start-up (warm-cold) 1 s to 5 min 1e10 min
Load range 0e160% nominal load 15e100% nominal load
Ramp-up/ramp-down 100% per second 0.2e20% per second
Shutdown Seconds 1e10 min
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 6 2 3 8 e2 6 2 6 4 26249

Fig. 5 e Classification of solar energy-based hydrogen production.

Fig. 6 e Onshore and offshore wind energy-driven hydrogen production.

Geothermal energy electricity. The International Geothermal Association re-

Geothermal energy can be defined as the heat generated in- ported that 10,715 MW of geothermal power was produced by
side the earth's sub-surface. The geothermal energy is 24 countries in 2010 which displayed 20% raise since 2005
transmitted to the earth's surface using steam or hot water. and 18,500 MW geothermal power was reported in 2015
Geothermal energy can be utilized for multiple purposes which displayed almost 60% raise since 2010 in an online
depending on nature such as cooling, heating, or producing capacity. Geothermal energy can be employed for hydrogen
26250 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 6 2 3 8 e2 6 2 6 4

production in multiple ways, such as geothermal power can 100% efficiency nevertheless extracting 100% kinetic energy of
be fed to water electrolysis for hydrogen production [76], the flowing water represents the flow must stop. Fig. 8 shows
geothermal energy can be used to heat water that makes the the different routes of hydro energy generation. Similar to
water electrolysis more efficient [77], heat pump systems [78] steam turbines, water turbines depend on the working fluid
and geothermal heat can also be employed for thermo- impulse impact on the turbine blades or else reaction between
chemical hydrogen production [79]. the blades that turn the turbine and operate the generator and
The complete or partial amount of electricity generated by working fluid. Numerous dissimilar types of turbines have
the geothermal plant can be used to produce hydrogen by also been established to achieve optimized performance
employing an electrolyser. Fig. 7 displays different modes of under particular conditions of water supply.
geothermal energy-based hydrogen production. A geothermal
source with a high temperature is required for lower cost Ocean thermal energy conversion
hydrogen production and liquidating processes. Geothermal Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) process generates
power plants extract heat from deep inside of earth crust to electricity employing temperature differences in cold ocean
produce steam which is employed to the turbine to generate deep water and tropical surface warm water. OTEC power
electricity. Geothermal heat pumps are used for water heating plants employ large cold deep and surface seawater quanti-
or to provide heating to the building to the surface of the earth. ties to drive a turbine that operates the power cycle and
generates electricity. OTEC technology is known as a marine
Hydro energy renewable energy system that extracts the ocean water en-
Hydropower denotes the conversion of water-flowing energy ergy absorbed from solar energy to produce electric power.
into electricity. Hydropower is measured as a renewable en- OTEC system employs the warm surface ocean water with a
ergy source since the cycle of water is continually renewed. In temperature of approximately 25  C that is used for working
history, hydropower was first employed for mechanical mill- fluid vaporization such as ammonia that carrier low-boiling
ing. Hydropower covers around 17.5% of global electricity point [81,82]. Fig. 9 exhibits the OTEC-based hydrogen pro-
demand employing water potential energy. Excluding a few duction system.
countries that are abundant in this source, hydropower is The OTEC cycle works under the principle of using warm
generally used as a backup to meet the peak-load demand as it water for working fluid evaporation that has a low boiling
can be voluntarily started and stopped. Hydropower genera- point. The pressurized vapor rotates the turbines that
tion is certainly the greatest effective method for large-scale generate mechanical work and the generator produces
electricity generation. Hydropower energy flows can be electricity. Deep cold seawater is employed for working fluid
concentrated and controlled [80]. The energy conversion vapor condensation. The Carnot thermal efficiency which is
process extracts kinetic energy that is converted to electrical the maximum possible efficiency of an OTEC cycle is
energy directly and it contains no ineffective intermediate approximately 7% as the temperature difference in surface
chemical or thermodynamic processes undergoing heat los- and deep ocean water is somewhat over 20  C in tropical
ses. The process can never be completely efficient undergoing waters.

Fig. 7 e Geothermal energy-based hydrogen production.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 6 2 3 8 e2 6 2 6 4 26251

Fig. 8 e Hydro energy-based hydrogen production routes.

