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Based on the journal article

1. Suggest ONE (1) functional food and state its type of functional food.

According to the journal study, barley is one of the functional foods. When it comes to
the type of functional food that it is, it may be classified as a fiber-rich food. This is due
to the fact that barley is the most widely eaten whole grain in the world. Among the many
fibers found in barley are beta glucans, which have been proven to lower blood sugar
levels and lessen the chance of developing type 2 diabetes in research.

2. Describe its beneficial effects on human health.

Our findings revealed that BIF, like BSF, was effective in lowering blood total
triglycerides and LDL-C in the normal state. Although there have been few studies on
insoluble fibre, a long-term research on obese mice has shown that insoluble oat fibre
can promote fatty acid oxidation in the liver, which is distinct from guargum, a soluble
fibre that acts by increasing the formation of SCFAs. HDL-C is commonly referred to as
"good cholesterol," and it plays a critical function in the removal of cholesterol from the
body. Although the significance of HDL-C in diabetes is uncertain, low serum HDL-C
has been linked to increased liver stiffness in diabetic participants, and insulin therapy
increased HDL2-C (a subspecies of HDL-C) levels in type 2 diabetes patients as
compared to those who did not get insulin treatment.

BSF and BIF treatments were shown to prevent the increase of ALT, a frequent and
reliable sign of liver damage.Several mechanisms might be at work. To begin with, the
attenuated T2D state, as evidenced by lower FBG, may alleviate liver dysfunction. T2D
is a risk factor for accelerating the course of liver disease in non-alcoholic fatty liver
disease, which is defined by increased hepatic fat deposit, according to a new meta-
analysis research. Second, barley fibre consumption may have direct impacts on hepatic
lipids, resulting in a healed liver. Despite the fact that we did not test hepatic lipids in
this investigation, a large number of studies have shown the benefits of dietary fibre in
preventing fat accumulation in the liver. Furthermore, we discovered that BSF and BIF
treatments restored albumin levels and decreased MDA levels in diabetic patients’
serum, implying better liver production and oxidative state. Butyric acid has been shown
in animal experiments to increase insulin sensitivity via regulating histone deacetylase
activity, increasing energy expenditure, and inducing mitochondrial function.
3. Discuss how this functional food affect blood glucose level.

In the study, the 4-week treatment of insoluble fiber (BIF) and soluble fiber (BSF) in
barley effectively reduced blood glucose level in the diabetic. BSF improve caecal
level of butyric acid and also insulin sensitivity whereas BIF increases with caecal
level of propionic acid and minor SCFAs. There are two different mechanisms exist
during the fermentation in the gut for two barley fiber (BIF and BSF). The butyric
acid could increase insulin sensitivity by regulating the activity of histone
deacetylases, increasing energy expenditure, and inducing mitochondrial function.
Therefore, high viscosity of the fiber to reduce the absorption of nutrients is triggered
when there is an increase of insulin sensitivity by butyric acid as a signal. However, a
greater caecal levels of isobutyric and isovaleric acids could be treated with BIF. This
is because the isobutyric and isovaleric acids are produced from protein by gut
microbiota which could indicate BIF treatment causes more protein reaching the
caecum. In short, the positive effects were found when the mixture of dietary fibers in
barley reached the gut, stimulating the increase of good bacteria and the release of
important hormones. Thus, this could help to prevent or reduce the occurrence of

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