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What Does It Mean When

You Have Dreams About

by Kathy Freeman 2 years ago

Have you been dreaming about breaking

up recently? Is breaking up with your
signi;cant other something that’s been on
your mind?

If it is, don’t be surprised that the thought

also appears in your dreams.

But if you’re happily in love with your

partner and these dreams start popping
up while you sleep, what could they
possibly be telling you?

What Do Your Dreams

About Breaking Up
When you start having dreams about
breaking up, it usually means that you
have something in your life that you need
to let go of.

It’s something that you ;nd hard to let go

of or part with, such as an unhealthy
habit, a toxic lover, or a thankless job.

It can even be something material, like

your unhealthy and expensive obsession
with toys, or your addiction to shopping,
or your desire to be the center of attention
all the time.

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When you dream about your signi;cant

other breaking up with you, it signi;es
that your relationship with this person is
strong and stable enough to move to the
next level.

In a symbolic way, it’s a kind of end for

something because you are leaving
something behind and moving forward to
something new and exciting.

Breakup dreams are not a bad sign. They

don’t mean that you and your partner will
soon be parting ways because the
relationship is no longer working out.

It’s actually quite the opposite. The

relationship is ready to grow and evolve,
so changes should also be made.

When you dream about having a big ;ght

with your signi;cant other that it looks
like you’ll be calling it quits but you still
chose to say, it signi;es that you are in a
state of denial.

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Your mind may still not be ready to accept

the fact that the relationship is over, and
that you should be on your way to healing
and moving on already.

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Other Interpretations of
Dreams About Breaking
If the breakup in your dreams was sad
and traumatizing, it will de;nitely feel like
it’s the end of the world when you think
about it after waking up.

However, it only indicates that your

relationship is just going through a rough

Things may not be going so fabulously

between you and the person you love, but
it doesn’t mean that you should walk out
on each other and just break up.

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The fact that you were so sad and

heartbroken about the breakup in your
dream means that you don’t really want it
to end.

You may see a breakup in your future, but

this only means that you need to work
harder at ;ghting for what you want and
trying your hardest to work things out.

However, you can’t make a relationship

work if you’re on your own. You need to
make sure that your partner is on board
with the idea of ;ghting for your love.

Dreams about breaking up with someone

and feeling happy or relieved about it
implies that you may need to work on
your relationship to bring back the
passion and excitement.

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Dreams About Tornadoes?

Even though the events from the real

world don’t carry over very well in the
dream world, your emotions can still
come across very clearly.

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If you felt good and con;dent about

breaking up in your dream, it signi;es that
you will feel the same way the same when
you do it in real life.

You are ready to move on and hopeful

that you will ;nd a better love. But only if
your past love treated you badly and didn’t
deserve someone as wonderful as you.

If you broke up with your lover in your

dream and they seem to be taking it very
well, it may indicate that you need to take
some time out from dating or from being
in relationships.

It’s the perfect time to be single and do

your own thing. You will be much happier,
peaceful, and ful;lled this way.

Dreams About Breaking

Up: What Else Can They
Dreams that show you initiating the
breakup signify that you should end a
relationship with someone who’s close to

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The person you’re breaking up with in

your dreams is usually not the same
person that you should sever ties with in
real life.

More often than not, it’s often someone

who’s being a negative inKuence on you,
and you should avoid them as much as

If someone breaks up with you in your

dream, it means that you feel unworthy of
their love or inadequate to be the person
to give them love.

It serves as a warning for you, or it can be

your cue to be more loving and self-
assured in your relationship.

More Interpretations of
Dreams About Breaking
If you dreamed about ‘breaking up’ with
all your ill-wishers, it’s a very promising
sign that you will succeed in your future

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If the breakup in your dream was between

you and a friend that’s close to you, and
your friendship with this person is also
experiencing troubles in real life, it means
that you will soon be meeting an
authoritative ;gure on whom your
success will depend.

If your dreams about breaking up feature

a husband and a wife, it signi;es that you
soul is deeply distressed.

