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The purpose of this assignment is to support you to outline a Digital Storytelling

Project that you will develop over the next several weeks. Use the questions/
prompts below to develop your outline and identify next steps in your process.

● What story would you like to explore?

○ What type/kind of story will you tell? What is the purpose or impact?
■ This year, myself and my students took on a very large and
important role: to bring back all of the spirit events and
activities at Capitol Hill High School in a way that was engaging
and student-led. The year isn’t over yet, but we’ve been able to
successfully run multiple events and ramp up school culture.
Because of this, the plan is to frame everything that we’ve done
as a success story. The purpose is two fold: to encourage
students to continue developing school culture into future school
years, and to develop a record of what worked and what didn’t
work. School events shouldn’t live or die by one person, so this
will be a way to ensure that the next teacher has something to
work with.
○ What are the story elements? (Ohler)
■ Lambert (2010, pg. 6) has multiple questions that he identifies
for an accomplishment story. These questions naturally develop
a story arc to follow, and also develops kind of a “proto rubric”
for this story. Here are the questions:
● What was the event (time, place, incident, or series of
● What was your relationship to the event?
● With whom did you experience this event?
● Was there a defining moment in the event?
● How did you feel during this event (fear, exhilaration,
sharpened awareness, joy...)?
● What did the event teach you?
● How did this event change your life?
○ What approach will you take to mapping or developing your story?
■ After mapping out the questions and answers on a story arc, I
think that I will use a story table in order to develop this project.
I have a lot of images from the various school events that we’ve
done, which will go on the right side of the table. The left side of
the table will be what I’m going to write or express in the story
● How might you use this story in an educational environment?
○ This story will be used as a way to reflect upon all of the hard work
that the kids have done in the school year and how they can use this
reflective piece to continue developing school culture. In an
educational leadership environment, these types of reflective pieces
are crucial. Students have the ability to reflect on their role regarding
successful events, and they’re able to think about what they can do
differently whenever a similar event is run again.
● What content and technology standards are addressed?
○ Oklahoma doesn’t have any content standards for leadership, but ISTE
standards are plentiful with this assignment. Standard 1.7.d- local and
global issues- is the heart of this assignment. Students are exploring
the issue that we had (no spirit events happening in the school) and
how they played their part in fixing this problem. This assignment
would also fulfill all of the standards in the 1.6-creative communicator
branch. Students will be able to choose what tools they want to use to
communicate their message, choose what pictorial evidence they want
to use to communicate their perspective, and they will also customize
their experiences to their own perspective on resolving the problem.
● What tools are you considering to capture, edit, and communicate your
○ Because each event is produced through a clear story arc, a website
page will probably be the best way to communicate ideas. I’m thinking
that each element will be broken up with a question and a slideshow of
pictorial evidence, with the verbal element of the story being told
through text.
● How will you assess digital stories?
I would assess the digital story via the rubric below:
Elements Points

Content ____/50
- What was the event (time, place, incident, or series of
- What was your relationship to the event?
- With whom did you experience this event?
- Was there a defining moment in the event?
- How did you feel during this event (fear, exhilaration,
sharpened awareness, joy...)?
- What did the event teach you?
- How did this event change the school?

Style ____/25
- Student is able to create digital story in a way that is
clear, concise, and relevant to school leadership

Grammar and Usage _____/25

- Student uses correct grammar and spelling throughout
the document.
Total: _____/100

This is a draft plan that you will return to and develop over the next several weeks.

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