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Assignment 4

A three phase inverter with 180 degrees’ conduction

pattern has a star connected load of R=5 Ω &L=23 mH.
Inverter frequency is 50 Hz & input dc voltage is 220 V.
(a) Write the Fourier expression for Vbc (t) & Ib (t).
Determine (b) R.M.S. line & phase voltages, (c) R.M.S.
fundamental line & phase voltages, (d) THD, (e) load
power, (f) average & R.M.S. transistor current

Assignment 5

Explain with the help of circuit diagram & waveform, the

operation of a three phase bidirectional ac voltage
controller for a resistive load & for a firing angle delay
of 60 degrees. Derive the expression for R.M.S. value of
Vbn and determine its value if input line voltage is 240 V.

Assignment 6

Develop the Block diagram of a separately excited DC

motor. Develop the transfer function relating armature
input voltage & speed.

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