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Salvadora, Maribeth T.

Tatac, Andrelaine

Victorino, Andre

Sarate, Govind


Political science is a program under the College of Arts and Sciences that studies
systems that people built in the past until the modern era to mobilize people within a
society or nation. Here are the jobs that you can pursue with a political science degree:

Public Administration/Administrator: A public administrator is the individual or group

of persons who are assigned to implement public policy (like laws, institutionalized
proposals, actions, or guidelines) to overlook or manage, distribute resources, and
serve the people within a nation or some parts of it.

Historians: Historians do research, examine, document, and interpret the past as it is

presented in sources like unpublished manuscripts like personal diaries and letters,
government and institutional documents, newspapers and other publications,
photographs, interviews, films, and electronic media.

Political analyst: Political analysts study how political systems originate, develop, and
operate. They research and analyze governments, political ideas, policies, political
trends, and future relations.

Police Officer: A police officer ensures the safety of civilians while often being
proactive in crime prevention. They are often the first to arrive on the scene in an
emergency and administer first aid if necessary. A police officer collects information
from witnesses and properly logs any evidence found.
Entrepreneur: An entrepreneur sets the direction and establishes the desired image for
the business, seeking new directions and ways to improve and grow the company.
Overseeing financial records and taking action, such as securing a new line of credit, to
handle unforeseen events.

Public Policy Analyst: A public policy analyst's main role is to research, analyze
policies, and propose solutions to social issues. In the possible solutions proposed by
this job, they aspire to influence government action and contribute meaningfully to the
community, as they are also part of the policy-making process.

Journalist: A journalist is a professional who gathers, investigates, and presents news

and information to the public through various mediums like newspapers, magazines,
television, radio, and the internet. They play a crucial role in disseminating accurate and
timely information. Their responsibilities include conducting interviews, researching,
attending events, verifying sources' authenticity and credibility, and analyzing data or
events to provide context and a deeper understanding of the news.

Firefighter (Bureau of fire protection): The Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) is

responsible for the prevention and suppression of all destructive fires in buildings,
houses and other structures, forests, land transportation vehicles and equipment, ships
or vessels docked at piers or wharves or anchored.

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