Fig. 9 e Ocean thermal energy conversion system for hydrogen production.

Biomass gasification heating value fuel whose calorific value is in the range of
Gasification is known as a process that converts organic ma- 1000e1200 kcal/Nm3.
terials or carbonaceous fossil fuels into carbon monoxide, Biomass gasification encompasses biomass burning under
carbon dioxide and hydrogen and the resulting mixture is a limited air supply to create carbon dioxide, hydrogen,
known as producer gas or syngas. The biomass gasification methane, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, steam accompanied by
process is used to convert solid biomass fossil fuels into chemicals such as char, tars and ash particles containing
combustible gaseous producer gas employing several catego- combustible gas [83]. Gasification is a considerably cleaner
rized thermochemical reactions. The producer gas is low- process of conversion as compared with combustion as
26252 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 6 2 3 8 e2 6 2 6 4

Fig. 10 e Hydrogen production schematic using biomass gasification.

gasification produces fuel in the form of syngas rather than The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
burning it which prevents many pollutants to be emitted such launched a hydrogen-fueled space shuttle that was retired in
as, NOx SOx and other particulates that occur at higher tem- 2011. Fig. 11 displays hydrogen utilization as fuel, feedstock
peratures than typical gasification temperature [84]. Fig. 10 and energy carrier. Hydrogen can be employed as a fuel for
displays the hydrogen production schematic using biomass numerous applications such as fuel cells, combustion, power,
gasification. heating and cooling, ammonia synthesis and synthetic fuels.
Before getting into specific details of hydrogen utilization, it is

Hydrogen fuel utilization

Hydrogen is a clean fuel that produces only water when

employed in a fuel cell or combusted. A number of domestic
resources can be used to produce clean hydrogen, such as
nuclear power, natural gas, coal gasification and renewable
energy resources such as solar, wind, biomass, geothermal,
hydro and OTEC. Such flexible characteristics make it a po-
tential fuel option for electricity generation and trans-
portation applications. It can be employed as fuel in the
transportation sector [85e87], can be used as an energy carrier
[88e90] and can also be used as energy storage media [91e94].
Robert Boyle discovered hydrogen in 1671 [95] by dipping
different metals in acid to investigate the characteristics while
he observed a single-displacement reaction occurring upon
dipping. Later on, Henry Cavendish established hydrogen as a
distinct element [96] and declared hydrogen as flammable gas
with Boyle. In the early nineteenth century, hydrogen was
employed in large airships for buoyancy. Afterward, it was Fig. 11 e Hydrogen utilization as fuel, feedstock and energy
also used in the detonation of the first H-Bomb in 1954 [97]. carrier.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 6 2 3 8 e2 6 2 6 4 26253