You want to release yourself from the

restraints and break free from the
responsibilities so that you will no longer
be anyone’s puppet.

If you are overcome with sadness and

regret that’s so vivid it almost feels real, it
means that bright and beautiful things are
waiting for you.

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If you dream about breaking up with your

spouse, it symbolizes issues in your
marriage that you don’t want to talk

Even if your marriage seems solid and

stable, you still can’t help but wonder if it
truly is.

Dreams about breaking up give you the

opportunity to focus on unseen problems
in your marriage and to improve
yourselves to be better partners to one

If a woman dreams about breaking up

with her partner, it signi;es that their love
in real life is growing stronger and deeper.

It also means that you’re falling deeper in

love and ;nding each other more and
more attractive.

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A dream about breaking up with a

girlfriend or a wife is a positive sign. In
real life, the relationship will overcome its
struggles and both man and woman will
enjoy a closer and more intimate

If you dream about breaking up with

someone you recently had a nasty ;ght
with, the message it wants to convey to
you is that you honestly miss them and
want to patch things up with them.

If you dream about breaking up with

someone you loved in the past, it signi;es
that you still have feelings for them, but
you can no longer be together in real life.

What Else Do You Need

to Know Regarding
Dreams About Breaking
If you dream about a breakup with an ex,
it means that your subconscious is still
healing from the painful memories. You
may also still refuse to believe that those
painful things ever happened.

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If you see yourself breaking up with

someone you are currently in a
relationship with, it indicates that things
are a little bumpy between the two of you.

This dream does not mean you should

walk out and call the whole thing off. If
you felt heartbroken after the breakup in
your dream, it means that you want to
make your real relationship work.

If you break up with your partner in your

dream and you felt happy, it’s a sign that
there are real issues to be dealt with.

Your subconscious is telling you to be

mature in your relationship and stop
running away from the problems. Your
dreams are not the most credible source
to base your decisions on.

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But knowing that you feel good about

your decision, even in your dreams, may
be something that you should consider.

Take a break and let go of what stresses

you so that you can discover your true
and best self.

If you dream about your partner breaking

up with you in your dream, it signi;es that
there’s a part of yourself which you must
part with.

Dreams About Breaking

Up Further Explained
Dreams about breakups that already
happened can signify your current
emotional healing process. They help you
come to terms with what happened in the

If you dream about a past breakup, it will

be helpful to focus on what’s going on in
your life that can be related to that

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Dreams about breaking up with your

partner may represent your desire to be
free, to work through your issues, and to
be free from the heartache.

If you’ve never been in a serious

relationship, dreaming about a breakup
may signify your fears about being a
failure or being abandoned by the person
you love.

Dreams about breaking up can also

signify separating two aspects of yourself
that are no longer working harmoniously.

It can symbolize losing interest on

something at work, with someone dear to
you, or with someone you’re in a
relationship with.

It may also represent your need to

establish stronger boundaries between
two areas of your life, like your personal
and professional life, or your friends and

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Final Thoughts on
Dreams About Breaking
Dreams about breaking up can be a pretty
harrowing, especially if you’re happy in
your relationship or if you’re looking to be
in one.

However, the hidden signi;cance of

breakup dreams is not as awful as it

Breakups in your dream simply want you

to stop and see the big picture. There are
many things to consider, so give the issue
the proper thought that it deserves.

Maybe it’s time to accept the fact that you

and this person are never going to be
friends. Perhaps it’s time to seriously
think about what you want to do in your

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Maybe it’s time to move to a different city

and expand your world. Whatever
decision you come to should be done
with careful thought and consideration.

Dreams about breaking up can also

simply be a projection of your fears and
anxieties regarding relationships.

They don’t always pertain to relationships

of a romantic nature, though. When you
are fearful in your relationship, you will
always have dreams that depict you as
weak and fragile.

Dreams about breakups also signify that

there are certain things in your life which
you need to stay away from.

Considering the meaning of this dream is

crucial for your own growth. It will also
help you detach yourself from anything
that can harm your reputation.

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