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在我的雷達上:Yuval Noah Harari 的文化


@凱瑟琳 42
2022 年 5 月 28 日星期六 15.30 BST

歷史學家、哲學家和作家尤瓦爾·諾亞·哈拉里 1976 年出生於以色列,並於 2002 年
在牛津大學耶穌學院完成博士學位。2014 年,他出版了《智人:人類簡史》,該書
後來成為國際暢銷書。緊隨其後的是 Homo Deus:明日簡史(2016 年)和 21 世紀
的 21 課(2018 年)。他與丈夫住在以色列,在耶路撒冷希伯來大學擔任歷史教授。
6 月 2 日,Harari 將參加 HowTheLightGetsIn Hay,在那裡您可以看到他與 Slavoj
Žižek 的對話。

1. 小說

當然是在西方傳統中。帕特·巴克(Pat Barker)寫得很棒——我讀過她的大部分書。

2. 音樂劇




3. 非小說類

不同:類人猿可以教給我們關於性別的什麼,弗蘭斯·德瓦爾(Frans de Waal)
我現在正在讀這個。這對我來說是一個安全的賭注,因為每次 Frans de Waal 出版一
本書我都會立即閱讀它,自從 40 年前出版的《黑猩猩政治》讓我大吃一驚。這本新

4. 電視




Alp e Adria Trail , 斯洛文尼亞

斯洛文尼亞克拉尼斯卡戈拉。照片:Janos Gaspar/Alamy
去年,我從 Kranjska Gora 到 Tolmin 進行了這條小徑,這是我做過的最美麗的徒步

6. 運動

2022 年國際足聯世界杯

Jules Rimet 獎杯。照片:迪倫馬丁內斯/路透社

我真的很期待這個。可惜是在 11 月和 12 月,因為我計劃在 12 月參加我的年度冥想


The Last Cell Tower 馬里烏波爾
in Mariupol 最後一個信號塔

│Burned-out residential buildings on the corner of Shevchenko Boulevard and Kuprina Street in Mariupol. The
city has been the site of intense fighting in recent weeks.

IF YOU walked down

如果你在 2 月中旬走在馬里烏波爾市中心的
Budivel'nykiv Avenue in central Mariupol in mid-
February, you may not have even noticed it. Rising Budivel'nykiv 大道上,你可能甚至都沒有注意到
between a Greek cultural center to the left and a 這一點。移動和互聯網服務提供商 Kyivstar 的七
nightclub with a bowling alley to the right, the seven- 層辦公室位於希臘文化中心的左邊和一個保齡球
story office of Kyivstar, a mobile and internet service
provider, stood clad in gray siding, punctuated by a 館的右邊之間,它穿著灰色的壁板,入口處有一
large white and orange Kyivstar logo above the 個巨大的白色和橙色的 Kyivstar 標誌,這是一個
entrance—a typical corporate facade. You certainly 典型的公司外觀。你肯定不會說它是烏克蘭東南
wouldn’t have pinpointed it as one of the most
important buildings in southeast Ukraine.

Walking inside and through the office, you would 走進辦公室,穿過辦公室,你最終會發現“核心

have eventually found the “core” station—the central ”站—一個連接著 148 個基地台的移動通信中
hive of mobile telecommunications connected to 148

base stations. The stations, in turn, transmitted the 的居民發送無線信號,這些信號是他們每天用來
wireless signals that residents of Mariupol and 給親人打電話、給朋友發短信、上網的。但那是
beyond used to call loved ones, text friends, and get 另一個世界。
online every day. But that was then, in another world.
Kyivstar 首席技術官 Volodymyr Lutchenko 在烏克
“One by one all these base stations went down,” 蘭西部相對安全的地方通過視頻電話表示:“所有
says Volodymyr Lutchenko, Kyivstar’s chief
這些基地台一個接一個倒塌。” “首先是因為電
technology officer, speaking on a video call from
relative safety in western Ukraine. “First of all, 源連接,然後是因為物理損壞。”。
because of the power connection, then because of the
physical damage.”

