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Updated January 2023

Name: __Andrew Feller_____________ Date of lesson (for field): _5/8/23___________________

Content Area:
Social Studies
Course Title & Grade Level:
7th grade Social Studies
SS.7.4. With guided practice, evaluate the credibility of primary and secondary sources by
determining their relevance and intended use.
SS.7.24. Analyze connections among historical events and developments in contemporary global

Content Objective— SWBAT assign an emotion to 20 different pictures. They will know they are
successful when they have completed the Google Form associated with it.
Student-friendly Objective—

Formative: Google Form link
Students will assign an emotion from the emotion wheel to 20 different pictures from the civil rights

Proactive Management:
I have a method of gaining students' attention. (To infinity… and beyond) (Red Robin… Yum)
Recapture their attention for transitions (Humor, voices, “time”)
Set clear expectations for behavior and re-establish them throughout lesson
Have students repeat expectations (while standing)

● Be respectful of things, boundaries, and people in the school/classroom.
● Set yourself up for success by staying on task and turning in assignments on time
● Students will understand what is expected by the next class by reading the board right
● I will display my voice level expectations and display what each level means
○ 0 - (silent) voices off or quiet whisper
○ 1 - (independent work) quiet talking or indoor voice
○ 2 - (group work) discussion with table partner with a strong voice
○ 3 - (across the room) voice level to speak to the entire class or outside voice
“Your voices should be at a 0 while directions are being given and at a 1 while working in groups
Give positive and supportive comments to your partners during the activity.
Everyone is able to share their ideas without judgment.”

● Students will arrive and read the board for directions on what materials will be needed
for the day. (laptop, notebook)
● Teacher will break down the goals of the day.
● Teacher will ask 3 students to repeat expectations and goals.
● Students will receive periodical breaks throughout the lesson.
Updated January 2023
● Students will need their laptops open to the google form link.
● Students will complete this activity individually.
Instructional Strategies:
Warm Up: Bellwork discussion brings in knowledge of what they know already while making them
think ahead and make connections to new material.
Modeling Routines, Skills, and Procedures: During instructions, I will go through the steps they are
expected to go through on the board on Google Classroom on student view so they can see how
do to what is expected of them.
Note Taking Strategy:
Students will take notes in their daily journal in whatever manner they feel is best for them. I cannot
tell them how to express their emotions. I will guide them through the modeling using the Cornell
notes, but during instruction, I will clarify that it is not the only way to take notes.
How does this picture make you feel? (x21)
What was the civil rights movement?
Have you ever been in a situation where somebody does not listen to you? If yes, how did that
make you feel? If not, what do you think you would feel like?
Beginning of the lesson:
Hook: How does this picture make you feel?

Review: What was the civil rights movement?

Preview: Have you ever been in a situation where somebody does not listen to you? If yes, how did
that make you feel? If not, what do you think you would feel like?
The Lesson:
● Show the students on the whiteboard what an appropriate emotion and explanation for that
emotion looks like.
○ Tell them that there is no wrong answer unless they don't explain why they chose that
● Students will fill out the Google Form in order to receive full credit for the day.
● If it is helpful, music can be played by the students (If they use headphones) or by the
teacher at a reasonable volume.
○ Students respond well to music so I highly recommend
Updated January 2023

Procedural — If you will please turn in the Google Form from today, I would appreciate it. I will be
looking at these later.
Content Summary — We are going to keep a journal of events that happen in our life over the next
few weeks. I want you to start this journal with today’s activity. For each event, we will assign an
emotion to it. For example “Today’s activity made me nauseated when I thought about all the
horrible things people had to go through” You will keep a journal for at least 3 events per day.
CNN. (2014, April 7). Iconic Civil Rights Photos. CNN. Retrieved May 7, 2023, from
Matthews, D. (2014) KKK Grand Dragon Samuel Green at an Atlanta initiation ceremony in July 24,
1948 [Photograph] Vox.
Goalbook. (n.d.). Goalbook toolkit. Retrieved February 27, 2023, from

Lesson Plan Reflection (required):

1) Highlight Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) components within your lesson.
Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) elaborating on the intentionally planned CRT components
of your lesson. How did you leverage student assets, thinking, language and cultural
backgrounds to make learning relevant while demonstrating high expectations for all students?
Students from all backgrounds are able to understand emotion. Humans connect with each other as
social beings through emotion. Having the ability to have the students think about their own emotions
in the context of history is a very powerful tool.
2) Italicize Universal Design for Learning (UDL) components within your lesson.
Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) elaborating on the intentionally planned UDL components
(representation, action & expression, engagement) of your lesson. What strategies did you use
to meet the needs of ALL learners?
Students that do not have access to their devices will be given a loaner device. Students who cannot
access the device will be given a print out of the Google Form in order to do the main activity for the
day. Students are using their own devices individually because there is no wrong answer as to what
emotion is triggered during the activity.

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