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(ASTM D36/D36M-14)

1. Purpose:
a. To obtain softening point of bitumen.

2. Operating Instructions:
a. Plug in the power wire and switch on the apparatus.
b. Place the sample in ring assembly and set the knob for
required rate of heating.
c. Record for each ring and ball the temperature indicated by the
thermometer at the instant the bitumen surrounding the ball
touches the bottom plate.
d. If the difference between the two temperatures exceeds 1°C,
repeat the test.
e. If test must be repeated later, don’t reheat the sample; use a
fresh sample in a clean container to prepare new test

3. Maintenance Instructions/Precautions:
a. Properly clean apparatus before and after every test by
removing residuals of samples.

b. To prevent adhesion of bitumen to the pouring plate, the

surface of brass pouring plate may be thinly coated just before
use with silicone oil or grease, a mixture of glycerin, talc or
china clay.

4. Last Calibration: July 2023

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