important to dwell on the storage and infrastructure, trans- analysis was based on energetic and exergetic approaches.
portation and distribution of hydrogen. Some sensitivity analyses were also conducted to explore the
effects of the initial conditions on the filling process exergy
Hydrogen storage destruction rate and exergetic efficiency. The transient anal-
ysis was also conducted to explore the filling process and
The hydrogen and fuel-cell systems can also be advantageous determine the pressure and temperature pressure during
for residential applications. In the residential sector, the filling inside the storage tank.
residence can be powered locally by employing hydrogen fuel Hydrogen energy pathways offer an efficient solution to
cells. Additionally, hydrogen can directly be employed and many GHG emission issues owing to its clean and cyclic uti-
combusted in the residence furnace to produce heat (thermal lization [101]. Hydrogen is the most plentiful, lightest, sus-
energy) for space heating and hot water on demand. GHG tainable and nontoxic element that characterizes an
emissions reduction is one of the most significant advantages environment-friendly source of energy and alternative fuel
of using such a system. An additional benefit is reducing peak to conventional l fuel [102,103] that can supply natural gas,
loads from grids by promoting the capability of generating petroleum and coal for about 60, 40 and 156 years respectively
local power using fuel cells and easy utilization of the delo- at maximum utilization [104]. Even though hydrogen can be
calized renewable energy generation becomes easily appli- produced from both conventional and renewable energy re-
cable. Numerous environmental advantages are accompanied sources, however, sustainability rises when renewable energy
by hydrogen utilization and hydrogen-based fuel-cell systems resources are used. In addition, it is advantageous to food and
and their applications in residences. A global transition is water supply for third-world countries [105]. Production of
occurring in the transportation sector from traditional fuel methanol from CO2 and H2 and fabrication of polymers from
combustion to hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles and this CO2 and water [106,107] could extensively support the
transition is also occurring in aviation, boats, locomotives and hydrogen economy accomplishment. Hydrogen storage (HS) is
drones. In the fuel-cell electric vehicles, a hydrogen tank is classified into material-based and physical-based technolo-
used instead of traditional fuel tanks and stored hydrogen is gies. Fig. 12 displays the classification of different hydrogen
fed to the hydrogen fuel-cell to generate electric power. In the storage technologies (HST). Physical storage methods consist
hydrogen fuel-cell hybrid electric vehicles, a battery storage of compressed gas, liquid and cryo-compressed forms and are
system is also employed to store the additional electricity and dependent on varying storing conditions, for instance, the
is used to drive a vehicle when required. The hydrogen fuel temperature in liquid storage, pressure in compressed gas or
cell is a well-developed and efficient technology used to temperature and pressure in cryo-compressed gas storage.
generate electricity using hydrogen. A high-performance in- Alternatively, solid-state or material-based storage includes
dicator is offered by the hydrogen fuel cells in terms of effi- adsorption and absorption techniques.
ciencies as fuel cells do not follow the efficiency limits of the Renewable hydrogen storage for fuel cell applications can
Carnot cycle. All over the world, a massive amount of H2 fuel be employed for hydrogen fuel-cell electric vehicles and
stations are projected to install in this year to facilitate power generation. Fig. 13 displays the representation of
hydrogen fuel cell and fuel cell hybrid vehicles. Hydrogen can hydrogen storage methods starting from the renewable en-
be stored in multiple ways to be employed for different ergy sources leading towards hydrogen which is stored to be
applications. employed for different applications such as fuel cells,
A recent article published in the open literature [26] pre- ammonia and heating, cooling and power. The different
sents a comparative study of different hydrogen storage sys- renewable energy sources which can be employed for clean
tems and their efficiencies employing solid-state materials for hydrogen production are solar, wind, biomass, geothermal,
hydrogen storage [98]. To evaluate the performances of hydro and ocean. The electricity generated by these renew-
different hydrogen storage, solid-state materials must contain able energy sources is fed to the electrolyser with water which
characteristics of operating temperature and pressure, heat produces hydrogen. The produced hydrogen is stored in the
effects of hydrogen release and uptake, packing densities and storage tank and employed to the fuel cell to generate power
reversible H2 storage capacities. A performance assessment of for different applications.
systems collecting 5 kg hydrogen in cylindrical containment Renewable hydrogen can also be stored in the form of
full of solid hydrogen storage material containing such as ammonia, as ammonia offers high energy density compared
hydrides and the composites of reactive hydride as MgH2 and to hydrogen. The different renewable energy sources which
AlH3 was conducted. An innovative way of synthesizing can be employed for clean hydrogen production are solar,
ammonia borane (hydrogen storage material) through copper wind, biomass, geothermal, hydro and OTEC cycle. The pro-
(II)-ammonia complex oxidization in the liquid phase was duced hydrogen is used to synthesize ammonia which can be
published in a recent study [99]. Ammonia borane carries the cracked back into hydrogen on demand. The representation
extraordinary advantages of containing 19.6 wt% hydrogen also shows renewable hydrogen employed for ammonia that
content that can control dehydrogenation and is regarded as a can be reformed back to hydrogen on demand. The ammonia
competitive material for hydrogen storage. They reported a reforming is a well-established Haber Bosch reversible process
unique synthesizing process to produce ammonia borane that is used for ammonia synthesis, the same process is used
crystals employing Cu(II)eNH3 complex as nitrogen and to crack ammonia back to nitrogen and hydrogen. For
oxidizer source reactant. A recent study conducted the ther- ammonia synthesis, an air separation unit such as a cryogenic
modynamic analysis on the high-pressure compressed filling air separation unit, pressure swing adsorption (PSA), or
of gaseous H2 storage tanks [100]. The thermodynamic membrane separation is employed to separate nitrogen from
26254 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 6 2 3 8 e2 6 2 6 4

