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GreenInsights eMagazine 2021

New Era of Waste Management: Transforming

E-waste into Creations through
Innovative Upcycling
Introduction Page 15

Globalisation, technical advancements,

the development of the Internet, and
closer access to smart devices have
contributed to the growth of the electrical
and electron- ics industries. The wide
availability and the use of electronic items
have led to a rap- id increment in global
electronic waste (e-waste) volumes,
because markets have not paid adequate
attention to electronic device post-
consumption behaviour, prop- er disposal
and management. There are significant
environmental problems con- nected with
e-waste at both the local and global levels
that demand more attention from
governments, businesses, institutions and
society. Everyone is familiar with waste
recycling but there is an emerging trend,
called upcycling. Upcycling electronics is
an effective and viable procedure for con-
verting end-of-life devices into new ones.
The procedure refers to the modification
of old waste materials, to recreate and
give them a new life or purpose without
having to spend a lot of money on new
resources. This approach is used not only
to improve living quality; but also to
provide the de- veloped items with a
sense of higher envi- ronmental worth. It
will also improve the artistic value of the
creation. This article aims to provide a
solution to problems that arise because of
What is E-waste?
E-waste, electronic garbage, e-scrap,
and end-of-life electronics are all
words for worn electronics that have
reached the end of their useful life and
have been dis- carded, donated, or
delivered to a recy- cler. According to
The Global E-Waste Monitor 2014
report by the United Na- tions
University e-waste is “a term used to
cover all items of electrical and
electron- ic equipment (EEE) and its
parts that its owner has discarded as
waste without the intent of re-use”. It
is also referred to as WEEE (Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment),
electronic waste, or e-scrap in
different regions.

Image 01: Electrical equipment piled up without

proper disposal
Source: The Growing Environmental Risks of E-
Waste, (2021)
GreenInsights eMagazine 2021

How Does it Become a Irregular dispersal, shattering or melting of

Matter of Major Concern? electronic waste releases chemicals such as
dioxins or dust particles into the air, pollut-
ing the atmosphere and damaging respiratory
Most consumer electronics are meant
health. With the breakdown of electrical
to have a short lifespan, and when they
waste, it releases both heavy metals and
are discarded, they can cause signifi-
flammable substances that can leak directly
cant challenges. According to a UNEP
into the soil from the e-waste, contaminating
press release in 2019, the globe gener-
groundwa- ter or polluting crops, plants and
ates around 50 million tons of electronic
trees that are growing from the soil. When
and electrical waste (e-waste) every
these heavy metals reach groundwater they
year, which is equivalent to the weight
eventually find their way into various water
of all commercial aeroplanes ever made
channels, causing acidification and
and unfortunately, only 20% of this
toxification in the water, which is dangerous
waste is formally recycled. The
for animals, plants, and communities that
growing volume of electronic waste,
rely on these waters. Improper electrical
including discard- ed products with a
waste disposal is extreme- ly hazardous to
battery or plug, such as mobile phones,
the global ecosystem since it contributes to
laptops, televisions, refrigerators and
climate change as well.
electrical toys, poses a major threat to
Prolonged exposure to these chemicals
the environment and human health.
can lead to many serious health problems
Improper e-waste disposal in landfills
later on. For instance, Lead is used in
or other non-dumping sites is a substan-
various EEE, such as lead-acid batteries,
tial public health risk, with the potential
printed wiring boards (PWB), and cathode
to contaminate ecosystems for future
ray tube (CRT) screens for televisions and
generations. Toxic chemicals are gen-
older computers. Lead ex- posure,
erated when electronics are incorrectly
especially in young people, can lead to
disposed of and end up in landfills, af-
problems with the nervous, blood and re-
fecting the earth’s air, soil, water, and,
productive systems. Mercury in
ul- timately, human health. E-waste is
fluorescent lamps, LCD monitors, CFLs /
haz- ardous because the component
tube bulbs and thermometers can damage
used to build electronics contains
the human brain and liver. In addition,
chemicals and substances that are
cadmium used in old- er CRT monitors,
harmful to human health and the
rechargeable batteries and switchers can
environment, including toxic metals,
primarily affect the kidneys and lungs and
flame-retardants, and per- sistent
can cause prostate cancer. Combus- tion of
organic pollutants (Smith, 2015). E-
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) used in pipes,
waste contains highly toxic chemicals
electronics and home appliances releases
like lead, cadmium, mercury,
hy- drogen chloride gas, which is toxic and
beryllium, BFR, lithium, polyvinyl
can cause respiratory illness in humans.
chloride phos- phorous compounds,
Exposure to arsenic in EEE can lead to
chlorofluorocar- bons (CFCs), and
lung cancer, skin diseases and nervous
hydro-chlorofluoro- carbons (HCFCs).
system disorders.
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E-Waste: Global E-waste problem has now become a major

