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When i make contact with social media i try to verify this information that catch my attention,

politic, religious ,ideology these topics that tend to be manipulated, because an Instagram reel or
story or a twiter post dont have the enough covering to talk about this topics and mass media try
to give a faster and manipulated message so that influence people. I try to search complete
articules videos sometimes conferences and i listen them or read them when i am doing something
and it helps me to create a complete idea about the situation and i think its important to build a
critic thinking.

As i said social media try to give us a faster and sintetized information and these way ofgive
information could affect thr true and the reality behind what they are telling us for this reason we
have to take advantage of the network pluralism and read several sources and websites now the
ideologies and relativism control the social speeches and we have to be careful with this
sensationalism speeches who try to attrack people but dont want to teel the true and only pretend
to confuse and manipulate people that dont have any information about this situation that he is

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