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Topic:Write about something that happened to you that

taught you a lesson

I am a curious person. I love discovering many things. I
sometimes open radio or TV to look what is in them. I do many
exercises to know how the radio can run. Moreover, I am very
fascinated in motorbike. I also do the same thing as radio. I open
and check it. I learn more about the design and running
principle. It’s very interesting.
Everything had been good until a problem I got.I damaged my
dad’s motor.One day, I had a day off and decided to open my
dad’s motor. Because I wanted to practise repairing motor.I
opened the shell first.It was so easy. After that, I opened the
engine slowly and looked throughly. I was very happy because it
was the first time I really looked inside the motor clearly. While
I was looking details passionately, my dad appeared. He asked
me to reassemble all components to become a fully motor as
soon as possible. Because he wanted to ride it for work. He
looked so hurry. I reassembled the engine hastily. But it was
more difficult than I thought. I had to put the components in
right positions. For a long time, I put almost things in right
place. But there was still a bolt on the floor. I didn’t know where
I should put it in engine. Unfortunately, when I started, the motor
couldn’t run. At that time, I was very worry. Because my dad was
very angry me. I was afraid of being beated. I decided to reopen
the and checked the motor again. It took 30 minutes to do
that.ofcouse he missed his work. While looking for mistakes, I
found an empty place that fitted with the bolt. I was happy and
reassembled immediately. Finally, the motor ran normally. I
appologized to my dad. But he didn’t said more and took it and
ran as fast as he could. I thought I made a mistake.
I regretted about my dad’s missing work. Had I not damaged the
motor, my dad wouldn’t have missed his work. I thought
shouldn’t do that any more before having knowledge about it. I
read materials about repairing motor and then I practised what I
had learnt. Day by day, my level was improved. Now, I can repair
the motors and earn money from running a mini repairing
service.Althought it is very small.

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