Scenarios and Sri Lankan crisis in Sri Lanka as well. Lack of enough
Context in- stitutional processes in place to collect e-
waste, inadequate community understanding
According to the Global E-waste about health risks and environmental
Monitor 2020, Asia generated the highest repercussions, lack of adequate training or
quantity of e-waste in 2019 at 24.9 Mt, knowledge of e-equipment handling, lack of
followed by the Americas (13.1 Mt) and data and con- trol over informal sectors
Europe (12 Mt), while Africa and Oceania involved in garbage collecting and recycling
generated 2.9 Mt and 0.7 Mt, respectively. have exacerbated the E-waste problem in Sri
Europe ranked first worldwide in terms of Lanka. The following figure shows the
e-waste generation per capita, with 16.2 electronic waste forecast for 2020 as
kg per capita. Oceania was second (16.1 compared to the electronic waste gen- erated
kg per capita), followed by the Americas during the period 2010 to 2015.
(13.3 kg per capita), while Asia and
Africa generated just 5.6 and 2.5 kg per
capita, respectively.

Figure 02: Electronic waste forecast for 2020

compared to electronic waste generated from 2010-
Figure 01: Projected electronic waste generation 2015
worldwide from 2019 to 2030 Source: Wijesinghe, 2017
(In million metric tons)
(Source: Tiseo, 2021)
The diagram above depicts the potential
Moreover, the Global E-waste Monitor for approximately 1,000,000 metric tons of
2020 portrays that in 2019, 53.6 million e-waste to be generated and added to the en-
metric tons (Mt) of e-waste (excluding PV vironment by the year 2020. Therefore, the
panels) were generated. This trend is electronic waste management process cur-
antic- ipated to continue, with forecasts rently in place in Sri Lanka is not fully ad-
indicat- ing that yearly e-waste generation equate and it exacerbates the problem of e-
would have climbed by almost 30% waste.
worldwide by 2030. In 2030, the amount
of e-waste gen- erated is expected to
exceed 74 Mt, warns the United Nations.
As a result, the world- wide volume of e-
waste is growing at an alarming rate of
nearly 2 Mt every year.
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GreenInsights eMagazine

Way Forward for a

Sustainable Solution
A recent UN report titled ‘A New Circular
Vi- sion for Electronics’ highlights that the
world produces as much as 50 million tons
of elec- tronic and electrical e-waste a year.
“However, only 20% of this is formally
recycled, the re- maining 80% either ending
up in landfills or being informally recycled” Image 02: Differences between Upcycling and
Recycling Source: Portland State University,
said Vishwanath Mallabadi, an eco-artist in 2016
India. Therefore, finding an ethical recycler
is difficult, and promising to eliminate e- In the context of electronics, recycling
waste from the plan- et has proven difficult. could involve renovating the equipment for
As a result, upcycling e-waste could be used resale or breaking down the gadget into its
as an appealing option in the current global constit- uent components and recovering the
contest. This technique converts old valuable metals used in the original
commodities into reusable items or structure, such as cadmium, gold, and silver.
materials. End-of-life items can be reused to Upcycling, on the other hand, does not
create new products with imagination and necessitate degradation. It is a new idea:
innovation. Instead of being sold exploring alternative uses for the entire thing
downstream to material recovery processors, or its constituent parts. Both procedures help
components from upcycling will be utilized decrease the number of landfills around the
to generate items like fascinating artwork world. Apart from that more significantly,
toys, vintage collectables, art pieces, and encouraging future gener- ations to
jewelry. This is a safe and environmentally repurpose outdated technology is a
friendly alternative to catastrophic e-waste constructive solution to help them adjust to a
disposal methods. It is also an efficient and greener lifestyle.
viable technique that converts end-of-life In the last three years, many developed
products into new prod- ucts without countries in the world have been moving to-
wasting energy in manufactur- ing operation wards the concept of upcycling. One good
like recycling. This regenera- tion could ex- ample of large- scale upscaling initiative
include some value addition and prototyping can be found in South Korea which is at the
to produce new products, or it could just be fore- front of technology. Samsung, a South
finding a new market for com- ponents of Ko- rean electronics company, has
the old product. introduced a new programme that
encourages consumers to upcycle items that
they no longer use, giv- ing obsolete gadgets
a new lease on life. They have explained this
on ‘the national news website’ under the
topic ‘Why Upcycling Tech Is The Future:
Your Electronic Devices Can Live Long Past
Their Shelf Life’ on Tuesday 14
GreenInsights eMagazine