For weeks, Russian troops have held Mariupol 幾個星期以來,俄羅斯軍隊一直在包圍馬里烏波

under siege—cutting off crucial food, water, and 爾,切斷了關鍵的食物、水和電力供應。整個社
power supplies. Entire neighborhoods have been 區被俄羅斯的砲擊和導彈夷為平地,公寓被大火
flattened by Russian shelling and missiles, fires burn
through flats, bodies of civilians are scattered through
the streets. City officials say Mariupol’s death toll 說,馬里烏波爾的死亡人數達到 5000 人,90%
stands at 5,000, and 90 percent of buildings have 的建築被毀,不過這一點還沒得到獨立消息來源
been damaged, although this has not been
independently verified. While hundreds of thousands
have escaped, officials estimate that 170,000 people 仍有 17 萬人被困在這座城,沒有什麼辦法告訴
are still trapped in the city, with few ways to tell their 他們的親人他們還活著。
loved ones they are still alive.
自 2 月下旬,俄羅斯無緣無故對烏克蘭發動戰爭
Since the start of Russia's unprovoked war
against Ukraine in late February, the country's 以來,烏克蘭的通信系統一直是俄羅斯攻擊的頻
communications systems have been frequent targets 繁目標。弗拉基米爾•普京(Vladimir Putin)的軍
of Russian attacks. Vladimir Putin’s troops have 隊轟炸了電視塔,並對互聯網提供商進行了破壞
bombed television towers and hit internet providers
with disruptive cyberattacks. The assaults cripple 性的網絡攻擊。襲擊削弱了人們與親人溝通和尋
people’s ability to communicate with loved ones and 找安全地點的能力,但也停止了對地面上發生的
find safe locations, but they also stop real-time 暴行的實時報導。“我們有許多城市目前沒有電
reporting of the atrocities happening on the ground.
信設施,”烏克蘭網絡安全機構 SSSCIP 在 3 月
“We have a number of cities that are currently
without telecommunications,” SSSCIP, Ukraine’s 29 日表示。
cybersecurity agency, said on March 29.
Maripuol is one of them. Information can’t get
into Mariupol, but it also can’t get out. “We managed
to keep the central site safe until the recent time,” 遺址的安全。”在戰爭初期,烏克蘭的電信供應
Lutchenko says. Early on in the war, Ukraine’s 商合併了他們的網絡 CTO 說,在全國範圍內,
telecom providers combined their networks—across 來自競爭對手網絡的 25 萬人仍然連接著 Kyivstar
the country, 250,000 people from rival networks
remain connected to Kyivstar’s systems, the CTO 的系統。這也被打亂了。另一家電信供應商
says. But that, too, has been disrupted. LifeCell, LifeCell 表示,其在馬里烏波爾的服務自 2 月 27
another telecoms provider, says its services in 日起就中斷了。到 3 月初,只有布迪維爾尼基夫
Mariupol have been disconnected since February 27.
By early March, only the central base station in the
Budivel'nykiv Avenue office was online.
由於俄羅斯人破壞了電網,Kyivstar 的工作人員
Since the Russians had knocked out the electricity 用一台發電機手動保持馬里烏波爾最後一個基地
grid, Kyivstar workers kept the last base station in
Mariupol online manually, using a generator. Even
with service restored, the connection was weak, 是很弱,人們還是會去信號最強的 Kyivstar 大樓
Lutchenko says, and people would gravitate toward
the Kyivstar building, where the signal was strongest, 上網,給親人發信息。
to get online and message loved ones.
Then the office was attacked.
在 3 月 15 日逃離之前,尼克·奧西琴科每天都會
EVERY DAY UNTIL he escaped on March 15,
Nick Osychenko would climb to the 10th floor of his
city apartment in the center of Mariupol, turn on his 打開手機,尋找移動連接。然後,他打開相機,
phone, and hunt down a mobile connection. He’d 為他的 Facebook 頁面錄製視頻——這是對他的
then open his camera and record videos for his
Facebook page—a sign to his friends that he and his
family were still alive, despite the unfolding 儘管周圍正在發生的災難。“你可以看到我的臉
devastation around them. “You can see how my face 一天比一天變了,”他說。在這寶貴的上網時間
changed, day by day,” he says. During those precious
裡,奧西琴科還瀏覽了 Telegram 和新聞網站,這
minutes online, Osychenko also turned to Telegram
and news websites, so he could report the latest 樣他就可以向大樓裡的其他人報告最新進展,因
developments to others in his building whose devices 為他們的設備沒電了。
were out of power.
Osychenko is the CEO of Mariupolskoe TV, a
Mariupol television station that broadcasts live 這家電視台直播早間節目,本月已成立了 25 週
morning shows and had its 25th anniversary this 年。戰前他計劃舉辦一個晚會來慶祝週年紀念。
month. Before the war, he was planning a party to 相反,這家電視台在亞速海附近的演播室裡播出
celebrate the anniversary. Instead, the TV station’s
的節目,在 2 月 24 日俄羅斯戰爭爆發後幾天就
broadcasts, from studios near the Sea of Azov,
stopped a few days after Russia’s war began on 停止了。奧西琴科說,在城市斷電後,電視頻道
February 24. The TV channel ran on an emergency 靠應急發電機運轉了大約 20 個小時。但他們沒
generator for around 20 hours after the city’s
electricity was cut, Osychenko says. But they were
broadcasting to no one.
“All of the city had no electricity, so nobody 電視。” “這座城市完全沒有信息。人們沒有互
could watch TV,” Osychenko says. “The city has no 聯網。人們沒有電視。人們甚至沒有任何移動網
information at all. People have no internet. People
have no television. And people even don't have any 絡,”他補充道。“他們不知道這個國家或世界
mobile net,” he adds. “They don't know what is going 上發生了什麼。他們什麼都不知道。他們只知道
on in this country, or in the world. They don’t know 自己想活下去,孩子也想活下去。”
nothing. They only know that they want to live and
their children want to live.”

