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Crime scene investigation report

Case number: P-139112 Date: Monday, July 24, 2023

Reporting officer’s name: Det. Fernanda Campuzano
Information about the victim
Name: Pascale Sebire
Age: 43 Sex: M ( ) F()
Occupation: Teacher
Injuries: cut along the neck, bruises in right arm, cut along left side of face
Reported crime: murder
Mark (student); Holland (husband); Laurel (boss); Clara (daughter)
victim had reported herself sick to workplace; victim was found sitting lifeless by daughter Clara at
noon of Monday; victim was declared death at crime scene at 13:00 h.
next to victim there was a sharp knife, presumably the murder weapon; no fingerprints were found.
Victim’s husband said he was in Seattle for business, but there’s no evidence of this. Victim filed for
divorce on Wednesday. There’s life insurance whose beneficiary is the daughter for 500,000. Victim
had a fight with her student, Mark about his girlfriend’s grades. A fight took place between victim and
her boss about the situation with Mark.

I, Detective Fernanda Campuzano, did not know who committed the murder, but I did know
when and where, and I suspected who committed it.
The victim called in sick, suggesting that she may not have been feeling well before the
incident. Since at 1:00 p.m. m. she was found dead by her daughter, Clara
• Did Holland, the victim's husband, have anything to do with the crime committed, due
to the requested divorce?
The highlighted clues tell us that
1. Next to the victim was a sharp knife, presumably the murder weapon; no fingerprints
were found prior to the incident.
2. On Wednesday, the victim filed for divorce, but there is no evidence of her husband's
alleged business trip to Seattle.
Inappropriate behavior in class. Mark was seen leaving the victim's home at the time of the
murder. The victim's best friend, Lisa, mentioned that she heard the victim talk about her
fears for her safety due to her divorce proceedings.
Specifically, there are two possible culprits, in order to solve this case, it is crucial to collect
more evidence, interview key people and explore the possible motives behind these
altercations. I recommend focusing on investigating the husband's alibi and thoroughly
analyzing the relationships and interactions between the victim, her husband, and Mark.

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