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GreenInsights eMagazine
September 2021. The program, named ‘The music box’s melo- dy to be buried and
Galaxy Upcycling at Home’ initiative is forever lost in a landfill.
now being tested in three countries: the
Page 19
United States, the United Kingdom, and
Korea. Its goal is to use a simple software
update to re- purpose outdated Galaxy
smartphones as the Internet of Things (IoT)
In addition, Forbes Magazine which is
known as a powerful means of communicat-
ing new ideas or emerging concepts to the
world published an article on ‘Make 2021
The Year You Upcycle Your Consumer
Electronics Devices’ on January 24, 2021.
President, and Co-Founder of
‘UBREAKIFIX’ Company Jus- tin
Weatherill, was expressing his views on it
and stated that e-waste is the fastest growing
waste stream, with high-tech turnover a ma-
jor factor in the USA and also in the world.
Therefore, his working network has focused
on the upcycling approach. Wetherill has
said that “Cell phones and tablets are the
devices we see being upcycled the most (...)
as their functionality tends to outlast the
typical up- grade cycle, and with proper care
and mainte- nance, these can have great
‘second lives’.” Ac- cording to Wetherill, the
company has seen much more upcycling
since the onset of the pandemic because
families are bringing in tech they need for
work or school, or those they had previously
forgotten about, like old game consoles and
When it comes to social media, Daniel Da-
vis who is an electronics wiz, runs the popu-
lar Tinkernut YouTube channel for promot-
ing upcycling approach has written a book to
present the case for upcycling namely
‘Upcy- cled Technology’. In the book, he has
written “Upcycling is more than just
slapping a new coat of paint on a nightstand.
To let time and lack of interest steal these
hidden treasures from us is like leaving a
GreenInsights eMagazine
As in life, there can be a tremendous ben-
efit in taking a second look at what’s con-
sidered worthless junk and embracing it
instead of discarding it”.
Moreover, there are some artists using
upcycling approach to their creations.
Vish- wanath Mallabadi in India is one of
them. He is an eco-artist who creates
beautiful eco art from unusual materials.
During his leisure time, he may be seen
either sep- arating and inventorying the e-
waste he has gathered from various scrap
dealers or working to give the e-waste a
new lease of life. Vishwanath also
presented his imagi- native collection on
the utilization of elec- tronic waste at the
United Nations’ two- day International
Data Science Technology Conference for
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
At the first-ever conference of its kind, he
addressed how discarded old phones or
telephone spiral wires are not useless to an
eco-artist. He told the Hindu (An Indian
Newspaper) that he believed Upcycling is
the only way to deal with en- vironmental
sustainability and to arrest the problem of
reducing landfills. “Being a designer and
one who cares for the envi- ronment, I am
concerned about the future generation, and
the work I do, I hope, will help in the
betterment of the generation. The
economics behind my initiative is, if each
person stops discarding end of life
products, upcycling or re-using them will
make a major difference in healthy living,”
he has stated. Although other countries in
the world are involved in this process, Sri
Lanka is still not using the upcycling ap-
proach to manage e-waste. Therefore, the
time has come for us to understand the
challenges around us and take actions at
the individual level to make a difference
as a nation by building a bridge between
Grey and Green.
GreenInsights eMagazine 2021

Image 03: Cassette lamps

Image 06: A coffee table


Implementation is a monumental cause in

any proposal. Although upcycling e-
waste is a complicated long-term task, a
prop- erly planned procedure can lead to
Image 04: Floppy disk plant holder
good outcomes. Comparatively, the e-
waste management in Sri Lanka is at a
weak lev- el mainly due to inadequate
awareness. Therefore, capacity building
and raising awareness is a mandatory
requirement. Conducting awareness,
training programs among the public on
upcycling strategies can address this
issue. Moreover, involve- ment of
government authorities, forming national
platforms and coordination com- mittees
can enhance the effectiveness of the

Image 05: Candles with old bulbs

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GreenInsights eMagazine 2021

