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Republic of the Philippines

Schools Division of Ilocos Sur

Fourth Quarter Examination
Date: June 29-30, 2023
I. Listening
Directions: Listen carefully as your teacher reads the text twice then answer the following questions.
1. Which part of Luzon is Baguio?
a. Western b. Northern c. Eastern d. Southern
2. What does Bagiw in Ibaloi mean?
a. cold b. mountainous c. high d. moss
3. What plants are conducive to Baguio’s climate?
a. sunflowers and daisies c. tropical pine trees, mossy plants, and orchids
b. water lilies and lilacs d. tamarinds, guava, and mango trees
4. According to the text, Baguio is considered as the ______________________ of Cordillera Region.
a. seat of prosperity b. seat of allegiance c. seat of harmony d. seat of government
II. Spelling
Directions: Identify the correct spelling of the following describing words. Choose the letter of your
answer then write it on your answer sheet.
5. a. miticoulous b. meticulous c. metticulus d. meticculous
6. a. corageuos b. couraegious c. courageous d. cuoragious
7. a. arteaculate b. articullate c. articulite d. articulate
8. a. dauntless b. dountless c. dontless d. doughntless
9. a. compasionate b. compacionate c. compassionate d. compascionate
III. Grammar
A. Directions: Choose the letter of your answer and write it on your answer sheet.
10. Which concept below refers to the organizing of ideas in a logical and clear manner to suit the writer’s
a. coherence b. idea development c. grammatical signals d. pattern of idea development
11. Apart from using, determiners, repetition, transitional devices, which below can be used to achieve
a. claim b. idea development c. grammatical signals d. pattern of idea development
12. What pattern of idea development discusses the general topic by elaborating it using specific details?
a. cause-and-effect b. general-to-particular c. claim-counterclaim d. problem-solution
13. What pattern of idea development is used to present an action that can be taken to address an identified
concern or issue?
a. cause-and-effect b. claim-counterclaim c. problem-solution d. general-to-particular
14. What pattern of idea development is based on opinions and emotions that aim to convince the readers to
do or believe in something?
a. claim-counterclaim b. persuasion c. cause-and-effect d. problem-solution
15. What pattern of idea development explains the reasons and results of something?
a. persuasion b. cause and effect c. claim-counterclaim d. problem-solution
16. Which among the grammatical signals below is appropriate for problem-solution pattern of idea
a. one way b. specifically c. as a result d. with these reasons
17. What grammatical signals are appropriate to complete the paragraph below?
Unable to fall asleep is frustrating. However, you can fall asleep faster through these ways. _________ is
listening to relaxing music. Playing this type of music helps you have a restful and deeper sleep compared to
someone who doesn’t listen to music. _____________ is by keeping the lights off. Keeping the room dark
when going to bed helps you sleep. ___________, avoid using gadgets during bedtime. The blue light from
gadgets blocks the production of melatonin, the hormone that makes you sleepy. To sum up, these are some
ways to help you easily fall asleep.
a. another way, one way, lastly b. this way, then, furthermore
b. lastly, however, another d. one way, another way, lastly
18. What pattern of idea development is used in the paragraph below?
Other people say that the tobacco industry helps our economy; however, cigarettes still bring a lot of
problems. First, the smoke from cigarettes is harmful to the health of both smokers and non-smokers. It is
known to be the leading cause of lung cancer which may result to death. Second, it contributes to air
pollution. Despite it boosting our economy, I strongly believe that the mentioned negative effects are more
valid for people to stop consuming cigarettes.
a. cause-and-effect b. general-to-particular c. claim-counterclaim d. persuasion
19. What pattern of idea development is used in the paragraph below?
Generations are classified into different groups. Baby boomers are born from the year 1946 to 1964.
They're currently 56-74 years old. Generation X is another group that is born from the year 1965 to 1980.
People in this generation are currently 40-55 years old. Generation Y or Millennials are those who are born
from the year 1980 to 1995. They are currently 24-39 years old. Lastly, Generation Z is the newest
generation being named. People in this generation are born from the year 1996 to 2015. They are currently
5-24 years old. They are currently 5-24 years old. People do come from different generations. The
difference in the different generation is not only evident in these terminologies but also in the way they see,
do and accomplish things. Thus, this classification is often used to capture patterns of behavior of people
belonging to the same generation.
a. cause-and-effect b. general-to-particular c. claim-counterclaim d. persuasion
20. Which grammatical pattern is suited in developing the idea, “Global warming is the biggest enemy that
the humankind is facing today, but there are many ways to combat this problem”?
a. cause-and effect b. problem-solution c. general-to-particular d. persuasion
21. What is the subject in the sentence, “The necklace that my father gave is so valuable to me”?
a. my father b. the necklace c. is d. valuable
22. What is the verb used in the sentence, “My friend talks a lot about her trip to Hawaii.”?
a. my friend b. her trip c. talks d. to Hawaii
23. What rule on subject-verb agreement is used in the sentence, “Trees give off oxygen that our body
a. Compound subject joins by and takes a plural verb.
b. Words such as together with, including, as well us, do not affect the number of subjects.
c. A singular subject takes a singular verb.
d. A plural subject takes a plural verb.
B. Directions: Read and analyze the given sentences then identify which does NOT follow correct
subject-verb agreement.

