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By 2030, a Chinese company will become the first to enter the space
tourism industry by establishing regular flights to their space hotel.
Para 2030, una empresa china se convertirá en la primera en entrar en la industria
del turismo espacial estableciendo vuelos regulares a su hotel espacial.

It's certainly an exciting prospect that by 2030, a Chinese company may take the
lead in the space tourism industry by offering regular flights to their space hotel.
China has been making significant advancements in space exploration, and it
wouldn't be surprising to see a Chinese company at the forefront of this emerging
industry. This could signify a major shift in the space tourism landscape and
potentially open up new opportunities for people to experience space travel. It's a
testament to the growing interest and investment in space exploration, and it will be
fascinating to see how this industry evolves in the coming years.

7. By 2030, more than 20% of all new construction will be "printed" buildings
Para 2030, más del 20% de todas las nuevas construcciones serán edificios

11. By 2030 world religions will make a resurgence, with communities of faith
growing by nearly 50% over what they are today.
Para 2030, las religiones del mundo resurgirán y las comunidades de fe crecerán
casi un 50% con respecto a lo que son hoy.

Predicting the future of world religions is a complex and uncertain endeavor. While
it's possible that religious communities may experience growth over time, it's
essential to consider various factors that influence religious adherence and belief

12. By 2030, more than 50% of all traditional universities will collapse, paving
the way for a whole new education industry to emerge.
Para 2030, más del 50% de todas las universidades tradicionales colapsarán,
allanando el camino para el surgimiento de una industria educativa completamente

13. By 2030 we will see an increase in Micro College training camps coming
to life, each requiring less than 6 months of training and learning to change

Para 2030 veremos un aumento en los campos de entrenamiento de Micro

College, cada uno de los cuales requerirá menos de 6 meses de capacitación y
aprendizaje para cambiar de carrera.
15. .By 2030 we will see the first hurricane stopped by human intervention.
.By 2030 we will see the first hurricane stopped by human intervention.

25. By 2030 we will have seen the rebirth of the first mated pair of an extinct
Para 2030 habremos asistido al renacimiento de la primera pareja muerta de una
especie extinta.

27. By 2030, marijuana will be legalized in all 50 US states and half of all
foreign countries.

29. By 2030, a small number of companies will begin calculating their labor
costs with something called "synaptic currency."
Para 2030, un pequeño número de empresas comenzarán a calcular sus costos
laborales con algo llamado "moneda sináptica".

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