E-waste collection and storage is another im- International Telecommunication Union

portant step. In Sri Lanka, collection of e- (ITU), International Solid Waste Association
waste is largely based on informal sector (ISWA). UN Environment Program (UNEP),
activities like dismantling and most of the e- Global Partnership on Waste Management
waste re- mains in households and (GPWM), United Nations Institute for Train-
institutions with- out being collected. They ing and Research (UNITAR) are some UN
usually end up in land fillings, open ground related entities that provide expertise, tech-
or burning which cause huge environmental nological and advisory assistance concerning
damage. At this point the government has a e-waste crisis at regional and global level.
responsibility to get involved and take Furthermore, monitoring the whole man-
necessary actions such as implementing ufacturing process from design stage to the
national policy on disposal of e-waste, final production stage can maintain relevant
forming a legal framework on col- lecting e- quality standards of the final product. Regu-
waste and maintaining a standard- ized lations for licenses or permits can further
national database for the e-waste sector that reg- ulate the manufacturing process. Under
can regulate the e-waste collection mech- these conditions upcycled products with an
anisms. Under these regulations and frame- added value have potential to earn higher
works, we can operate an island wide e- market value while combating the crisis of e-
waste collection network to collect e-waste waste.
for up- cycling.
Upcycling e-waste is a concept, which can
initiate with simple creative and innovative
ideas. But for better sustainable and profit-
able outcomes, advanced technological com- Impact of Upcycling
petencies are essential. Hence, on top of the E-waste
involvement of local educational institutions
and experts, avail collaboration of foreign Upcycling generally refers to the conver-
technologies can overcome technological sion of waste materials to something useful
bar- riers. or valuable. In fact, this concept can address
Sri Lanka can use environmental many environmental and health issues by
diplomacy to attract foreign technological slowing the release of toxic chemicals to the
experts and in- vestors. At present, environment and reducing its impact on the
environmental diplomacy plays a crucial role environment. Therefore, upcycling is indeed
in international relations by addressing issues a sustainable solution for the growing e-
related to environmental security at a waste management problem.
multilateral level. It empowers cooperative Other than environmental and health
negotiations, technological col- laboration, benefits, upcycling can earn many econom-
economic assistance and research among ic benefits. Newly modified e-waste products
states to combat global environmental issues. can meet the needs of various sectors of the
For instance, the United Nations plays a country and as a source of entrepreneurship,
noteworthy role to tackle the transnation- al upcycling will become a solution for unem-
and substantial global problem of e-waste. ployment. Besides, quality upcycled
Global E-waste Statistics Partnership products
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will acquire significant prices in the in- Conclusion

ternational market and attract investment
opportunities. Moreover, when exchang- Upcycling is the process of transform-
ing knowledge between countries, it can ing discarded materials into something
strengthen the cooperation among coun- useful or valuable. Reducing the usage
tries and lead to new inventions for the of new raw materials can lower ener-
betterment of the entire world. gy consumption, pollution, and green-
Furthermore, e-waste management house gas emissions. Developing more
closely relates to the 2030 Agenda for sustainable solutions is an inevitable
Sus- tainable Development. The global priority, given that the presence of
crisis of e-waste poses significant most electrical equipment in every
challenges to the achievement of several home is unavoidable. Upcycling
Sustainable De- velopment Goals such as provides homeowners with tax benefits
SDG 3 on good health and well-being, and a less expensive, more fun option
SDG 6 on clean waste and sanitation, for fur- nishing their homes. In the
SDG 8 on decent work and economic future recy- cling will not be the
growth and SDG 14 on life below water. primary option for e-waste disposal,
Therefore, preparing an appropriate rather it could be one of the last
background for advanc- ing e-waste possibilities for recovering the value of
management through upcy- cling materials. Therefore by Up- cycling e-
strategies is a must because “Failing to waste, the impact of resource
Prepare Is Preparing to Fail” as said by extraction on the environment can be
Benjamin Franklin. reduced.

Image 10: Upcycling is a key to sustainable goals

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GreenInsights eMagazine
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E.A.N.C. Edirisingha
Nisali Edirisinghe is pursuing her BA (Hons) degree in International
Studies at University of Kelaniya. Her main research interests include
sustainable de- velopment, foreign policy, and human rights.

B.S.M. Jayalath
Madara Jayalath is pursuing her BA (Hons) degree in Interna-
tional Studies at University of Kelaniya. She is an active
volun- teer in a number on national and international

Hiruni Himasha
Hiruni Himasha is pursuing her BA (Hons) degree in International
Studies at University of Kelaniya. She is keen on volunteering and her
research interests include human rights, foreign policy and geopolitics.

B.Hiruni Maleesha Ariyarathna

Hiruni Ariyarathna is pursuing her BA (Hons) degree in In-
ternational Studies at University of Kelaniya. Her research
in- terests include geopolitics, foreign policy and human

D.C. Udalagama
Dilini Udalagama is pursuing her BA (Hons) degree in Interna-
tional Studies at University of Kelaniya. Her research interests
in- clude international law, human rights, foreign policy and
sustain- able development.
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