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To investigate the impact of hybrid work and Covid 19 pandemic on women

entrepreneurs in Gauteng Province

According to (Sameera, 2022) The corona virus known as Covid 19 originated in Wuhan ,
China in December 2019 and it spread rapidly worldwide, claiming the lives of soo many
people both the old and young . There were restrictions on movement of citizens therefore
people had to stay at home and this affected a lot of businesses throughout the universe
including South African women owned businesses .

Statistics also shows that women entrepreneurs make up to 52% of the population with the
largest ethnic group of women owned businesses being classified as black women. Due to
the covid 19 , women entrepreneurs have been affected and faced challenges such as
financial , mental health stability , decrease in consumer demands , worker support.

According to Kinos (6) , 90% of women owned small businesses in South Africa experienced
a decline in sales due to the lockdown as the regulations severely impacted the cash flows
of women owned businesses as they could not survive due to lack of sales .

After the covid 19 pandemic most people are still working from home and most organisations
introduced hybrid . According to (ILO , 2021) 17,4% of the global workforce was working
from home but not every industry is suitable for working from home . However if we look at
most women owned businesses they do rely on walk ins and would not survive with work
from home especially when they are doing business with some government institutions.

The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the already high costing trend towards working
from home and most organisations were forced to adopt home working without being fully
prepared for the transition .

This can be achieved by encouraging the government to come up with initiatives to assist
the women owned businesses whose business were affected by the covid pandemic and
also to sensitise them on working from home and how this can also help their businesses
grow as they will in some instances do away with paying rent for premises .

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