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Name: Zydan Achmad Fauzie

NIM : A93219124
Class : Popular Literature D

Exploring the Enchanting Realm of Fantasy in Wonderland of After Alice

Fantasy literature has always possessed a unique allure, captivating readers with its
ability to transport them to magical realms beyond the confines of reality. Throughout the
ages, numerous authors have endeavored to create fantastical worlds brimming with
imagination and wonder, presenting readers with extraordinary setting and world building,
fantastical characters, mythical creatures, magical forces, and other elements of fantasy
defying the limits of the ordinary. According to Nurgiyantoro, fantasy is a story that shows
character, plot, and theme that the truth is doubtful (Nurgiyantoro, 2010). As a fantasy story,
magical and supernatural elements are the key elements in writing a fantasy story.
Furthemore, unique creatures and imaginary races are created within an imaginary universe
includes its own physical laws and logic (MasterClass, 2021). In other words, it is common to
discover creatures with special characteristics or even having unique personality. Therefore,
this essay examines the fantasy elements portrayed in the characterization and setting of After
Characterization is the act of the author to create and describing characters in
literature. Character’s physical traits as well as the character’s personality are included in the
description of the characterization. Characterization also includes the way that characters act,
think, and speak. Characterization forms the very essence of storytelling, enabling readers to
connect with the narrative on a profound level. In the realm of fantasy, where the rules of
reality are suspended, it is the characters that anchor readers to the story, providing them with
relatable figures amidst fantastical landscapes. Unlike traditional literary works, the
characters in post-"Alice" fantasy literature often possess extraordinary traits, granting them
the ability to transcend the ordinary and navigate the whimsical world they inhabit. Through
skillful characterization, authors bring these exceptional beings to life, endowing them with
depth, flaws, and virtues that resonate with readers' own experiences and emotions.
“She discovered that she was close to a strand. A couple of peculiar-looking
creatures were making their way along the beach, from left to right. A Walrus
walking hand in hand with a laborer of some sort.”
The quoted passage above presents fantasy elements through the characterization of
peculiar-looking creatures, namely a Walrus and a laborer, walking hand in hand along the
beach. This excerpt showcases the incorporation of fantastical elements into the narrative,
adding a touch of whimsy and surrealism to the scene. Firstly, the presence of a Walrus
walking alongside a laborer immediately highlights the blending of the animal and human
world, a common trope in fantasy literature. The juxtaposition of these disparate beings
creates a sense of surprise and intrigue, challenging readers' expectations and drawing them
into a world where the boundaries between species are blurred. It reflects the author's ability
to infuse the ordinary with the extraordinary, giving life to unconventional characters that
exist outside the realm of reality.
The fact that these characters are described as "peculiar-looking" further enhances
their fantastical nature. Their appearance suggests that they are unlike any beings one might
encounter in the real world. Similarly, such physical look never exists in reality. This
description adds an element of the mysterious and invites readers to suspend their disbelief,
accepting the presence of extraordinary creatures as an integral part of the story's fantasy
Additionally, the act of the Walrus and the laborer walking hand in hand signifies an
unexpected unity between different beings, emphasizing the theme of harmony and
cooperation that is often prevalent in fantasy narratives. In reality, human beings do not walk
hand in hand with animals. This unconventional pairing challenges societal norms and
exemplifies the potential for diverse entities to find common ground and work together
towards a shared goal. The imagery of a fantastical creature and a laborer joining forces also
symbolizes the convergence of different worlds and perspectives, suggesting that in the realm
of fantasy, unlikely alliances and collaborations can lead to extraordinary outcomes.
Furthermore, the location of this encounter, the strand, adds a touch of the magical to
the scene. Beaches are often associated with a sense of tranquility and wonder, serving as
portals to both the vastness of the sea and the mysteries of the land. By placing these peculiar
creatures in such a setting, the author creates an atmosphere of enchantment and invites
readers to explore the unknown. The beach acts as a transitional space, a liminal realm where
the fantastical and the ordinary converge, further blurring the boundaries between reality and
The character of the Queen of Hearts also embodies various fantasy elements that
contribute to her larger-than-life persona within the narrative. First and foremost, the Queen
of Hearts represents the archetype of a powerful and unpredictable ruler. In the realm of
fantasy literature, it is not uncommon to encounter characters who possess extraordinary
authority and rule over fantastical realms. The Queen of Hearts reigns supreme in
Wonderland, a whimsical and illogical world where ordinary rules and logic are turned
upside down. Her role as a monarch reinforces the fantastical nature of the story, establishing
her as a figure who wields immense power over the denizens of Wonderland.
The Queen of Hearts in After Alice plays her role as a powerful ruler, her obsession
with beheading, her physical appearance, her volatile temperament, and her ability to shape
the world around her all align with the fantastical tradition of presenting characters who
possess extraordinary qualities and exist outside the boundaries of the ordinary.
The physical appearance of the Queen of Hearts further emphasizes her fantasy
elements. In Gregory’s depiction, she is portrayed as an exaggerated and grotesque figure
with a disproportionately large head. This physical distortion aligns with the fantastical
tradition of presenting characters who possess exaggerated or otherworldly features,
emphasizing their separation from the ordinary. The Queen of Hearts' appearance adds to the
sense of otherness and unorthodoxy within the fantastical realm of Wonderland.
In addition, the Queen of Hearts' temperament and demeanor enhance her fantastical
portrayal. She is known for her impulsive and volatile nature, prone to explosive outbursts
and sudden mood swings. Her emotional instability contributes to the chaotic and
unpredictable nature of the fantasy world she governs. This unpredictability aligns with the
notion that fantasy characters often defy conventional behavior and exist beyond the
constraints of rationality or normalcy.
Lastly, the Queen of Hearts embodies the concept of exaggerated power, exerting
control over not only her subjects but also the very landscape of Wonderland. In the story,
she frequently modifies the rules of the croquet game to suit her whims, illustrating her
ability to shape reality according to her desires. This ability to manipulate the world around
her emphasizes the fantastical nature of her character, reinforcing the idea that fantasy
literature often features characters who possess extraordinary abilities and command over
their environments.
In conclusion, the Wonderland of After Alice presents weird characters that enable
authors to weave intricate narratives and captivate readers with immersive worlds. Their
unconventional appearance, unexpected unity, and the mystical setting of the beach all
contribute to the overall atmosphere of enchantment and whimsy. By crafting unique
characters and fantastical setting, this fantasy story explores the human condition and
provoke contemplation, transcending the boundaries of reality and ushering readers into the
realm of the extraordinary. In other words, through the unity of these fantastical elements and
the characterization, the author transports readers into a world where imagination reigns,
inviting them to embrace the extraordinary and venture beyond the confines of reality. After
Alice has shown that the magic of fantasy lies not only in the whimsical landscapes but also
in the hearts and minds of the characters who inhabit them.
MasterClass. (2021, October 02). What is the fantasy genre ? History of fantasy and subgenres and
types of fantasy in literature. Retrieved from

Nurgiyantoro, B. (2010). Sastra Anak: Pengantar Pemahaman Dunia Anak. Yogyakarta: Gajahmada
University Press.

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