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Digital marketing objectives

Hours Online Channels Used Reason for Using Device Type Content Types
Channel for Purchase

06:00-08:00 News websites, Morning updates Mobile/Tablet News articles,

Email & Checking Email
promotions/offers Promotions
08:00-12:00 Search engines , Research & Computer Product
Online stores shopping for reviews, Blogs,
upcoming Videos
12:00-14:00 Social Media, Lunch break Mobile/Tablet Short videos,
Streaming entertainment Stories
14:00-17:00 Search engines, Deep diving into Computer/Tablet User reviews,
Review sites product reviews Comparison
17:00-20:00 Social Media, Connecting with Mobile Posts, Stories,
Chat apps friends and Chat messages
20:00-23:00 Streaming Relaxation & Tablet/Computer Movies, Series,
platforms, Exploring hobbies Forum threads

SMART Objectives:
S (Specific): Increase online sales by 20% within the next 6 months.
M (Measurable): Track monthly sales figures through the company's e-
commerce platform and analytics tool.
A (Achievable): By allocating additional budget to digital marketing efforts,
enhancing the user experience on the website, and rolling out promotions
targeting existing customers.
R (Relevant): Increasing online sales aligns with the organization's goal of
expanding its digital footprint and capitalizing on e-commerce trends.
T (Time-bound): The goal is set to be achieved within a 6 month period.
Achieving SMART Objectives through Digital Marketing:
By understanding our customers' digital touchpoints, we can refine our digital
marketing strategies to be more impactful. Targeting users when they are
researching their purchase using search engine marketing and retargeting can
drive conversions. Content marketing, like product reviews and blogs, can be
promoted during peak research hours. Enhancing the website's UX can further
smooth the buyer's journey. Additionally, leveraging email marketing,
especially in the morning when they check for offers, can be beneficial.
Achieving our SMART objective of a 20% increase in online sales within 6
months becomes feasible by effectively combining these digital strategies.

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