24. a. Samantha loves travelling.

b. She writes a song for her mother.
c. Amanda and Bernice joins the competition.
d. All of the students attend the mass.
25. a. Camille, together with her siblings, prepares a party for their parents.
b. A number of students listen attentively to the speaker.
c. The Princess and the Pauper is fun to watch.
d. The number of dropouts decrease.
26. a. The apples that she bought are sweet.
b. Two cups of flour is needed in baking the cake.
c. The parents, not the child, is missing.
d. My father and confidant help me a lot.
27. a. She wish to work in Paris and be a well-known fashion designer
b. The principal, including the teachers, celebrates the founding anniversary of the school.
c. The team works hard to win.
d. Every man and woman deserves happiness.
28. a. Each official and candidate of the prestigious pageant was warmly welcomed.
b. The number of suicides among youth is very alarming.
c. His performance amaze the judges.
d. The policemen help in maintaining the peace and order of the barangay.
C. Directions: Choose the correct verb to complete the sentence. Write the letter of your answer on
your answer sheet.
29. The singer, along with the other musicians, ___________ harmonica on stage.
a. play b. playing c. plays d. have played
30. The books borrowed from the library ______________ on my desk.
a. is b. are c. has been d. was
31. The news on the progress of our economy ______ joy and hope to the people.
a. brings b. bring c. bringing d. have brought
32. The students, not the teacher, ________ the meeting.
a. has attended b. attends c. attend d. were attended
33. Someone ________ to talk to you about your recent achievement.
a. want b. wants c. was d. were
34. Ten bags of cement ___________needed in constructing the comfort room.
a. is b. has c. have b. are
35. Either Melissa or her brothers _______ to buy a house for their parents.
a. plans b. are planning c. is planning d. has planned
D. Directions: Identify the type of adjective underlined in the following sentences. Write the letter of
your answer.

a. descriptive b. ordinal c. cardinal d. adjectival noun e. participial f. proper noun

36. He bought an expensive car for his parents.

37. In the fifteenth century in Germany, Gutenberg invented a printing press.
38. The invention of modern paper was a Chinese contribution.
39. Most rolls were six meters in length.
40. The printing press is a big help to the publishing company.
E. Identify which series of adjectives is arranged correctly. Choose and write the letter of your
41. a. a washing new wonderful powder 43. a. a huge teddy purple bear
b. a new wonderful washing powder b. a huge purple teddy bear
c. a wonderful new washing powder c. a purple huge teddy bear

42. a. Taiwanese high-quality computer chips 44. a. ten fresh large red apples
b. high-quality Taiwanese computer chips b. ten fresh red large apples
c. high-quality computer Taiwanese chips c. ten red large fresh apples
45. a. a new yellow big house
b. a yellow big new house
c. a big new yellow house

IV. Reading Comprehension

Directions: Read the text in the box then answer the following questions. Write the letter of your
answer on your answer sheet.

Unique to Palawan is its megadiversity. For a long time, Palawan’s bountiful resources, abundant wildlife
and extraordinary natural beauty are known only to the many ethnic communities that thrive in these
islands and a few other daring settlers who wanted to live in unpolluted surroundings. The island-province
first attracted foreign attention in the 1970’s when it became a United Nations Vietnamese Refugee Center.
At this time, a disturbance in Kenya also saw the transport of endangered animals from its savannas to the
plains of Calauit Island. However, it was only a sea accident in 1979 that eventually led to the opening of
Palawan into tourism big time. As the story goes, a tuna line disabled a dive boat’s propeller in the middle
of the night forcing it to drop anchor in an inlet. The following morning, the divers woke up to an amazing
scenery of skyscraping dark cliffs, thick green forest, white-sand beach, sparkling water and, rising above
it, a series of magnificently sculpted jade island. And thus how El Nido was discovered.

46. What happened to Palawan during the 1970’s?

a. It became the eighth wonder of the world.
b. A famous Hollywood film was shot in one of its islands.
c. It became a United Nations Vietnamese Refugee Center.
d. A war broke out.
47. Which country transported their endangered animals to Calauit Island?
a. China b. Congo c. Vietnam d. Kenya
48. How was El Nido discovered?
a. A tuna line disabled a dive boat’s propeller in the middle of the night forcing it to drop anchor in an
b. A group of tourists got lost in the island which led them to El Nido.
c. It was a secret hiding place of guerillas which was revealed when they were found out
d. A group of mountain climbers spotted it one night.
49. What does make Palawan special?
a. its location b. its people c. its food d. its thriving megadiversity
50. What is the main theme of the text?
a. describing Palawan c. Palawan and its megadiversity
b. History of Palawan d. The wonder spots of Palawan

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