More than 90 percent of buildings in Mariupol 馬里烏波爾市的官員說,該市 90%以上的建築被

are damaged, city officials say; 40 percent have been 毀; 40%已經被完全摧毀。
totally destroyed.
Osychenko says he had big plans to expand the
station this year—new shows, and he wanted to ——新節目,他還想創建一個新的演播室。現在
create a new studio. Everything is now on pause, and 一切都暫停了,團隊已經轉向在社交媒體渠道上
the team has pivoted to posting on its social media
channels. Mariupolskoe TV’s studios have been
destroyed, according to Osychenko. “Everything is 演播室已經被摧毀。“一切都被燒毀了,”他
burned,” he says. The station’s studios are—were— 說。奧西琴科說,該電台的演播室在馬里烏波爾
near a park in Mariupol, far from any military targets,
Osychenko says. For now, Osychenko is worried 的一個公園附近,遠離任何軍事目標。目前,他
about two things: making sure the world knows the
horrors of Mariupol, and the safety of his employees. 擔心兩件事:確保世界了解馬里烏波爾的恐怖,
“I have 89 people in my channel,” he says. “I only 以及他的員工的安全。“我渠道裡有 89 人,”
know that 41 of these people with me are still alive.” 他說。“我只知道和我在一起的人中有 41 人還
Across Mariupol, the loss of communications
means a shroud conceals what’s happening on the
ground. People outside the city don’t know if their 在馬里烏波爾,由於通訊中斷,地面上的情況被
loved ones inside are alive; those still inside don’t 掩蓋了起來。城外的人們不知道他們的親人是否
know if it’s safe to try to escape the shelling. “At first
I couldn’t understand why Mariupol fell apart so
quickly,” one member of a team of Associated Press 離炮轟。“一開始我不明白馬里烏波爾為什麼這
journalists, who were the last international journalists 麼快就崩潰了,”美聯社(Associated Press)記者
in the city, wrote once they had safely escaped. “Now
I know it was because of the lack of communication.”
Another person who escaped Mariupol, who does not 城市最後一批國際記者。“現在我知道這是因為
want to be named for safety reasons, tells WIRED: 缺乏溝通。”另一名逃離馬里烏波爾的人(出於
“The only way we could know what was happening 安全原因不願透露姓名)告訴《連線》雜誌: “
in the world was by using wireless radio.”

