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Goal Setting for Leadership Handout

Session Overview:
Goal setting is a crucial skill for personal and leadership development. This handout will
guide you through the process of setting SMART goals—goals that are Specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. By the end of this session, you'll have a
clearer understanding of how to set and achieve your leadership goals.

Why Set Goals?

Goals provide direction and purpose in your leadership journey.

They enhance motivation, helping you stay committed to your aspirations.
Setting and achieving goals leads to personal growth and improved decision-making.
Goals help you manage your time effectively and track your progress.
Understanding SMART Goals:
S - Specific: Clearly define your goal. What do you want to accomplish?

M - Measurable: Make your goal quantifiable. How will you measure your progress and know
when you've achieved it?

A - Achievable: Ensure your goal is realistic and attainable. Can you realistically reach this

R - Relevant: Your goal should align with your aspirations and values. Does it matter to you?

T - Time-Bound: Set a deadline for your goal. When do you want to achieve it?

Activity: Setting Your SMART Goals

Think about your leadership aspirations, whether in college, your career, or personal life.
Choose one specific leadership goal to work on during this activity.
Use the SMART criteria to structure your goal.
Write your SMART goal below:

Specific: [Clearly define your goal.]

Measurable: [How will you measure progress?]
Achievable: [Is it realistic and attainable?]
Relevant: [Why does this goal matter to you?]
Time-Bound: [Set a deadline.]
Overcoming Challenges:

Common challenges in goal setting include procrastination, lack of clarity, setting unrealistic
goals, and failing to stay committed.
Strategies for overcoming challenges include breaking goals into smaller tasks, prioritizing,
seeking accountability, and celebrating small wins.
Commitment and Accountability:
Commitment is key to achieving your goals. Stay focused on your objectives.
Share your goals with someone who can hold you accountable—a friend, mentor, or family
Review and Action Steps:

Review your SMART goal. Does it meet all the criteria?

Take immediate action toward your goal, even if it's a small step.
Stay committed, adjust when needed, and celebrate your achievements along the way.
Setting SMART goals is a powerful tool for leadership and personal development. Use this
handout to guide you in crafting and pursuing your goals. Your journey to success begins
with clear and actionable goals.

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