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Q1: Famous for their seeksucker suits, these New York brothers made the frock coat Lincoln

wore to Ford's Theatre?

The crrect Answer is: the Brooks Brothers

Q2: In 1793 he wrote, "My country has in its wisdom contrived for me, the most
insignificant office"?

The crrect Answer is: (Vice President) John Adams

Q3: On the field in this sport, Mia Hamm eggs on her teammates?

The crrect Answer is: Soccer

Q4: "Horst Q. Limpit died aged 97 of athlete's foot", begins this type of article?

The crrect Answer is: obituary

Q5: You'll find this city's wax museum near the rock where the Pilgrims disembarked?

The crrect Answer is: Plymouth

Q6: Italy's longest river?

The crrect Answer is: Po

Q7: Intensive care is also called this "care", like the condition patients may be in?

The crrect Answer is: critical

Q8: Greenland has two official languages: Greenlandic & this?

The crrect Answer is: Danish

Q9: Riding without a saddle?

The crrect Answer is: bareback

Q10: In a 1900 book, he joins 3 others (& a dog) after noting his "life is simply unbearable
without a bit of courage"?

The crrect Answer is: the Cowardly Lion

Q11: Over half the population of this Malaysian capital is of Chinese ethnicity?

The crrect Answer is: Kuala Lumpur

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