The lack of access to information has placed

Mariupol at the center of a swirl of disinformation.
After Russian forces bombed a maternity hospital,
about 20 minutes on foot from the Kyivstar offices, 假信息漩渦的中心。在俄羅斯軍隊轟炸了距離
the Russian government used images of Ukrainian Kyivstar 辦公室約 20 分鐘路程的一家婦產醫院
beauty blogger Marianna Podgurskaya to claim the
後,俄羅斯政府使用烏克蘭美容博主 Marianna
attack was staged. The false claims have been
thoroughly debunked. Podgurskaya 的圖片,聲稱這次襲擊是精心策劃
Beyond Mariupol, Ukraine’s decentralized cable
internet has held up relatively well to Russia’s attacks
—many people are still able to access the internet
without issue. But in cities where power has been lost 來說能夠很好抵禦俄羅斯的攻擊—許多人仍然能
and infrastructure targeted with bombings, little can 夠毫無問題地接入互聯網。但電力中斷、基礎設
be done. On February 26, Mariupol internet service 施遭到轟炸的城市幾乎無能為力。2 月 26 日,馬
provider Trinity posted a photo to Facebook of its
engineers using generators to power the company’s 里烏波爾的互聯網服務提供商 Trinity 在
systems. Engineers from telecom firms, as reported Facebook 上發布了一張其工程師使用發電機為公
by Forbes, have tried to fix what equipment they can 司係統供電的照片。據《福布斯》(Forbes)報
and keep systems online. The battle to do so in
Mariupol has proved impossible.
“I was stuck for six or seven days without any 烏波爾這樣做是不可能的。
news or any provable information,” says Alisa
Liddell, a recruiter with tech company Beetroot, who
lived in Mariupol. Liddell left Mariupol at the start of
the war—her friends and colleagues are still in the 可證明的信息,”住在馬里烏波爾的科技公司
city—and moved about 20 miles down the coast. Beetroot 的招聘人員艾麗莎·里德爾說。里德爾在
Even outside Mariupol, there was no connectivity. 戰爭開始時離開了馬里烏波爾—她的朋友和同事
“We were one of the first who lost the power and
couldn't power up our community,” Liddell says. 仍在這座城市—並搬到了離海岸 20 英里的地

From the beach in the village of Bilosarais'ka
Kosa, Liddell and her father could see and hear 在 Bilosarais'ka Kosa 村的海灘上,里德爾和她的
Russian warships attacking her home. When a small
group of villagers decided to take a generator to a
mobile tower and brute-force it back online in early 德爾說,3 月初,當一小群村民決定把一台發電
March, Liddell says, she was able to get back online 機帶到一個移動發射塔上,用蠻力把它重新啟動
for around two hours. She immediately grasped at the
chance to call her sister in Prague and work
colleagues. The next day, while walking on the 在布拉格的姐姐和同事打了電話。第二天,當她
beach, the generator powered up again, and her sister 在海灘上散步時,發電機又啟動了,她的姐姐告
told her a humanitarian corridor allowing people out
of the region would open that day. Russian troops
have reportedly shelled these corridors. But still, it 離開該地區。據報導,俄羅斯軍隊砲擊了這些走
was a way out. 廊。但這仍然是一條出路。