Fig. 12 e Hydrogen storage technologies (modified from Ref. [48]).

the air. The unreacted gases are recycled to the reactor and injected into the natural gas grid, renewable hydrogen can
produced ammonia is stored to meet the hydrogen demand. displace fossil fuels for heating businesses and homes and it
Renewable hydrogen storage for different applications can also be employed to produce low-carbon synthetic fuels
such as clean fuel for combustion, as fuel for hydrogen fuel- that can help reduce emissions in industry and trans-
cell vehicles, used in refining, for synthetic fuels and portation. In the residential sector, the residence can be
ammonia synthesis and heating and power production. The powered locally by employing hydrogen fuel cells. Addi-
different renewable energy sources which can be employed tionally, hydrogen can directly be employed and combusted
for clean hydrogen production are solar, wind, biomass, in the residence furnace to produce heat (thermal energy)
geothermal, hydro and OTEC cycle. The representation also for space heating and hot water on demand. For hydrogen
shows the hydrogen applications for heating, cooling and distribution, either the existing natural gas distribution
power. The stored hydrogen can be employed for multiple network is used or transported in tanks, loaded and sup-
applications such as it can be used as jet fuel, can be employed plied to the residence. Fig. 14 displays the hydrogen trans-
for ammonia and methanol synthesis, used for refining, can portation supply chain for potential future ramp-up. The
also be employed to hydrogen fuel-cell electric vehicles and hydrogen transportation supply chain for potential future
for also for sustainable energy systems. ramp-up can be grouped in four different categories of on-
site, semi-centralized, centralized and intercontinental
Hydrogen infrastructure, transportation and distribution modes of hydrogen transportation. Hydrogen can be deliv-
ered to the fuel stations directly in the on-site supply chain
Hydrogen produces zero carbon emissions when burned or category. Hydrogen is sent to the fuel stations indirectly in
employed to the fuel cell. Hydrogen is among the key viable the semi-centralized supply chain category and tankers are
solutions for decarbonizing sectors of the economy wher- used to cover tens of kilometers, hydrogen is fueled to the
ever direct electrification is not practical, for instance, in- fuel stations indirectly in centralized supply chain category
dustrial heating or heavy-duty transportation. When and tankers are used to cover hundreds of kilometers and
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 6 2 3 8 e2 6 2 6 4 26255

Fig. 13 e Renewable hydrogen for different applications.

Fig. 14 e Hydrogen transportation supply chain for potential future ramp-up.

26256 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 6 2 3 8 e2 6 2 6 4

hydrogen is imported to the fuel stations in interconti-

CH4 þ 4O2 / 2H2 O þ CO2 þ 8e

3 / H2 O þ CO2 þ 2e
nental classification and tankers are used to cover hun-

C: ½ O2 þ H2 O þ 2e / 2ðOHÞ
power and water A: H2 þ 2ðOHÞ / 2H2 O þ 2e
dreds of kilometers.

C: ½ O2 þ CO2 þ 2e / CO2

C: ½ O2 þ 2Hþ þ 2e / H2 O

C: ½ O2 þ 2H þ 2e / H2 O
The demanding nature and geographic distribution are

stationary power A: H2 þ O2 / H2 O þ 2e

CO þ CO3 / 2CO2 þ 2e
C: Cathode

CO þ O2 / CO2 þ 2e

not the only factors that influence the supply chain structure

A: Anode

C: ½ O2 þ 2e / O2
but also affected by the following factors:

stationary power A: H2 / 2Hþ þ 2e

A: H2 / 2Hþ þ 2e

 Firstly, the existing hydrogen sources accessibility or

A: H2 þ CO2
hydrogen production feedstock in the district, associated
with the onsite production cost, as hydrogen production
is the utmost capital-intensive supply chain part.
 Secondly, outside a convinced threshold consumption,

stationary power
on-site hydrogen production and delivery through

portable power

space vehicles

power plants

power plants

devoted hydrogen pipeline which is feasible mainstream
supply mode.
 Thirdly, according to a risk management standpoint,
large-scale production capacity investment is conven-
tionally made as if a large production proportion is sold to

high temperature (about 1200  F)

unstable at higher temperatures

very high temperature (1800  F)

a single client.

