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NAME AND ITS MEANING Vad : Wild, untamed, uncontrolled, unregulated.

Mirk : Partially or totally dark; gloomy. Meraki : To do something with soul, creativity, or love; to leave
Knell : The sound of a bell rung slowly to announce a death or a piece and essence of yourself in your work.
a funeral or the end of something. Caligo : Darkness, fog, mist, vapor, gloom,(figuratively) inability
Lucifugous : Avoiding light; nocturnal. to perceive mentally.
Selenophile : One who loves the moon. Eccedentesiast : Someone who only pretends to smile.
Ignify : To form into fire; to burn. Conflagrate : Start to burn or burst into flames.
Lacuna : A blank space; a missing part. Sturmfrei : The freedom of being alone.
Enigma : A person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or diffi Solasta : Luminous, shining.
cult to understand. Moribund : On the point of death; breathing your last; not grow
Yeoubi : The sun shining through rain. ing or changing; without force or vitality.
Serein : The fine, light rain that falls from a clear sky in the twil
ight hours after sunset or in the early hours of the night; eveni
ng serenity.
Eirian : Silver.
Alexithymia : The inability to express your feelings.
Abscond : To secretly depart and hide oneself.
Mangata : The reflection of the moon on the water.
Brumous : Of gray skies and winter days; filled with heavy clou
ds or fog; relating to winter or cold, sunless weather.
Marmoris : The shining surface of the ocean.
Tacenda : Things better left unsaid; matters to be passed over i
n silence.
Vespince : A woman who doesn’t meddle in others business, an
d hates it when anyone meddles in hers.

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