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The genre of the flyer and menu adjunctly provides the staff and students of Hispanic

descent with a place of vague familiarity. This comforting environment allows La Taqueria
Internacional to obtain business by reaching into the core values of its student-based audience.
This flyer has been distributed as of the year 2023 starting prior to the opening of the new
restaurant in the Student Center of Texas A & M International University (TAMIU).
This flyer was written to serve people looking for comfort away from home in their journey to
foster independence. This genre does so by giving affordable food items in English and Spanish
to maintain cultural identity, a speech bubble that promotes self-advocacy, and open times to
promote independence in the college environment.

Spanish and English are key to the heart of La Taqueria Internacional’s audience. The
dishes are catered to a Hispanic audience and increase the comfortability of its target consumers.
By utilizing a familiar dialect it creates a home-like nuance in print. Without this mindfulness in
linguistic choice, there would be a lack of connectivity to the Mexican-American culture in
TAMIU. This university is placed in the heart of a large Hispanic population by the U.S. and
Mexico border. Therefore, the menu item “Potato a la Mexicana” showcases the usage of
Spanish to relay the name of a dish to its Hispanic audience in their native tongue. Thus,
showing a knowledge of local cuisine and a full commitment to the authentic representation of
Mexican-American food.

Moreover, the general times stated of operation appeal to not only Hispanics but all of the
students at TAMIU. The “10:30 AM-3 PM” & “Monday-Friday” times correlate with peak
class/break times for university students at TAMIU. This subconsciously forces the skill of time
management to be fostered while maintaining reasonable business hours. This evidence
showcases the times of a normal school day promoting urgency to go during breaks while
staying laid back and allowing the students to actively choose what fits their schedule best. This
allows themes of self-discovery and independence to take root in the lives of the students.
Therefore, the growth of the Hispanic group personally in their time management skills and
sense of cultural ownership will be developed enough for them to be successful and take
initiative in their future career paths.

The speech bubble portion of the advert communicates with the audience a sense of trust.
In a college environment where everything is unfamiliar having the sense of self-advocacy is
new for the incoming freshman class. In this particular flyer, there is an emphasis on the
consumer utilizing this right to inform the restaurant in an equitable consumer/provider
relationship. This is conveyed through a speech bubble that inscribes, “We Hear You!” Having
the audience heard is important to the business ensuring pleased customers and for the college
community to feel a part of this “home away from home.”

In Conclusion, the flyer/menu genre takes an alienated audience and makes them feel
comfortable enough to be independent while maintaining their cultural identity. This self-growth
and preservation is executed by providing Hispanic cuisine to a population that struggles to feel
independent and provides a sense of self within an unfamiliar college environment. The menu
utilizes food and keywords that foster key cultural components of the sub-group to be celebrated
and normalized. The importance of the flyer/ menu genre is vital to prompt comfort in
independence and to take initiative. La Taqueria Internacional embraces the Hispanic cuisine
culture. Food shares history and history shares perspective on a certain sub-group's ideologies.
This newfound understanding facilitates connectivity between cultures here at TAMIU. The
implications of sharing culture are the allowance of individuals to grow even when there are
people who don’t fully participate in that environment on a day-to-day. The exposure of the
cultural sub-group in the student population benefits the overall well-being and growth of all the
students. Expanding social awareness of all students and adding perspective for the rest of the
population while maintaining connection with its Hispanic students and staff.

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