sensitive to carbon dioxide

precious metal catalysts

very corrosive electrolyte

most commercially developed fuel cell very corrosive electrolyte


precious metal catalysts

In the last two stages, the facilities of new products can be

sensitive to impurities

very caustic medium

expensive materials
leveraged to centralized or semi-centralized hydrogen pro-
duction sources. Hydrogen can also be employed as jet fuel in
the aviation industry. The hydrogen storage methods are
already described in the previous section. Hydrogen can be

H2 fuel

H2 fuel

H2 fuel
used for multiple purposes such as it can be used as an en-
ergy carrier, as fuel, in chemical industries, in refining, in fuel
Table 6 e Descriptions and characteristics of fuel cell technologies (compiled from Ref. [108]).

cells and as energy storage media. The global hydrogen

production and demand are increasing significantly as most
of the developed countries are transitioning from conven-
tional energy sources to renewable energy sources and
temperatures (about 200  F).

hydrogen becomes the best option solution with unique


operate at relatively low

aqueous potassium hydroxide efficiencies of up to 70%

range of PAFC is 400  F.

characteristics described earlier in this chapter and being an

operating temperature
used with many fuels

oxide ion-conducting ceramic used with many fuels

environmentally benign solution. A detailed study was con-
solid construction

solid and rugged

ducted on the hydrogen supply chain and challenges in
high efficiency

large-scale liquid H2 (LH2) storage and transportation [49].

There are several options for the transportation of
hydrogen to the market once it is produced preferably using
a renewable energy source. The options may include the
following, but not limited to:
phosphoric acid in a matrix
proton-conducting polymer
Electrolyte Material

 Pipelines, requiring hydrogen compression

 Trucks/rails requiring hydrogen compression/
MCFC (molten carbonate fuel cell) molten carbonate
salt in a ceramic

 Liquid hydrogen marine tankers and liquefied hydrogen

transportation at low temperatures
 Chemical tanker ships that require hydrogen conversion
into more stable chemicals such as methanol/methyl
 Transportation of hydrogen in the form of ammonia.
PAFC (phosphoric acid fuel cell)

 Hydrogen can be blended with natural gas to transport

the lower hydrogen concentrations using existing natural
SOFC (solid oxide fuel cell)
PEM (polymer electrolyte

gas pipeline infrastructure.

AFC (alkaline fuel cell)
membrane fuel cell)
Types of Fuel Cells

A large portion of the global hydrogen is used in steel

production for the reduction of ore. Also, clean hydrogen can
be employed to meet the industrial heat loads that cannot be
electrified, needing high temperature heat, where you might
still need combustion (vs. carbon capture on stack eg. con-
crete). In comparison with other fuels employed for
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 6 2 3 8 e2 6 2 6 4 26257

combustion applications, NH3 offers the highest energy den- transportation, multigeneration and special applications. The
sity, contains zero carbon which offers zero global warming power generation sector can be used for further sub-sections
potential and produces water and nitrogen over combustion. such as automotive, portable, distribution, stationary, auxil-
Hydrogen can also be blended with natural gas to transport iary, mobile and backup power. The propulsion for the
the lower hydrogen concentrations using existing natural gas transportation sector can be further divided into auto vehi-
pipeline infrastructure. cles, buses, trains, boats and aviation. The multigeneration
sector can be used for further sub-sections such as district
Fuel cells power, district heating, remote power, remote heating and
Hydrogen fuel-cell systems cannot only be advantageous not water, industrial power, industrial heating and oxygen pro-
only for large industrial sectors but also residential applica- duction. The special applications sector can be further divided
tions. In the residential sector, the residence can be powered into medical, military and aerospace which is most common
locally by employing hydrogen fuel cells. Additionally, for hydrogen generation and oxygen production.
hydrogen can directly be employed and combusted in the The advanced hydrogen deployment end-use applications
residence furnace to produce heat (thermal energy) for space require a combined ramped-up of the hydrogen supply chain,
heating and hot water on demand. In the propulsion for along with the supplementary purification, production and
transportation and residential sectors, the portable devices for pressurizing for transportation and distribution capacity. The
the utilization of hydrogen are the most suitable options such increasing GHG emission, environmental problems and car-
as proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells, solid oxide bon emissions taxes justify the need for the transition from
(SO) fuel cells, phosphoric acid (PHA) fuel cells and alkaline conventional energy sources to renewable energy sources
(ALK) fuel cells as these portable fuel cells demand tiny including solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, ocean thermal en-
startup time. Some of the most significant applications of fuel ergy conversion (OTEC) and biomass sources that stand the
cells are for fuel cell vehicles and residential applications. finest applicant to replace the traditional sources. Fig. 15
Table 6 displays the descriptions and characteristics of exhibits the global energy transition required for the
different fuel cell types. hydrogen industry. According to the theoretical standpoint,
The significant fuel-cell applications systems are directly extensive spectrum options are possible, ranging from on-
linked with electrical power production and utilization for the site production to centralized production and tanker trucks
transportation sector. The fuel cells applications are divided based on long-distance delivery through dedicated hydrogen
into four sections of power generation, propulsion for pipelines.