“It was 20 minutes to prepare, gather up our 里德爾說:“我花了 20 分鐘準備,收拾好我們的東

things—documents, some basic clothing—and just
go,” Liddell says. The whole time, she says, she 西—文件,一些基本的衣服—然後就走了。”她
didn’t know if the journey was going to be safe, as 說,整個過程中,她都不知道這趟旅行是否安
they were “blind” to information. She traveled with 全,因為他們對信息“一無所知”。她和父親一
her father across the country before separating from
him and catching a train to the border with Poland,
her poodle, JoJo, by her side. Liddell has since 了波蘭邊境,她的貴賓犬喬喬(JoJo)陪在她身
traveled to Prague to live with her sister. On her 邊。里德爾後來去了布拉格和姐姐住在一起。在
birthday, Liddell saw pictures of her Mariupol
apartment completely destroyed.
Despite making it out of Mariupol and her family
being safe, Liddell does not know if many of those 儘管馬里烏波爾和她的家人平安無事,但里德爾
close to her are OK. “I have lots of friends who are 不知道她身邊的許多人是否安然無恙。她說:“
still not in touch with me,” she says. “I'm very, very
scared to even think about the worst.” The only clue 我有很多朋友到現在還沒有聯繫我。” “我非常
Liddell has, she says, is when she sees them appear 非常害怕,甚至不敢想最壞的事情。”里德爾唯
online for a few brief seconds. “I saw that they are 一的線索,她說,是當她看到他們出現在網上短
online. I'm like, ‘Yes, they are alive.’”
Those who left Mariupol later than Liddell were 想,'是的,他們還活著。'”
subjected to one of the war’s most brutal scenes. By
the time Osychenko escaped on March 15, the city 那些在里德爾之後離開馬里烏波爾的人經歷了戰
was destroyed. Driving out of the city, with his 12-
爭中最殘酷的一幕。3 月 15 日奧西琴科逃離時,
year-old son in the car, he was “shocked” by the
devastation. During the journey, he told his son not to 這座城市已被摧毀。他帶著 12 歲的兒子驅車駛
look. “I told to my child, he must look at the sun,” 出這座城市,對這場災難感到“震驚”。在旅途
Osychenko says. “All around our car and other cars
on the streets were lying dead bodies. Dead bodies of
children. Dead bodies of women. Dead bodies of 的孩子,他必須看著太陽。” “我們的車和街上
men.” 的其他車周圍都是屍體。孩子們的屍體。女人的

The closure of the Kyivstar base station leaves Kyivstar 基地台的關閉使這座城市與自身和其他
the city disconnected, from itself and everyone else.
“Zero,” Lutchenko says of Mariupol’s mobile 所有人都失去了聯繫。“零,”盧琴科談到
service. “There is no connectivity at all.” Mariupol 的移動服務時說。“通訊完全中斷。”

Lutchenko doesn’t know what happened to the 盧琴科不知道那些為成千上萬人提供服務的工程

engineers who kept the service live for thousands of
people. “Unfortunately, one day the Russian troops
came, entered into the building, and they locked the 軍隊來了,進入了大樓,把這些人鎖在地下室
guys into the basement and ceased all connections,” 裡,切斷了所有的聯繫,”盧琴科說。“從那時
Lutchenko says. “Since that time, we don’t have any
information, or where are they.”

Update Thursday, March 31, 2022: After 2022 年 3 月 31 日星期四更新:根據《福布斯》

speaking with WIRED, Lutchenko received word that 報導,在接受《連線》雜誌採訪後,盧琴科得到
the engineers maintaining the core station at
Kyivstar’s Budivel'nykiv Avenue office survived and
were living out of the office, as of March 25, 倖存下來,並於 3 月 25 日住在辦公室外。
according to Forbes.


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