Fig. 15 e Global energy transition for the hydrogen industry (modified from Ref. [109].
Table 7 e Key benefits and critical challenges (compiled from Ref. [75]).
Fossil fuel reforming Photoelectrochemical Biofuel reforming Biological method Coal and biomass Wind electrolysis Thermochemical Solar electrolysis
method gasification method

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 6 2 3 8 e2 6 2 6 4
Design Low system efficiency High operation and Optimal System efficiency High capital costs Long-term technology High capital costs
maintenance costs microorganism
Critical challenges Effective photocatalytic High capital costs Efficient High reactor costs Intermittent nature Cost-effective reactor Intermittent nature
High capital costs material microorganism for
High operation and Cost-effective reactor Design Reactor material Feedstock impurities System integration Effective and durable System integration
maintenance costs Long-term technology Feedstock quality selection Carbon capture and Design issues materials Design issues
Long-term storage
Low cost and efficient Low-cost materials Low-temperature New organism Co-fed gasifiers Renewable source Ease of manufacture Low-cost materials
purification production and application
Major R&D Needs Durable and efficient Hydrogen yield and Microorganism Low cost and Improve capacity Robust, low-cost Durable and cheap
Efficiency and cost photocatalyst efficiency functionality efficient purification factor materials materials
Feedstock pre- Active, stable, and cheap Low cost and Inexpensive Carbon capture and Naturally renewable System optimization Naturally renewable
treatment supporting materials efficient purification methods storage source source
Automated process System control Regional best System optimization Cost of feedstock Storage system Efficient heat transfer Storage system required
control feedstock preparation required to support to support intermittency
Optimization High volume production Optimization Low cost and durable Hydrogen quality Large scale High volume, low cost, Large scale applications
material applications flexible system design
Existing infrastructure Self-sustaining Onshore Integration with fuel
Reliability Power losses Feedstock pre- High capacity and Tolerance for harsh Reliability Reliability Reliability
treatment low-cost systems windy situations
Lowest current cost Clean and sustainable Existing Tolerant of diverse Abundant and cheap Existing Recycled chemicals Existing infrastructure
infrastructure water conditions feedstock infrastructure
Key benefits Low operation Viability Clean and Low-cost syngas No pollution Clean and sustainable No pollution
Most viable approach temperature sustainable production
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 6 2 3 8 e2 6 2 6 4 26259

the solution to most of these hydrogen economy challenges.

Comparative assessment: key challenges and Hydrogen carries numerous compared to fossil fuels:
 Liquid hydrogen offers improved performance as a trans-
Hydrogen storage is challenging as it possesses very low- portation fuel in comparison with other liquid fuels
density gas with a density of 40.8 g/m3. Hydrogen is a sec- namely; gasoline, alcohol and jet fuel
ondary (storage) energy source and needs to be produced  Five different processes are used to convert hydrogen into
using a primary energy source and reaction always undergoes useful energy forms such as mechanical, thermal and
losses through conversion processes therefore, the hydrogen electrical while only the combustion process is used to
production cost is higher than the cost of energy employed to convert fossil fuels into useful energy
produce hydrogen. Hydrogen offers significant potential to  Hydrogen offers high utilization efficiency in conversion to
decarbonize the maritime industry by employing off-grid suitable energy forms.
offshore wind energy to produce blue hydrogen, stored in  Hydrogen is the safest fuel in terms of toxicity and fire
the form of ammonia, used for trans-national import/export hazards
and ammonia can easily be cracked on-site to produce
hydrogen. Natural gas reforming is the most significant source Hydrogen can be employed as an efficient and clean
of global hydrogen production. To overcome various factors source in various applications namely: fuel cells, trans-
such as carbon footprints, environmental issues, greenhouse portation, portable applications, power, combustion and
gas emissions and carbon emission taxes, a global transition heating. Hydrogen can be produced through environmen-
from conventional energy sources to renewable energy sour- tally benign resources using renewable sources such as
ces is desirable for environmentally benign energy solutions. wind, biomass, solar, geothermal and hydropower, nuclear
Some technical and scientific hydrogen economy challenges energy and conventional sources such as natural gas and
for traditional energy sources are (i) lowering the hydrogen coal. Furthermore, hydrogen helps to utilize the intermit-
production cost, (ii) developing an environmentally benign tent nature of renewable energy sources namely; solar and
and carbon-free clean hydrogen production system for mass wind. Nevertheless, hydrogen undergoes significant tech-
production, (iii) development of hydrogen delivery and dis- nical, infrastructure, economic and societal challenges for
tribution infrastructure, (iv) hydrogen storage systems devel- large-scale implementation. High upfront capital costs,
opment for stationary and vehicular applications, (v) Drastic intermittent nature and infrastructure are also among the
cost reduction and substantial development in the fuel-cells main challenges associated with the commercial deploy-
durability. Renewable energy-based hydrogen production is ment of these technologies. Table 7 displays the key benefits

Fig. 16 e Energy and exergy efficiencies of different hydrogen production methods.

26260 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 6 2 3 8 e2 6 2 6 4

Fig. 17 e Hydrogen application road map (modified from Ref. [64]].

and critical challenges associated with the hydrogen hydrogen production methods, utilization of hydrogen, stor-
production methods employing renewable and conven- age, transportation and distribution and key challenges in the
tional energy sources, hydrogen storage, commercial-scale commercial deployment of such systems. The renewable en-
deployment and hydrogen infrastructure, transportation ergy sources considered for hydrogen production are solar,
and distribution. wind, geothermal, hydro, OTEC and biomass. Some of the
Fig. 16 displays a comparative assessment based on the promising renewable energy sources such as solar and wind
energy and exergy efficiencies for the hydrogen production have an intermittent nature and hydrogen appears as the best
dominating methods, namely: natural gas steam reforming candidate to be employed for multiple purposes such as fuel,
(NGSR), coal with CCS, nuclear CueCl, nuclear SeI, Nuclear energy carrier and storage media. Hydrogen is getting more
HTE, solar, wind, biomass, PV electrolysis, coal gasification, recognition globally as a potential fuel and an exclusive en-
plasma arc decomposition and fossil fuel reforming. The ergy carrier solution as it proposes advantages accompanied
leading energetically efficient methods were found to be fossil by its usage and carbon-free solutions availability. This review
fuel reforming followed by the plasma arc decomposition, study explains each method of renewable energy-based
biomass and coal gasification while the hydrogen production hydrogen production considering the efforts that have been
methods of biomass, fossil fuel reforming, coal gasification made so far and also provides a comparative assessment of
and nuclear energy-based methods were found to be leading different non-renewable and renewable hydrogen production
in terms of the exergy efficiencies. systems based on system design, cost, infrastructure and ef-
ficiencies. This study also provides a detailed review on the
storage and transportation and infrastructure for hydrogen
Conclusions considering the efforts that have already been made and
challenges that are being faced. The fossil fuels-based
Hydrogen is emerging as a new energy vector outside its hydrogen production plants can also be modified or
typical role as an industrial feedstock for the production of expanded to integrate CCS/CCUS systems to capture the
ammonia and methanol. This paper presents a comprehen- emitted emissions and produce green hydrogen. Furthermore,
sive review of the conventional and renewable energy sourced the key benefits and critical challenges associated with
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 7 ( 2 0 2 2 ) 2 6 2 3 8 e2 6 2 6 4 26261

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